"In my name, the divorce at the time, plus this incident, he should compensate me. Of course, I don't plan to live here!"

He Qingyan nodded clearly, "Call me if you need it!"


He Jingyao leaned against the window of the hospital corridor, quietly looking down at the busy traffic downstairs.

I don't know what's going on with that woman Shen Zhiyi now, is she stupid or not, the pond jumps whenever she wants, really think this trick can change him?How naive!
He is obsessed with feelings, even if he had something with this woman before, but that was before, now he is a blank sheet of paper to Shen Zhiyi, he has no feelings at all, he insists on forcing himself to be with her , will only hurt two people in the end.

He can give her everything she wants to make up for her, but feelings cannot.

"Brother Jing Yao!"

Huang Runian came over as soon as she got off work, carrying an insulated box in her hand, dressed in snow-white business attire, with her delicate and fashionable short hair, her temperament was able to move back and forth between lively girls and temperamental young women with ease.

He Jingyao didn't dislike this girl. She was pure and straightforward like Fang Yao, and she didn't have much scheming. Getting along with her gave people a very relaxed feeling.

"What is this?" He Jingyao landed on her insulated box, frowning.

This reminded him of the egg noodles Shen Zhiyi sent a few days ago, which was also delivered in an insulated box. He didn't eat a bite and threw it all away, not even keeping the insulated box.

It's not because he doesn't like to eat, but because he doesn't like women who stalk him.

But who knew, Shen Zhiyi was much tougher than he imagined, and she still appeared in front of him again and again with a cheeky face.

This woman really has a thick skin, but after this time, I believe she will never appear again.

"This is the egg roll I made for you myself!" Speaking of this, Huang Runian blushed in embarrassment, "Well, this is my first time making it, and it doesn't look very good, but I tasted it, and the taste is still ok Yes, Brother Jingyao, don’t be disgusted with it!”

He Jingyao looked at her with no expression on his face, which made Huang Runian blush even more.

"Brother Jingyao, you... why are you looking at me like this?"

"Xiao Nian, let me ask you, what was it like before Shen Zhiyi and I?"

A flash of panic flashed in Huang Runian's eyes, "Ah? Brother Jingyao, why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, but I always feel that the relationship between me and her is not that simple!" The man looked down downstairs again, with a sad tone.

If it was so simple to live together as a partner, why did that woman risk her life to wake up his memory?

He didn't want to think about the past with her, but there was a force in the dark that insisted on pulling him to remember and pursue.

Huang Runian picked her fingers, and said in a hesitant tone, "Before you and Miss Shen, you..."

Just a burst of phone ringing rescued her.

"Brother Jingyao, I'll answer the phone first!" She walked aside, turned her back on He Jingyao and let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was almost no way out.

Brother Jingyao, don't blame me, it was Auntie Wanqing who begged, otherwise I would tell you so much!

Star Entertainment.

Song Jiaojiao didn't see Fang Huaizhou again for several days. Some colleagues said that he was on a business trip, and some colleagues said that he was sick and recuperating at home.

She closed her ears, not wanting to hear, it has nothing to do with her where Fang Huaizhou is.

He thought that after the pregnancy was exposed, this guy would retaliate against her, stop all her announcements, and make things difficult for her at work. This is a normal plot.

But who knew, the plot was reversed, Fang Huaizhou didn't do anything to add insult to injury other than being colder to her.

This was beyond Song Jiaojiao's expectation.

After talking with her manager, she came out of the lounge. The elevator door opened. Song Jiaojiao was about to take a step. When she saw the person in the elevator, one of her feet was hanging in the air. The person seemed to have been acupunctured.

Isn't this too unfortunate?


As soon as he uttered a single syllable, Fang Huaizhou brushed past her expressionlessly and left.


Acting like you don't know him?Didn't even say hello?
This made Song Jiaojiao very angry!
Well, whoever pretends to be unfamiliar is the grandson who talks to him first.

Song Jiaojiao drove her second-hand BMW Mini on the road chicly, scolding Fang Huaizhou all the way.

Suddenly, a familiar figure jumped into her sight.

Isn't this Huang Runian, He Jingyao's new lover?

Song Jiaojiao had a carefree and righteous temperament, she stopped the car on the side of the road, and walked down aggressively.

"Yo, isn't this Ms. Huang?"

Huang Ru Nian was standing by the car on the phone, when she looked up and saw the acquaintance, she waved her hand and smiled, then hung up the phone hastily.

"Are you Miss Shen's friend? I know you!"

"Not bad, my memory is quite good!"

"I've watched a micro-movie "Youth Time" made by you before. To be honest, the acting skills are much better than some big-name female stars. I like it very much!"

With these words, Song Jiaojiao was beaming with joy, smiling happily, "Really? I really didn't have much confidence in that micro movie. For the first time, I felt that my acting skills were far from those in my previous life!"

"No, you are already very good, really, and I think you look better in person than in the camera, uh... how should I put it, you are very friendly. Nowadays, many female stars are more famous than each other. Really commendable!"

Song Jiaojiao stroked her face embarrassingly, "Oh, don't boast, I'm just average!"

Suddenly remembered something, "Oh, by the way, what are you doing standing here?" Next to it was an advertising company.

Huang Runian pointed to this company, "I can't do anything to help the company. During the study period, I have to bow my knees. This is how the seniors came here!"

Song Jiaojiao thinks this girl is nice, pure, sincere, and the most important thing is she has a good eye.

Regardless of the fact that she is his best friend's rival in love, she is a friend worth making.

"What's wrong?" She asked Huang Runian who was sighing depressedly.

The latter shook his phone, "I'm contacting their person in charge. It's out of battery. It's all my fault. I forgot to charge it when I went out!"

"It's easy to say, use mine, here it is!" Song Jiaojiao was righteous and generous.

When she bid farewell to the girl and bent over to get into the car, Song Jiaojiao suddenly woke up and slapped her forehead.

Come on!

What is she here for?Isn't it to question Huang Runian on behalf of my best friend?

In the end, she led her away by the nose, let alone lent her the mobile phone in a foolish manner, how could she betray her?

Song Jiaojiao, Song Jiaojiao, if someone compliments you casually, you really can't tell what year and month this life is?

I'm so sorry for Zhizhi!
Zhizhi, please forgive my unintentional mistake, I promise, there will be no next time!

Oh oh oh!

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