I didn't expect that the relationship between my husband and Miss Shen would become like this.

After Shen Zhiyi finished picking up the things, his whole body was drenched like water.

When she put her bag over her head again and was about to leave, a car slowly pulled over and stopped in front of her.

Ah Shen got out of the car and raised the umbrella above Shen Zhiyi's head, "Miss Shen, get in the car, it's raining so hard to take a taxi!"

Seeing Shen Zhiyi looking at the rear window with a hesitant expression, Ah Shen said kindly, "If you have anything to say, I can take this opportunity to tell you well!"

Shen Zhiyi thought the idea was good, so she nodded towards it.

He only knew that He Jingyao was in the back seat, but he froze for a moment when he opened the rear door.

"Hello, Miss Shen!" Huang Runian greeted with a smile.

The corners of Shen Zhiyi's mouth twitched a few times, and after much deliberation, he never expected that Huang Runian was also in the car.

So, does she count as a light bulb?He Jingyao probably hated her to death, ruining his good deed.

"Hello, Miss Huang!" Shen Zhiyi responded dryly.

He didn't dare to glance at He Jingyao, this guy squinted his eyes, leaned his head on the neck pillow in the back seat and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Although he couldn't see those thick, ink-like eyes, he could still feel the strong sense of oppression coming from him.

He Jingyao sat in the middle, Shen Zhiyi and Huang Runian sat on the left and right, just like the ancient emperors visiting the palace with their favorite concubines.

Shen Zhi thought, why not get out of the car and help them?
Just as she was thinking, her eyes suddenly went dark, and a coat covered her head, and then she heard a man's voice as cold as ice.

"Put on your clothes and don't dirty my car!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Son of a bitch!
To be honest, blowing the cold wind after being soaked is really sour and indescribable. With this coat, I feel warm all at once.

A bad mouth is a bad mouth, but this guy finally did something human.

The time is almost here, Shen Zhiyi licked his lips, and opened his lips, "That Mr. He, I hope you can consider what I just told you. Our Shen company is a century-old enterprise. Although it is not the leader in Hangzhou , but we are also blooming in various places, and all the hotels under our banner are well-run, without certain strength, Vico would not choose one in a hundred to cooperate with us, right?"

"Do you see if this works? Give Shen's an extension for a period of time. As long as we find a suitable designer, we can start working immediately. Of course, we can also find any designer to take over, but because our Shen's pays great attention to brand details. , and have strict requirements for every job, so we can’t do it so casually, this is not only responsible to us, but also to Vico, what do you think?”

She talked dryly for a long time, but only got one sentence from He Jingyao, "Say one more word, believe it or not, I will throw you from here?"

Shen Zhi was so angry that she just threw it away. Today she had to say, "Mr. He, you have to think about it carefully. Terminating the contract with Shen now will be very detrimental to the work behind the resort island. Think about it in a short time. It’s hard to find the right partner for you, so it’s not a small loss, so why not think of a way to get the best of both worlds?”

"Ashin, stop!"

Ah Shen was puzzled, "Sir, this..."

"Didn't you hear that you were asked to stop? Or do you want to get out of the car with her?"

The car stopped.

"Do you still need me to invite you?" He Jingyao urged.

Shen Zhiyi pinched her palms, without saying a word, pushed the door and rushed into the rain curtain.

Although he had already guessed that he would be humiliated by this man, but when he felt it personally, the unspeakable heartache still quickly ran through the veins of his whole body.

She was too confident to ask for this humiliation.

"Brother Jingyao, Miss Shen didn't bring an umbrella, so she'll catch a cold!" Huang Runian said worriedly, looking at the heavy rain.

He Jingyao closed his eyes and said nothing, his face was full of gloom, the low air pressure in the carriage made Ah Shen and her dare not speak for Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi scolded all the way home, leaving water stains in the places she passed.

"Jiaojiao? It's late at night, why are you here?"

Song Jiaojiao, who was hugging her knees and curled up at the door, got up when she heard the sound, and plunged into Shen Zhiyi's arms, "Zhizhi, I'm afraid to death!"

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, come in and let's talk slowly!"

Shen Zhiyi took a shower first, changed into clean clothes, and then made a pot of honey grapefruit tea to calm Song Jiaojiao.

After drinking a large cup, Song Jiaojiao began to tell her horrifying journey.

It turned out that she ran into Xue Qingnian on the street two days ago. Since Xue Qingnian divorced his ex-wife, he started to squander the property he got from her among the flowers, singing and singing all day and night, feeling very uncomfortable.

Who knows that Xue Qingnian's nature has not changed, and he got Song Jiaojiao's address from somewhere, and rushed out from the shadows at night, blocking Song Jiaojiao at the door, saying that he still misses her and wants to reconnect with her old relationship, if not Song Jiaojiao kicked a key part of him, and was almost given away by this bastard.

Xue Qingnian became furious and threatened to put her on the bed to shoot a live broadcast.

Song Jiaojiao was terrified, afraid that this bastard would really do such a thing, so she didn't dare to go home, and ran away from Shen Zhiyi as soon as she finished her work.

Now her career in the entertainment industry has just started, and Xue Qingnian made such a fuss, her career is definitely over.

Song Jiaojiao's mentality was about to tense, she really blinded herself, why did she fall in love with a scumbag like Xue Qingnian in the first place?

Now it's like a dog's skin plaster, and it can't be shaken off.

Shen Zhiyi walked back and forth with her shoulders in her arms, "It's not an option for you to hide like this. To deal with this kind of scumbag, you must be ruthless!"

"Others may be able to, but he can't. Have you forgotten how Fang Huaizhou beat him up last time? Why don't you come here and get rid of me now? If I can't do it well, I'll fight him to the death, but my entertainment career It's only just begun, and I've been invited to several dramas recently, and I'm... I can't be reconciled to ruining these because of a scumbag!"

Shen Zhiyi breathed out, "Call the police!"

"No!" Song Jiaojiao immediately denied, "It's like the media has a dog's nose. Any trouble can make them catch the wind. They don't know how to write about me at that time. Writing about me and a scumbag is not humiliating me. Well!"

Shen Zhiyi scratched her temples with a headache, "This doesn't work, and that doesn't work, what do you think?"

Song Jiaojiao's head shook like a rattle, "I don't know, or just hide for a day, maybe he can't find me all the time, so he thinks it's boring!"

"That can't be so cheap for him!"

Song Jiaojiao looked up...

After hiding at Shen Zhiyi's house for three days, without a call from Xue Qingnian, and after finding out that he hadn't been to the company to make trouble, Song Jiaojiao let out a sigh of relief.

Maybe it was true that what I said, that scumbag couldn't find her, so he felt bored and gave up?

Thinking about it, she went to the company as usual.

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