Shen Zhiyi smiled back, and said very official words, "Where is it, compared with seniors like Uncle Wen and you, I am still far behind!"

The subject changed, "Hey! Unfortunately, not long after my father left, Mrs. Shen was in trouble. No, I have no other choice, so I came to ask Uncle Wen for your help!"

"Hey, don't put a high hat on me, Wen is just a fool!" Boss Wen laughed, trying to keep himself out of the matter with a joke.

Shen Zhiyi pressed the coffee cup on the table, "Speaking of which, I don't need to beat around the bush, I would like to ask Uncle Wen to continue to cooperate with Shen's!"

"I'm afraid..."

"Listen to me first!" Shen Zhiyi interrupted forcefully, "Among the three companies that are planning to cooperate with Shen in the near future, Shudongda has the deepest qualifications, the strongest strength, and the largest scale. Following your actions, now that you are withdrawing from the cooperation, the other two companies have also withdrawn one after another. During these times, Shen’s had already had a bad relationship with Veken Group, and they may have to pay a large amount of liquidated damages for it. At this juncture If you withdraw, you will undoubtedly cut off Shen's retreat!"

"This project was discussed with you when my father was still alive. The so-called gentleman's words are hard to follow. If you are like this... I am afraid that you will lose the style of the boss!"

Shen Zhiyi spoke neither in a hurry nor in a hurry, but every word was loud, sharp and straightforward, making people have nowhere to escape.

Mr. Wen's face turned pale, and then he smiled slowly, like an old fox who has practiced for many years and has a lot of knowledge, "Sure enough, she is Shen Yuanshan's daughter. She has a strong logical thinking and dares to speak and act, say so How useless!"

Picking up the teacup, pinching the lid to gently shake the floating tea leaves, he said slowly, "As a company owner, I not only have to think about myself, but also my employees. Today I can continue on the basis of old friendship. Cooperate with Shen's, but you know Shen's current state better than me, what if something goes wrong tomorrow, what should I do if my company loses money? What about the employees? Will you bear it?"

"I'm a businessman, not a philanthropist. I will weigh the pros and cons before everything. I will not do business at a loss. Friendship is friendship, and a shopping mall is a shopping mall. Miss Shen is young after all. I believe you will understand these truths in the future!"

Shen Zhiyi took a deep breath and calmly analyzed, "I know that Shen's current situation is very bad, but we are also an established company, and the camel that died is bigger than a horse. At that step, I saw the cooperation case between Dong Da and Shen Shi, as long as Shen Shi survives, it will definitely be a big benefit for Dong Da..."

Boss Wen raised his hand to stop, the gentleness on his face was gone, and he put on a gloomy face, "Okay, Miss Shen doesn't need to say so much, I have made up my mind to quit the cooperation, Miss Shen should find another way, pardon me I can't help!"

Having said that, there is basically room for loopback.

The road is dead.

Shen Zhiyi's whole body was cold, and she was silent for a moment. She resisted her irritability and got up, grabbed her bag and nodded slightly at him, then left proudly.

"Haven't heard enough? Come out!"

Following Mr. Wen's words, an invisible door on one side opened, and a young man limped out from inside.

"Old Wen, I'm not talking about you, the girls are so humble, and you don't know how to take pity on her! No wonder you haven't married yet. If you are like this, which girl would like to follow you?"

Cheng Tianqi shook his red wine glass, laughing and joking.

He glanced out from the crack of the door just now, the girl looks good, not the same type as he has seen before.

Looking cold and cold, there is a sense of arrogance in her bones, but she has a simple and pure face, making it hard to tell which side is the real her.

A fledgling little girl who dared to confront the experienced Mr. Wen face to face, calm and natural, well-organized, such a woman is rare in the world.

Boss Wen snorted, ordered the tea set and coffee cups to be removed, and poured himself a glass of red wine, "Women are such a troublesome animal! You don't know who I am when I'm happy and at ease alone?"

"Only love money!"

Mr. Wen laughed out loud, and the creases at the corners of his eyes deepened, "It's still you who understand me, a bratty yellow-haired girl is trying to convince me, hum! It's just a dream, but well, this girl surnamed Shen is a bit interesting, if I were ten years younger , maybe I will take her in, whether she is a secretary or a lover, she is a good candidate!"

Cheng Tianqi raised one eyebrow, looking very interested, "Oh?"

"By the way, there is a message for you. Do you know this girl's other identity?" Boss Wen clinked glasses with him from the air, "He Jingyao's ex-wife!"

Lin Yu, who was waiting anxiously, saw Shen Zhiyi coming out, and got out of the car immediately.

"How's it going?"

Shen Zhiyi shook her head, got into the car without saying a word, her back was lonely and powerless.

Lin Yu already knew the answer, so he didn't dare to ask any more questions, and got into the car right after him. He slapped the steering wheel angrily and blamed himself, "No, I'll let my grandpa come forward!"

"Farewell!" Shen Zhiyi refused, "This Mr. Wen only recognizes interests but not people, and it will be embarrassing to make your grandpa lose face. Forget it, I will think of other ways, God knows The road to no one!"

When she got home, Shen Zhiyi lost her appetite for dinner, and her mind was full of Shen.

He Jingyao went there, but it was useless.Dongda also went, but it was useless.

Next, there were only the remaining two companies, but their eldest brother Dongda withdrew from the cooperation. Even if she said it was breaking the sky, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to shake their hearts.

Let her watch Shen's decline?
How should she explain to her mother, grandpa and the others!
Shen Zhiyi was haggard, but powerless.


In a daze, the kitchen knife slipped from his hand and fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

Hearing the sound, Xiao Bao ran in and saw that the knife had just fallen to the ground, exaggeratedly heaved a sigh of relief, "Shen Zhiyi, you can't think about it!"

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes, bent down to pick it up from the ground, and shook it in the air, "Have you ever met anyone who can't think of using this thing? It's not advanced at all, okay?"

"By the way, Dashu called just now, and he was hospitalized again, saying that he wanted us to go and see him!" The little girl became sad, "Shen Zhiyi, he is so pitiful, right? I miss him, and he also Let's go and see him, shall we?"

Seeing that the little girl's tears could not be shed, Shen Zhiyi took her into her arms and stroked the back of her head, "Okay, let's go see him now!"

Dashu was hospitalized again, receiving chemotherapy for the second time.

This disease is easy to relapse, and it is necessary to receive chemotherapy once in a while to achieve the purpose of prolonging life.

Although the He family is not short of money, the right bone marrow cannot be solved with money.

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