Chapter 300 You Are Too Awesome
"Hey, Miss!" Xiaomei stepped forward and pinched her waist, "It's up to me no matter how fat I am, should I eat your rice or your meat? I'm proud of being fat, and you don't either. Look at yourself, you are as thin as a pork ribs, does that man feel you when he touches you? Even when he was like you, he might still think that you are too weak and dare not use force. In ancient times, only those who were thrown into limbo Concubine is just like you, and..."

"A woman should live a free and easy life. It's fine if others don't love you. If you don't even love yourself, why force others? Your parents gave you life, not for you to ruin it like this. The so-called twisted melon is not Sweet, if you don’t love you, you don’t love you. Don’t say you jumped off the building. If you take off your head today, they should love you or not. Also, don’t say he has bad eyesight. Let’s see what you like first. Who is it!"

Xiaomei turned around and looked at Yin Xingze, and Yin Xingze also looked down at herself, suddenly bewildered.

Is this girl scolding him?

Okay, for the sake of special things, don't bother with her so much.

The girl seemed to be completely awakened by Xiaomei's words. She was in a daze for a moment, and then glanced at Yin Xingze sadly, as if she suddenly became clear.

The light in her eyes was extinguished little by little, and then it turned into a dead silence.

Xiaomei stepped forward, wrapped the blanket around her body, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Miss Lian, you are so young and so beautiful, there will be many boys chasing you and loving you in the future, why bother?" Giving up your beautiful life for a crooked neck tree, your parents are so heartbroken, listen to me, eat and drink, don't forget to worry about anything, your tomorrow will be better..."

In the end, she successfully pulled a girl who was on the verge of life and death for love back to the shore.

"Unexpectedly, you looked at the way you stood in the crowd without blinking, and you didn't expect to hide everything. Sister Xiaomei, you are too good. I, Yin Xingze, have never convinced any woman. Today I must obey you!"

Yin Xingze seemed to have picked up a treasure, his eyes were shining brightly.

Xiaomei walked carelessly and brushed the dust off her sleeves, "A person cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea cannot be measured, but you, Young Master Yin, don't play tricks on other little girls from now on!"

Yin Xingze felt wronged, "I, when did I play tricks on the little girl? Hey Xiaomei, wait a minute, I'll take you back..."


As soon as Shen Zhiyi entered the hotel lobby, she stood up from the sofa in the lounge area by herself.


Song Jiaojiao drooped her brows, she hesitated to speak.

Shen Zhiyi looked her up and down, and asked with concern, "What's the matter with you? Why are you suffering so much?"

"Zhizhi, he already knows, what do you think I should do?"

"Go, go to my office and talk slowly!"

When she arrived at the manager's office, Song Jiaojiao told Shen Zhiyi the whole story, "He was very angry at the time, saying that I deliberately deceived his feelings, that mothers are more expensive than children, that I love vanity, that I am hypocritical, If you don’t even listen to my explanation, tell me, who should I ask to reason with this matter?”

Shen Zhiyi stared at Song Jiaojiao quietly with her clear eyes. Hearing this, she took a sip of tea with a smile, "Jiaojiao, didn't you try everything possible to get rid of him before? Isn't the opportunity now? He is angry and ignores you , you should be happy, why are you so upset?"

"I..." Song Jiaojiao immediately straightened her back, confidently saying, "Of course I'm happy, I wish I would never have any more contact with him in this life, but I can't let him misunderstand me, can I? I must Clear yourself up!"

Shen Zhi dragged his chin seriously, "Well, it makes sense!"

"So Zhizhi, you have to help me!" Song Jiaojiao shook her arm with a pitiful and delicate expression.

Shen Zhiyi pressed the water glass on the table, smashed it and said, "Okay, I know about this, I will ask Fang Huaizhou to explain it for you, but whether he believes it or not, I can't control it!" Anyway, the matter It doesn't seem to be that important whether it is innocent or not.

Song Jiaojiao nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "Okay, okay, I know, Zhizhi is the best for me!"

Shen Zhiyi stopped Fang Huaizhou at the gate of Canxing Entertainment Company.

"You? Looking for me?" Fang Huaizhou looked up at the sky, feeling that the sun came out from the west today.

"Yes, I'm looking for you!"

"Aren't you afraid that He Jingyao will overturn the jar of vinegar?"

"Whether he knocks it over or not is his business, and it doesn't affect my contact with the opposite sex!" Shen Zhiyi tilted her head and motioned him to get in the car.

Fang Huaizhou gave her a thumbs up while getting into the car, "You are courageous, no wonder He Jingyao hasn't taken you down for so long!"

The two went to a teahouse and sat in a partition in an elegant and antique environment.

Shen Zhiyi used a soft cloth to insulate the heat, grabbed the handle of the teapot and filled the empty cup in front of Fang Huaizhou, and then, a faint fragrance of tea spread in the air.

The light brown liquid has a sparkling luster, and a few leaves of tea are swirling on it.

"Come here because of Song Jiaojiao's affairs? I advise you not to waste your efforts. I don't blame her for this matter. I can only blame myself for being too stupid and naive. I didn't even know I was cheated, and I foolishly conceived of this child." s future!"

Shen Zhiyi sighed, "Do you really think Song Jiaojiao is deceiving you?"

Fang Huaizhou looked up at her, "What else? She has carefully arranged this big show from the beginning, just waiting for me to jump in. She resisted me before, but she just acted it out for me. The trick of playing hard to get is pretty good by her." Well, I didn't even find out for a while, and you, I trust you so much, even you followed..."

Fang Huaizhou's eyes darkened, as if there was a dark cloud, disappointed and angry.

Shen Zhiyi leaned back and turned the teacup gently with her fingers, "What if I told you that Song Jiaojiao didn't lie to you at all? At first, she really didn't know that she was not pregnant. After all, all the symptoms were consistent with the early stage of pregnancy." On, even you think about that, let alone her?"

"Even so, she always knew about it later, right? Why did she choose to keep hiding it? She can tell me that she has selfish intentions. If Shen Yichun hadn't told me, how would she end up in the end?"

Fang Huaizhou's words are not unreasonable, but what happened is more clear to Shen Zhiyi.

In this matter, everyone is a victim and everyone is innocent.

"I assure you, this matter is just a misunderstanding. Jiaojiao doesn't want to deceive you. She tried many times to tell you, but she retreated for various reasons. I can see how you feel about Jiaojiao. It's different, if she was special in your heart at the beginning, then you should believe her instead of blindly doubting her and condemning her like now, if so..."

Shen Zhiyi paused, his eyes and tone became cold and hard, "I still stick to my original idea, it's best for you to stop here!"

"I've already bought the order, you can do it yourself!" After drinking the last sip of tea, Shen Zhiyi took the satchel and left.

Fang Huaizhou looked down at the cold tea water in front of him, all kinds of emotions surged in his chest...

(End of this chapter)

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