When Ah Shen came in, he was slightly taken aback when he saw such a scene.

Even he, a man who couldn't be straight anymore, had to be amazed by He Jingyao's beauty in this prosperous age. May I ask which woman can escape his charm?
"Sir, just now Miss Shen called and said that the young master is with her!"

He Jingyao turned around in a hurry, because he was in too much haste, and the movement was too big, and a part of it fell down with scarlet soot, and landed on the woolen stall, burning it for a long time.

It wasn't because Dashu ran to Shen Zhiyi's place, but because Shen Zhiyi would rather let Ah Shen pass on the message than communicate with him directly.

Could it be that he is some kind of scourge?Can you still swallow her in one gulp?

He Jingyao pressed the cigarette butt to death in the ashtray, and pulled off his tie angrily, unable to figure out what to think.

No, he wanted to ask her clearly what he did to her, so that she didn't even have the idea to talk to him.

Skillfully found Shen Zhiyi's cell phone number, and pressed the dial button.

[Hi, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later, hello...]

He Jingyao's brows were tightly knit together, he turned to look at Ah Shen, "Call Shen Zhiyi with your mobile phone!"

So what should he do now?The husband didn't even give a reminder, should he continue chatting with Shen Zhiyi, or just hang up?

Early in the morning, Jinhua Group was on the hot search.

People in the circle guessed that letting him take the position of Mr. Cheng would bring down the company in a short time.

"Cough! Sorry, I dialed by mistake!" He hung up after finishing speaking.

No one expected that the instigator of this incident was He Jingyao.

The scarlet on the fingertips flickered alternately, he had been standing here for a long time, and his eyes never moved away from the moment Shen Zhiyi appeared.

Although Dashu was not happy, he was still very happy that his Aunt Zhizhi and Xiaobao played with him all afternoon.

The man on the second floor followed the white shadow as it gradually faded into the night, and the evening wind blew gently, raising the hair on his forehead.

Xiaobao turned his head three times a step, and every time he turned his head, Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao would watch him in place until he disappeared into the night.

When He Jingyao saw the news, his face was expressionless, and everything was in his expectation.

"Hey, Ash, what's the matter?"

"Shen Zhiyi, tell me, Dashu is too lonely, his mother is not around, even we have abandoned him!" Xiaobao frowned feelingly.

Ah Shen did as he did, and turned on the public release, but it got through unexpectedly, and after a few rings, Shen Zhiyi actually answered it.

After finishing speaking, the little girl jumped into the car.

"Aunt Zhizhi, won't you let me in?" Dashu looked at Shen Zhiyi expectantly. Under the moonlight, the little guy's eyes were shining, as if they were covered with stars.

The feeling of his heart being pulled made him feel uncomfortable all over...

If you refuse too directly, it will be too cruel, and it will hurt the child. When will it be another day?No one can tell, but it can leave a touch of comfort to the child.

Shen Zhiyi, you are doing well, you are avoiding me now?

He Jingyao is a person who must take revenge. Master Cheng joined forces with He Zhenxuan to persecute him step by step, and even finally forced him to give up Shen Zhiyi. He always remembered this hatred.

Shen Zhiyi sighed, feeling a little guilty and helpless, "I believe that Dashu will grow up, and his mother will come back to him. If you want in the future, we can come to Dashu at any time!"

Ah Shen tremblingly glanced at his husband, only to see that his whole face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

In the evening, she sent the big tree back with a full load.

The company immediately held a shareholder meeting to make a ruling on Mr. Cheng's matter. After a unanimous vote, it was decided to cancel his position as the chairman of Jinhuagu.

Fortunately, at this moment, an unlucky guy came in to deliver the documents. Seeing that he was about to talk to He Jingyao, he was stabbed severely by Ah Shen and shook his head at the man.

Master Cheng is used to being arrogant and arrogant, how can he accept such a result?When I was excited, I fell ill, and I fell to the ground and couldn't afford it. Only then did the following things happen.

Cheng Ye, the largest shareholder of Jinhua Group, suffered a stroke due to internal conflicts. He was in a coma for three days and was in a critical condition. Now his eldest son will take over his position.

She was really afraid of him, she avoided him, and she didn't even want to take another step in Mansion He.

The man understood, leaned slightly towards He Jingyao, and fled tremblingly, and Ah Shen also took the opportunity to retreat.

Mr. Cheng has been in the business circle for many years, and he has long been supercilious. He Jingyao set up a business trick for him, but he didn't expect him to ignore the objections of other shareholders and go his own way.

The two looked at each other silently until Xiaobao called her, then they came back to their senses and bent down to get in the car.


Then, the company directly lost [-] million yuan.

"Aunt Zhizhi, Xiaobao, goodbye!"

Looking at it in detail, before entering Jinhua Group, Cheng Ye's eldest son was idle and not doing business all day long. Even if he held an important position in the company, he still had nothing to show for it.

Now that Master Cheng is down, it won't be long for He Zhenxuan.

Shen Zhiyi felt that in the dark night, there were two eyes shooting straight at her. She paused and turned her head, just in time to meet the eyes of the people on the second floor.

At this moment, the temperature in the president's office dropped to zero, and Ah Shen couldn't help rubbing the hairs on his arms that stood upside down.

Shen Zhiyi stroked the back of his head, and couldn't bear to say, "It's too late today, how about another day?"


Little Treasure instantly turned from overcast to sunny, "You said this, you keep your word!"

He Jingyao was still immersed in being ignored by Shen Zhiyi, and suddenly couldn't help laughing.

ok, really ok!
Is Shen Zhiyi trying to avoid him?Now he can be regarded as someone who has a girlfriend, so what's the point of having anything to do with him?
She picked up Xiaobao, took Dashu, one big and two small to go shopping, to the park, Shen Zhiyi satisfied Dashu with everything he wanted, ate fast food, drank milk tea, and bought a bunch of his favorite toys Xiaobao also gave Dashu a book with his pocket money.

The way my husband doesn't speak is really terrible!

He Zhenxuan's subordinates are reporting this matter to him.

"Second Lord, I've checked everything. It's obvious that He Jingyao did this. He just wanted revenge. This man is really ruthless. He made the Jinhua Group uneasy."

He Zhenxuan lay on the rocking chair, squinting his eyes and swaying leisurely, "Hmph! To blame, I can only blame Mr. Cheng for being too greedy and self-confident. People in the shopping mall are fighting each other and cheating each other. He can't tell the truth from the fake with even a little profit. You have to fall in!"

"However, I underestimated my nephew. No wonder he is so popular with the old man. He has been begging for so long, and even divorced Shen Zhiyi. It turned out that all this was done for us to see, and he really cheated All of us!"

"We have all been fooled. He is a cover-up. He is a leopard lurking in the shadows. He stands still because he has been waiting for an opportunity. When the opportunity comes, he jumps out and bites the neck of his prey, putting the other party on the ground." Damn, ha ha! This kid has some tricks, I haven't seen him in a few years, I really underestimated him!"

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