After a while, someone brought food in, seven or eight boxes, large and small, filled the table.

He Qingyan explained, "I ordered some nutritious meals at the hotel, don't worry, they are definitely better than the ones in the hospital!"

Shen Zhi wanted to ask, how do you know that I don't like hospital food?It's almost indistinguishable from blisters.

"How much is it, I'll transfer it to you!"

He Qingyan's face darkened, "Do you need to distinguish so clearly? Ordinary friends don't want to be with me?"

"I..." Shen Zhiyi also felt that she was a bit too much, and he never said anything that disgusted her. Isn't it because she is being passionate.

He Qingyan was tall and tall, handsome and aloof, and he was very eye-catching casually. It had already spread on this floor, and there were several nurses who pretended to pass by and looked here vigorously.

When she looked at Shen Zhiyi again, there was more envy in her eyes.

When Shen Zhiyi and He Qingyan were alone together, they still felt somewhat uncomfortable, whether the two always fell into a conversation break.

Fortunately, a nurse came in to make rounds, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The two nurses blushed and stared at He Qingyan for several times, then they took Shen Zhiyi's temperature and exchanged the infusion bottle while chatting. Although their voices were deliberately lowered, they could still be heard clearly in the empty room.

"Recently, I'm so lucky. There is also a super handsome guy in the VIP ward on the tenth floor. It is said that he entered in a car accident. He only saved his life two days ago!"

"I heard Xiao Li and the others say that the handsome guy has woken up, and if we have time, let's take a walk upstairs so we can see his face!"

Shen Zhiyi was startled, and reflexively grabbed the arm of one of the nurses, "What's the name of the male patient who just woke up on the tenth floor?"

"It seems, it seems to be the eldest grandson of the He family, what's his name..."

The nurse didn't say a word, Shen Zhiyi hurriedly threw off the quilt and got out of bed, and ran out without shoes, which startled the two nurses.

He Jingyao woke up at noon today.

Shen Zhiyi didn't know how happy she was, she was like a child who passed a hundred percent test, ignoring the eyes of others looking at her as if she was mentally ill, she was excited like a child all the way.

Just as he was rushing into the ward, Qiu Wanqing happened to come out of it, and the two almost collided.

As soon as Qiu Wanqing saw her, she became furious and closed the door to block her outside, "What else are you here for? Didn't you tell you never to appear in front of us again?"


He Qingyan chased up the stairs, holding her slippers in his hand, he knelt down, held her feet and put them on for her one by one.

"You are not a child anymore, what if you scratch your foot?"

The voice is full of indulgence and reproach, like a couple in love.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Wanqing stretched her glasses wide, her temples twitched, she pointed at Shen Zhiyi, and then at He Qingyan, "You... you two... okay, Shen Zhiyi, you really are It made me look at him with admiration. While messing around with Ah Yan, he still hung up on our Ah Yao. It was a waste of our sincerity to you, and he foolishly wanted to propose to you. If it wasn’t like this, how could he have such a thing? You, you There is no shame at all!"

Qiu Wanqing slapped her face angrily, but Shen Zhiyi stood still and had no intention of resisting.

However, the expected pain did not appear.

He Qingyan firmly stopped Qiu Wanqing's hand, "Auntie said that Miss Shen is scolding my elder brother for his low IQ, and seeing the wrong person?"

" do you talk to the elders, brat, you defend Shen Zhiyi in front of me, and you still don't admit that you have a relationship? You must drive A Yao to death to be satisfied, right? Don't think I I don't know what you and your father are thinking about, I don't care how you and Shen Zhiyi hang out, but please go away and don't let A Yao see it, or don't blame me for putting this test on your grandfather's side!"

He Qingyan smiled, like the ice on the snow-capped mountains in the twelfth lunar month, cold and rotten to the bone, it was a kind of flirtatiousness that Shen Zhiyi had never been familiar with, "Okay, please feel free, auntie, I'm worried that I won't have a chance to chat with grandpa! "

"You!" Qiu Wanqing was so angry that he vomited blood, "Okay, you two are really good, Shen Zhiyi. Now that things have come to an end, you should stop pretending. What's the point of coming to see us, A Yao? You want it all, A Yan If I can give it to you, when will you still pester us, A Yao, I beg you, let's go!"

Shen Zhiyi's heart was bleeding, she bit her lip, and suppressed her emotions, "Even if I want to go, I have to meet He Jingyao and make it clear, otherwise, no one's words will be counted!"

A surge of Qi and blood rushed to the top of Qiu Wanqing's head, her body froze, and then she fell back.

"Auntie!" Shen Zhiyi nervously hugged her.

Qiu Wanqing wiped away her hand weakly, supported her forehead, and said angrily, "Don't touch me!"

"Sister-in-law, are you alright?" He Yingxue came from the outside, saw the scene at this moment, and hurried up to separate a few people.

"Let them go, let them go..." Qiu Wanqing became agitated, closed her eyes, and passed out.

"Doctor, doctor!" He Yingxue shouted anxiously.

The doctors and nurses were in a hurry. Here, Shen Zhiyi was taken out of the hospital by He Qingyan.

Even though Shen Zhi wanted to see He Jingyao, the current situation did not allow her to do so.

It doesn't matter, it's fine when he wakes up, it's fine when he wakes up, nothing else matters.

The next day, Shen Zhiyi called He Yingxue and asked her for help so that she could meet He Jingyao smoothly.

He Yingxue was a little difficult, saying that for the sake of her and He Jingyao, it was best not to meet again.

This seems to have only been said half a sentence, Shen Zhiyi didn't have the time to think about it, the next day, she came to the hospital again, Qiu Wanqing refused to let her see, and He Yingxue didn't help, so she could only rely on herself.

"Hey, it's you!"

Shen Zhiyi's footsteps were fixed, and the nurse behind her yelled at her again, "The waste recycling is over here, what are you doing over there?"

"Uh ok, I see!"

When the nurse passed her, she looked up and down, "Are you new here? Why haven't you seen her before?"

"I just came here yesterday!" Shen Zhiyi pressed the mask on his face and explained with his head down.

"No wonder, it's alright, hurry up, don't come to this floor if you have nothing to do, there are big people living in that ward, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the responsibility if you disturb me!"

Shen Zhiyi thanked her repeatedly, and pushed the garbage truck in the opposite direction. When the nurse left, she turned back and looked into the ward she mentioned while pretending to drag the floor in the corridor.

She was wearing a hospital cleaner's overalls, a mask and a hat, covering her tightly, and no one would suspect who she was from afar.

In order to come to the hospital to meet He Jingyao, Shen Zhiyi also went all out.

However, there was not only He Jingyao alone in the ward, but also a woman, sitting on the side of the bed with her back to Shen Zhiyi, who was pricking watermelons with toothpicks and feeding them to He Jingyao bite by bite.

Shen Zhiyi's breath was stagnant.

How could she not recognize this woman?

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