Fang Yao held the phone in her hand, and she had been staring at Shen Zhiyi's photo that went viral on the Internet for a long time.

"How is it? My angle is good, right? Now that Shen Zhiyi can be regarded as a dissolute and romantic image in the public's mind, even if He Jingyao wants to remarry her, it will be hindered by various pressures. Even if we don't show up, someone will help Are you satisfied now that you stopped them?"

Du Ye shook the goblet lightly, and sat on the sofa with his legs crossed.

Fang Yao snorted through his nose, and put the phone aside, "Do you think you can completely separate Shen Zhiyi and A Yao with just a photo? Then you don't know this man too well!"

As soon as the words were finished, Du Ye's chin was pinched and lifted up. Du Ye's mixed-blooded face was caught off guard, and it was almost nose-to-nose with her, and the two lips were about to stick together.

Du Ye gave a sinister smile, "Don't worry, this is just a prelude, the guy surnamed He stole all your attention, I will make him pay the price!"

Fang Yao's pupils trembled, she looked at him fixedly, and asked uncertainly, "What do you want to do to A Yao?"

Du Ye straightened the broken hair that fell in front of her face, and said in an extremely soft voice, "Don't be nervous, you will know when the time comes, don't you want to marry him? Even for a day? I will satisfy you, when the time comes Remember to keep your promise, huh?"

Fang Yao heard a chill down her spine. She knew Du Ye very well. She looked gentle and refined on the surface, but in reality she was cruel, sinister and cruel.

Judging by his appearance, it seems that he has already plotted something.

"Du Ye, I'm warning you, don't hurt A Yao!"

"You, you should be more concerned about whether I will be found by He Jingyao, otherwise not only me, but you will also die together!"


Du Ye's words were like a basin of cold water pouring over Fang Yao's head...

As soon as night fell, the bar began to feast on its lights.

In a corner, a mixed-race man was lazily sipping a glass of cocktail.

His appearance is too outstanding, and he is very popular with girls in nightclubs. Several passing girls sent him ambiguous invitations, but he ignored them one by one.

Du Ye was still angry.

He has done so much for Fang Yao. At the critical moment, it's okay for her not to worry about his comfort, and she still protects other men in front of him.

The word "A Yao" was a fishbone stuck in his throat, and it made him uncomfortable to breathe.

Sooner or later it has to be pulled out!
He is a frequent visitor to this bar. When he checked out, the boss gave him a discount. When he went out, the cool breeze blowing against him made him squint his eyes.

Before the valet driver arrived, he stood on the steps by the side of the road waiting for someone.

"Du Ye!"

The sudden sound made Du Ye subconsciously turn around, his eyes suddenly went dark, and something covered him...

At an uninhabited corner of a back street.

A sack containing people was thrown in front of a pair of leather shoes.

"Sir, someone brought it here, it's this kid!" Ah Shen kicked the sack, and the people inside struggled even more joyfully.

He Jingyao blew on the smoke ring, raised his chin, untied the sack with his hands, and the people inside rolled out.

A Shen pulled the cloth from his mouth, "Du Ye, do you know why you were arrested?"

I don't know if it's because the pair of black leather shoes are too conspicuous, but this is the first thing that caught Du Ye's eyes. He tilted his head and followed those long legs all the way up.

He Jingyao's entire upper body was not in the shadows, and in the dim light, he could only vaguely see his tall and slender silhouette.

The collar of the black windbreaker was turned up, revealing his cold and sharp jawline, and a pair of black eyes flashed sharply, like the blade of a knife glowing with cold light in the night, making one's hair stand on end.

For a moment, Du Ye's pupils dilated and his face showed surprise, but it was fleeting.

He looked pitiful, "Sir, I have no grievances with you, have you arrested the wrong person?"

He Jingyao kicked him hard in the stomach.

The man turned somersaults on the ground, but was held back by the bodyguards.

Du Ye coughed violently after being kicked, and was in a panic.

His subordinates took He Jingyao's faded coat and the white shirt was meticulous. The latter casually rolled up the cuffs twice, revealing a section of his wrist. The lines were beautiful and contained an unexpected sense of strength.

He Jingyao walked over in two steps, squatted down, grabbed Du Ye's hair, raised his face, and let him face him with an attitude of looking up.

"Do you know Shen Zhiyi?"

Du Ye asked abruptly, "Shen, who is Shen Zhiyi?"

He Jingyao's cheeks twitched, and a chilling danger burst out in his eyes. He was suppressing certain emotions with anger, "I'll ask you one last time, do you know Shen Zhiyi?"

"No, I don't know, I really don't know, you must have found the wrong person!"

He Jingyao smiled, but the smile didn't hit his eyes. He nodded, "Okay, very good!"

clap clap clap!
He patted Du Ye's face, "I hope you can still be so stubborn in a while!"

Ah Shen waved his big hand, and his subordinates surrounded him, punching and kicking Du Ye.

The muffled sounds of punches and punches made people's bones ache. Du Ye wailed and screamed, but in this remote corner, he didn't get any response.

He Jingyao watched coldly, but felt dirty again, so he turned his back.

A few minutes later, Du Ye was beaten so hard that he couldn't get up.

Ah Shen winked, and all his men retreated.

He stepped forward and grabbed Du Ye's collar, "Now answer our husband's question again?"

He Jingyao turned around slowly, with his hands in his pockets, standing up like a towering tower, with a strong sense of oppression.

Du Ye raised his head slowly and with difficulty. Almost half of his face was soaked in bright red, and the eyes on the other side were swollen into eggs, leaving only a slit, which looked extremely terrifying.

Even at this point, he still insisted, "I don't... I don't know Shen Zhiyi, if you have the guts, if you have the guts, kill me!"

He opened his mouth, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

He Jingyao sneered, his black eyes looked particularly sinister in the dark, "Do you think I dare not?"

As he said that, he slapped his subordinate Yang Yang's jaw, "Help him!"

"It doesn't do any good for him to die!" A cold voice came out of nowhere.

He Qingyan walked against the night, with the same powerful aura as He Jingyao, he stepped down beside Du Ye, and glanced at the half-dead man with his lowered eyes, "Give him to me, the most urgent thing is to help Shen weave as soon as possible." I want to clarify!"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" He Jingyao narrowed his eyes and spoke provocatively.

"We are all guarding the same woman, aren't we? In some matters, it's not impossible to stand in the united front!"

He Jingyao snorted, his eyes were full of contempt, "What qualifications do you think you have?"

He Qingyan still had an expression of innocence, as if he had no interest in anything, "It's not up to you to decide whether you are qualified or not, and don't think that she should have done so much for Shen Zhiyi. is yours!"

"It's better to take care of your father's hand. If you stretch it too long, you will hurt yourself sooner or later!" Throwing a warning, He Jingyao disappeared into the boundless night with his people.

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