Chapter 273
"Grandma, tell me, you will forgive me for what I have to do now!"

The old lady waved her hand, and her relatives did not recognize her, "I will never forgive you for anything, unless...unless you marry Zhizhi back to me!"

"Are you serious?"

The old lady was shocked, and said uncertainly, "Stinky boy, what do you want to do?"

He Jingyao put his arms around the old lady's shoulders and smiled slyly, "Grandma, why don't I go get her back now?"

Fuming Garden.

Located on Fuming Road, it is not the top community in Hangzhou, but it is beyond the reach of many people.

Shen Zhiyi, who was forcibly forced to come over, was obviously still angry. She walked back and forth in the living room. In comparison, Xiaobao seemed to be more at ease when she came, and she was both visiting and experiencing.

The structure in the community is a two-story duplex, and the area is not too large. It is no problem for a family of four to live.

"Shen Zhiyi, let me tell you, the handsome uncle let you live here, so you can live here. Anyway, you can eat and drink, and you don't have to pay rent. How nice it is!"

Shen Zhiyi's eyebrows twitched, "So, he really bought you?"

"Not really, look, I'm so small and so thin, I can't struggle, I can't resist, I can only accept the mistakes you adults make, as my mother, don't feel guilty, don't comfort me , still doubt me? Shen Zhiyi, I'm really hurt!"

"great grandmother!"

The little girl nodded her chin, "To be honest, receiving favors has nothing to do with your divorce from the handsome uncle. There is no righteousness in business. He divorced you, but that doesn't mean the end of our friendship!"

The old lady sat upright and wiped the corners of her eyes, "Zhizhi, grandma knows what happened between you and A Yao. It's not your fault. It's because A Yao has no vision. There are things he regrets in the future!"

After the old lady drank the water, she seemed to have eased up a bit. She waved her hands and said, "Don't worry, I've got this old problem, I can't get emotional!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled relievedly, "Grandma who can't force things like feelings, I can only say that Mr. He and I have nothing to do with each other, but I, Shen Zhiyi, are satisfied to be able to call you grandma in this life!"

Xiao Bao showed a triumphant smile.

"Grandma..." Shen Zhiyi licked her lips, and said bravely, "You don't need to trouble yourself, Xiaobao and I will live here temporarily. I have already contacted the agency, and I will go see it in a few days The house will be moved soon!"

After the old lady finished speaking, she turned around to look at Xiaobao again, and shook her head distressedly, "Xiaobao's body is growing fast, how can the clothes in the closet be fine, I have to let Ayao buy more of these, and Zhizhi you, need You can tell A Yao directly about anything, if you are embarrassed, you can tell me!"

"My little treasure, my great-grandmother hasn't seen you for a while, why are you so skinny again? Look at this little face, there's not a single bit of flesh on it, hey! There's no Bihe mansion outside, so I can't take care of you well. Tell your great-grandmother quickly. Say, what do you want to eat, I will ask someone to make some for you, and make up for this little body!"

The old lady looked at the little girl over and over, and she felt so distressed no matter how she looked at it, she was so distressed that she almost shed tears.

"He Jingyao, you finally dare..." Shen Zhiyi's eyes widened, "Grandma?"

Shen Zhiyi interrupted with a light cough, "Grandma, don't worry, I will improve her diet more in the future!"

Shen Zhiyi casually rinsed off the foam on her mouth, and went over aggressively to open the door.

"Grandma, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing the old lady leaning her forehead back, the mother and daughter panicked.

Shen Zhiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Grandma, it's wrong for you to do this. Do you think it's okay? If you want to see Xiaobao, I can take her to play with you at any time. If..."


The little girl gave her a big roll of her eyes, "I, Shen Jiabao, am I the kind of person who forgets righteousness for profit?"

After a while, he pointed to the window of the children's room, "This window is a bit small, I have to ask Ah Yao to find someone to change it, the child is growing, and more calcium can be supplemented by exposure to the sun!"

She took Xiaobao's hand and started to inspect the work elsewhere.

After a while, I was dissatisfied with the design of the kitchen, "It's not convenient to put things here, it would be perfect if I installed another shelf, I have to mention it to Ah Yao!"

"Then you still speak for him?"

Shen Zhi shakes his head and looks at the little girl, "If I hadn't divorced He Jingyao, I really doubt how much you have charged him for favors!"

"I'm sorry, Xiaobao, I was so angry at your handsome uncle that I couldn't speak freely. Don't blame me!"

"Moving away? Where are you going?"

"Zhizhi, don't say that. Once you say that, I feel even more guilty for not being able to stop A Yao." The old lady held Shen Zhiyi's hand and said with a little emotion, "Nowadays, no matter how good a girl is standing by me In front of me, my old lady can't take a look at them, they, no one is as pleasing to the eye as you, no one is as good as you, anyway, with my old lady, I only recognize you as a granddaughter-in-law!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." Why do these words have overtones?
After chatting for a while, the old lady began to visit the house with her hands behind her back like a leader inspecting.

The old lady denied it with one word, "What girlfriend? He dares!"

Early the next morning, someone knocked on the door.

Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao each supported one arm, and helped the old man to lean on the sofa. The little girl breathed on the old lady's chest with her small hand, and Shen Zhiyi poured a glass of water for the old lady to drink. .

"I..." Facing the old man's reluctant and expectant eyes, Shen Zhiyi couldn't continue.

A few minutes later, Shen Zhiyi took the washed fruit and put it on the coffee table.

The fruit was brought by the old lady. The old man split a piece of land behind the He family's old house and specially used it to grow vegetables and fruits. In her words, it is pure natural and pollution-free.

She took the old lady's hand, "Grandma, Mr. He and I have already divorced, so it's inappropriate to get involved with him again! Besides, he already has a girlfriend, so it will affect their relationship, don't you think? "

"Also, such a big open air is too sloppy. There is no fireworks. Buy a few more pots of green plants to decorate here, and it can also purify the air. It kills two birds with one stone. This man is indeed a bit careless!"

The little girl's crusade was full of emotion, and at the end she beat her chest a few times excitedly, which made Shen Zhiyi feel very uncomfortable, and she hugged Xiaobao tightly.

Shen Zhi wanted to feel her pulse, and then opened her palm to check, "How long have you been like this?"

The old lady rolled her eyes, "It doesn't appear often in recent years, so don't make a fuss, I'll be fine after I rest!"

"Have you been to the doctor?"

"Hi! What kind of doctor do I see at my age? I'm taking medicine and getting needles. I'm making myself suffer!" She raised her wrinkled hands and stroked the top of Xiaobao's head. I don’t know when I will kick my legs. At my age, I just want someone to chat and chat with me every day. Now Dashu is not in good health, Wanqing is high-spirited and mean-spirited, and Ayao is busy with work. Old man? I like to practice calligraphy in the study all day long!"

(End of this chapter)

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