"That's not true. Now is a society ruled by law. I believe Mr. Cheng is a good citizen who abides by the law!" Shen Zhi sat down with neither humble nor overbearing, picked up his teacup and drank it down in one gulp.

If he really wanted her life, he wouldn't have waited until now. What's more, she had no grudge with Master Cheng himself, and he had no reason to hurt her life.

Master Cheng raised his eyes, looked at Shen Zhiyi again full of probing and playfulness, with a hidden smile still on his face, "It really is the grandson-in-law of He's parents, with courage and courage!"

"Master Cheng's praise, it's just..." Shen Zhiyi paused, his eyes sharpened suddenly, "I have no grievances with you, I don't know where I offended you, let you make things difficult for me again and again! Make things difficult for me friend!"

Master Cheng sipped his tea with a calm expression, "You didn't offend me, but President He doesn't have to be. If he can hurt my son, I can hurt you. We are just a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye That's all!"

Shen Zhiyi looked at him, and snorted slightly, "Master Cheng, where is your logic? Mr. He and I have long since divorced, and we didn't even say hello when we met on the street. Don't you think revenge is the wrong person? ? If you want revenge, you can go to him directly. I am an innocent stranger who was implicated. This is really ridiculous!"

Master Cheng shook his head and said with a smile, "Whether it's a stranger or not, it's not up to you alone, right Mr. He?"

Shen Zhixin raised it abruptly, then turned his head the next second, and there really was He Jingyao standing behind him.

I don't know when he came, but she believes that the purpose of coming is the same as hers.

"Mr. He, I'll wait for you, sit down!"

"People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves, I just made the choice that everyone would make!"

He Jingyao was also staring at the glass of water, and gradually clenched his big palms, the sharp fingertips seemed to be embedded in the flesh.

Master Cheng raised his eyebrows, still smiling, "Oh? Irrelevant? Isn't Ms. Shen your ex-wife? Since they lived together, it's not irrelevant!"

Shen Zhi was so angry that he dropped a teacup, "Bah! Who cares, let me tell you, even if you cry and kneel on the ground begging me, I will never forgive you again!"

"Didn't you two keep saying that you have nothing to do with each other just now? It's useless to just say it, it's up to you, come on, let me give you an idea!" Master Cheng clapped his hands, and brought up a white porcelain cup filled with liquid .

Master Cheng rubbed his forehead with a big head, "Okay, can you two be quiet, this is not a place for you to deal with housework!"

He Jingyao and Shen Zhiyi glanced at each other, the former's dark eyes were cold, while the latter was nervous and helpless.

Shen Zhiyi was stunned, staring dryly, his mind went blank.

"Master Cheng, tell me, I believed him so much at the beginning, and treated him wholeheartedly, but he actually played tricks on me. How can there be such a bastard man in the world? I hate him to death, and I don't want to see him again!"

He Jingyao, he actually...

Shen Zhiyi stared at the glass of water, his mind was in a mess.

As he said that, Shen Zhiyi wanted to rush forward to slap He Jingyao, but Master Cheng slammed the table down, "Have you done enough acting?"

"three two……"

Master Cheng also poured him a cup of tea, "Why is Mr. He so interested in coming to the humble house today?"

Master Cheng applauded, "That's right, no wonder Mr. He was able to send the He Group to the pyramid in such a short period of time. All young people have to learn from being cruel."

He Jingyao glanced at Shen Zhiyi, "Master Cheng, you and I are both people in the mall, and it is inevitable that there will be tit-for-tat confrontations, so you can talk. I'm doing this for you, but now you're involving irrelevant people , I'm afraid it's inappropriate?"

"I only give you ten seconds to think, ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

Shen Zhiyi's movements froze, she withdrew her hand, and said aggrievedly, "Master Cheng, what do you mean by this? Who won't be angry if this matter is left on me? How can you say that I am acting?"

"He Jingyao, you big scumbag, you've been playing games with me? I'm really blind to believe you that much!" Shen Zhiyi suddenly became emotional when he heard the words, and stared at He Jingyao with red eyes.

A voice roared in her heart, she didn't want He Jingyao to have trouble, but if she drank this glass of water by herself, it would only continue to implicate the people around her, and even more people would be involved in this matter.

It was obvious that Master Cheng was testing them. If one party took the initiative to drink the glass of water, then the foreshadowing in front of them would be overturned, and Master Cheng would not stop, and even acted more cruelly.

He Jingyao didn't change his face, "You can scold me however you want, I warn you, you'd better stop using Mrs. He's name to seek benefits for yourself outside, otherwise I won't be able to spare you!"

All kinds of thoughts, all kinds of emotions are rampant in my mind, like a bomb about to explode.

"You, you are shameless!"

Facing Master Cheng's polite invitation, He Jingyao was not polite, and sat down with one hand on the hem of his jacket.

Master Cheng pushed the white porcelain cup between He Jingyao and Shen Zhiyi, "I poured cartilage powder into this cup of water, and after taking it for more than ten minutes, the user will experience severe pain all over his body, like a million ants crazily Eating bones can cause self-mutilation, severe pain to the point of fainting, and permanent disability after waking up. I don’t know which of you two will drink it?”

He Jingyao looked at her indifferently, "Shen Zhiyi, you know what you came from, and Mrs. He thinks highly of you if you can be allowed to do it for a while, do you really take yourself seriously?"

Master Cheng stroked his chin, his cloudy and shrewd eyes wandered back and forth between He Jingyao and Shen Zhiyi, with a gloomy smile, "What are you playing, do you think I don't know? Don't take me for a fool!"

When "One" fell, He Jingyao grabbed the glass of water neatly, and before this movement, Shen Zhiyi also stretched out his hand, but the movement was not as fast as He Jingyao.

He Jingyao walked up to Shen Zhiyi, without giving her time to react, pinched her jaw with the jaw of his hand, forced her to open her mouth, and then poured water into her mouth.

He Jingyao lowered his head and smiled, "Master Cheng, you are also a man and a woman, that's all it is, and playing with them is nothing more than playing around with them. I'm tired of playing, so naturally I can't keep her, and it's hard to draw a line with her. When people come over, it seems that I owe her a favor, Mr. Cheng, let's settle the matter behind closed doors, what is it to pull an outsider? Let alone a woman. "

The white porcelain cup was thrown on the table by He Jingyao, and he wiped his fingers with a paper towel.

Shen Zhiyi sat slumped on the ground, panting heavily while touching her neck with her hands, and suddenly realized that she threw herself into the trash can next to her, and tried to induce vomiting with her fingers, but retched, but failed.

She didn't know whether it was extreme disappointment, or the discomfort of being induced to vomit, her eyes were covered with water, and she looked pitiful.

"Master He, you can't go in, master..."

"Go away!" He Qingyan kicked away those who blocked him, and rushed in with a sullen face.

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