Bang bang bang!
Fang Yao, who is not a good sleeper, was startled by a violent clapping sound, so she lost all sleepiness. She put on some clothes and walked towards the living room.

Strangely, no one was seen through the cat's eyes.

She tried to open the door halfway, but just as she opened it a crack, a force came straight up.

The door was completely opened, and the man was lying on the ground covered in blood.

Fang Yao was so frightened that she screamed "Ah", and was just about to run to get the phone to call the police, when suddenly a pair of bloody hands grabbed her ankle tightly.

"Let go, you lunatic, I'm going to call the police!" Fang Yao turned pale with fright, and she kicked him indiscriminately, trembling.

I only heard a few words faintly squeezed out from the other party's mouth, "'s me!"

Fang Yao took a breath, and in the next second, he bravely moved closer and looked at the other party carefully.

I saw that his face was covered with blood, the blood on his hair was sticky in patches, his whole face was swollen and deformed, and his original appearance could not be seen at all.

However, when you stay with someone for a long time, you can recognize them by their outlines.

Fang Yao opened his mouth into an O shape, and then took several steps back with a horrified expression, "You, are you Du Ye?"

"help me……"

Fang Yao covered her mouth, she couldn't believe it, "God, why are you like this?"

Shen Zhiyi's life returned to normal.

Song Jiaojiao rushed over from the company in a hurry, and as soon as she entered the room, she poured two glasses of water.

"What's wrong with you? Did you eat explosives?" Shen Zhiyi teased her.

Song Jiaojiao wiped her mouth, and began to complain angrily, "It's not that Fang Huaizhou, there is a sporty variety show, which was previously scheduled to be mine, but at today's meeting, it was suddenly announced that Shen Yichun would replace me, what did you say? It's Boss Fang's decision!"

"Fang Huaizhou?"

"Who else could it be if he wasn't a bastard? He was the one who decided on me before, and now he's the one who replaced me. He's playing me like a monkey! Crazy, besides, it's not good for him to give it to someone, but to Shen Yichun that poisonous scorpion. Isn't he sincerely embarrassing me? I'm so mad!"

Song Jiaojiao gasped for breath, her chest heaved vigorously, her face turned red with anger.

Shen Zhiyi stripped her a sentence, stroked her belly, and said with a smile, "Okay, don't be angry, be careful, it's just a variety show, you don't have to go, If your amount of exercise is really gone, it will be too much, but I think Fang Huaizhou might be worried about this before changing people temporarily!"

Hearing her analysis, Song Jiaojiao reflected on herself, and it seemed to make sense!

Could it be true that Fang Huaizhou was worried that she would be injured during the filming?
Thinking about it this way, she felt much more relaxed, and her mood turned from cloudy to sunny.

In order to find a way for herself, Song Jiaojiao changed the subject, "Zhizhi, you can successfully clean up your crimes this time, and He Jingyao must have contributed a lot. Haven't you expressed anything to him?"

Shen Zhiyi casually spun the glass, and said lightly, "What's there to show, he doesn't lack money, and he doesn't lack people!"

Song Jiaojiao clicked her tongue and moved her butt beside her, "To be honest, I used to think this guy was heartless and ungrateful, but now, he doesn't seem so bad, at least for you, I think he has feelings." Yes, Zhizhi, just tell me something heartfelt, if He Jingyao asks you to get back together, will you turn back?"

If He Jingyao asks you to get back together, will you turn back?
Shen Zhiyi has also asked herself this question many times, she has been confused, entangled, and disappointed.

It was not easy for her and He Jingyao to walk along the way, and finally they were able to settle down separately. If they repeated the same mistakes, she was afraid that she would not be able to bear it.

"He and I are in the past tense, don't you think the current lifestyle is more suitable for us?"

Song Jiaojiao frowned and shook her head, "I don't understand why people who love each other can't be together again? Are you really willing?"

Shen Zhiyi knocked the water glass on the table, hugged her arms tightly and pulled her knees onto the sofa, as if in a state of self-protection, "How do you know that we like each other? You don't even have the courage to express your feelings. Do you think we are suitable?"

It seemed to be talking to Song Jiaojiao, but at the same time it seemed to be talking to herself.

At the entrance of the main house, a pair of black leather shoes had appeared here for a while.


A light cough interrupted the conversation of a pair of girlfriends.

The people in the living room looked over.

"Mr. He!"

Compared to Song Jiaojiao's habitual timidity when she saw He Jingyao, Shen Zhiyi was only surprised, "When did you come in?"

"Just now, maybe you were too involved in the chat!" He Jingyao turned his eyes to Song Jiaojiao.

Song Jiaojiao shuddered violently, realized it, and hurriedly said, "What, Zhizhi, I have to go back to the company. I have something to do later, you guys talk!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Suddenly there were only the two of them in the huge living room, and the atmosphere was awkward.

Shen Zhiyi looked at him, didn't look at him, didn't look at him, didn't say anything, didn't talk, he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Do you have something to eat? I haven't eaten yet!" He Jingyao pointed in the direction of the refrigerator, breaking the suffocating atmosphere.

Shen Zhiyi quickly answered, "I'll make you a bowl of noodles, just wait!"

So He Jingyao sat on the sofa and waited. He crossed his legs, folded his hands on his lap, and tuned the financial channel to pass the time.

The house is his, but he behaves like a guest now.

Bored, he looked around his eyes.

There was a glass vase on the coffee table, and a few sunflowers were inserted obliquely in the vase. When he came in, he noticed a miniature oval fish tank on the shoe cabinet, and several ugly and cute clown fish were swimming happily in it. Come and swim.

On the background wall of the originally empty sofa, there were abstract paintings that he hadn't seen before, and the remote control he used just now was covered with a pink fabric protective cover.

This house has been vacant since it was renovated, and now it has become full of vitality because of a new owner.

Even the air is full of vivid flavors.

A certain part of He Jingyao's heart was touched, and he regretted that he should not have let this woman go in the first place.

The noodles are ready, a bowl of steaming tomato noodles, red tomatoes, yellow eggs, green vegetables, white noodles, colorful and full of appearance.

When they were in the He mansion, because He Jingyao was busy with the He Group and Shen Zhiyi was busy with the Marriott Hotel, the two of them seldom had lunch or dinner together except for breakfast, and Shen Zhiyi seldom cooked.

This was also He Jingyao's first time eating her tomato noodles, and the taste was better than expected.

I thought he would leave after eating the noodles, but who knew that the soup dregs were all finished, and I didn't see him intending to leave.

After all, this is his base, no matter how dissatisfied Shen Zhiyi felt, he was too embarrassed to open his mouth to drive people away. When he came out after cleaning up the kitchen, he saw that he had already watched TV, obviously he didn't intend to leave immediately.

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