Chapter 36 50, buy you for five months

Qin Meng's movement of straightening the table suddenly stopped, as if he was thinking about something, and shook his head after a while, "No, I haven't seen her before! Zhizhi, why did you suddenly ask this? Don't you think..."

"My mother didn't commit suicide, she was killed by someone!" Shen Zhiyi clenched her fists, her resolute eyes were covered with mist.


"...Old Madam, it really is better to do it your way. Yesterday I heard it downstairs and my face was flushed. After all, the young couple is young and vigorous... What? Can you bear it? Oh, don't worry, sir Well, the whole person looks refreshed, yes, yes, I will definitely cook more soup for you, at this rate, maybe you will have another great-grandson tomorrow..."

As soon as Shen Zhiyi entered the gate of the main building, she heard Mrs. Wang quietly reporting the "surveillance" work to the old lady.

She heard that her old face was hot and red like a bursting tomato, so she rushed upstairs while covering it.

Come on!The one surnamed He really didn't lie to her.

The upstairs room door was not soundproof, so they actually heard all the ambiguous conversation between her and He Jingyao that night!
I heard it all!

heard it!
How to do?Do you want to explain?

At this moment, He Jingyao came in.

Seeing Shen Zhiyi turning around the sofa, she couldn't help frowning, "What are you doing?"

Shen Zhiyi bit her finger and stared at him for a while, "He Jingyao, go and explain to Mrs. Wang and the others!"

"Explain what?"

"Explain that we didn't do anything that night!"

He Jingyao smiled, "Do you think they believe it?"

Do not believe!Shen Zhiyi lowered her head in frustration, wishing to blow the head of this surname He.

If I knew this earlier, why didn't I remind her earlier?
Seeing He Jingyao raised his hand, she immediately stepped forward to ask him to take off his coat, and hung it neatly in the closet.

"Where are you playing again?" He Jingyao squinted at her.

Shen Zhiyi shrugged her shoulders, and said in a casual and natural tone, "It's okay, isn't this our agreement that expires tomorrow, and I want to do something for you at the end, so let's have a couple together, oh?"

After she finished speaking, she regretted it.

After preparing so many versions, I just blurted out this one.

Not surprisingly, this guy ordered not to give her a good face.

I'm coming!
"Due? Did you forget that my leg is not healed yet, you can't walk!" He Jingyao leaned back, tilted his head and snickered.

Shen Zhiyi pressed his temples, and said kindly, "Mr. He, it's a good time to get together and get together. It's my kindness to treat your legs. It's boring if you are so serious. Besides, I don't owe you anything."

She didn't think she had anything worthy of He Jingyao's nostalgia, so she thought that as long as she communicated with him patiently, he would let her go.

He Jingyao smiled even more, but the cold light in his eyes made his heart skip a beat.

"Don't owe me anything? Are you sure? Do you want to think again?"

Shen Zhiyi suddenly thought of something.

"When you borrow money, you are sincere and humble, but you, Miss Shen, demolished the bridge when you crossed the river. You really have a conscience!" Before she could open her mouth, He Jingyao exposed her "evil deeds" first. "Shen Zhiyi, I'm not a philanthropist. A businessman pays attention to profit. If I didn't get any benefit from you, why should I let you go?"

Shen Zhiyi opened and closed his mouth several times, but was so blocked that he couldn't speak a word.

She really doesn't care about this.

"Then, what do you want?" Shen Zhiyi threw the question to him.

He Jingyao leaned over, rubbed his fingertips against his lips, and tapped rhythmically on the armrest with the tip of his other finger.

Every blow hit Shen Zhiyi's heart, heavy and oppressive.

"50, I will buy you for five months, and you will continue to be your Mrs. He!"

Five months is five months, and when the time comes, he still has plenty of ways to detain her.

The little wild cat that had finally fallen into his hands had not had time to be tamed, so how could he let it go so easily?
It's easy to take the position of Mrs. He, but to lose Mrs. He's identity depends on whether he is willing or not.

Shen Zhiyi's face was incredible, "No, you're not looking for your true love anymore?"

"This is not your concern!" He Jingyao said, throwing a contract to her.

Shen Zhiyi's eyes widened.

There is always a feeling of being tricked by this guy!

Forget it, five months is better than no hope, thinking, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and compromise.

No way, she is poor!
After signing the contract, Shen Zhiyi went to the bathroom and wanted to make it clear, "Five months is fine, but we have to go through the rules again!"

He Jingyao stood up holding the armrest, unbuttoned his belt in front of her, and tilted his head to give her a smirk.

"Are you sure you want to talk to me here?"


The bathroom door was slammed shut.


Shen Zhiyi woke up on the big bed again.

She is used to her "sleepwalking" these days.

I thought I should find a doctor to take a good look at it.

And He Jingyao was still not around, he was always in the dark, and Shen Zhiyi was used to it.

It would be embarrassing if the two of them stared at each other as soon as they woke up.

When Shen Zhi noticed Marriott, Shen Yichun taught Xiaomei a lesson.

The name is to manage employees, but in fact it is to vent his hatred for Shen Zhiyi.

Just because Xiaomei got too close to her, she picks on the bones.

Shen Zhiyi endured it, she would find a chance to win back.

In the evening, a luxurious black car parked at the entrance of the hotel.

Ah Shen came down from above, "Too...Miss Shen, please get in the car, sir told me to take you to a place!"

Outside, Ah Shen always referred to Shen Zhi as Miss Shen.

Shen Zhiyi was surprised, "Where is it? How long will it take? The hotel is very busy at this point!"

"You'll know when you arrive, please get in the car!" Ah Shen didn't give her the room to refuse, and opened the rear door respectfully.

Shen Zhiyi explained to the front office supervisor, then bent down and got into the car.

The car stopped at a famous salon.

Ah Shen lured Shen Zhiyi in, and after winking at the staff, Shen Zhiyi was surrounded and let them make drastic cuts on him.

An hour later, she appeared in the top hotel in Hangcheng.

Shen Zhiyi has a typical fox-like appearance, even if she doesn't wear makeup, a random touch of red between her lips is enough to make her look magnificent.

She was wearing a black tube top floor-to-ceiling dress, with a bow tie on the back waist as the finishing touch.

Not exaggerated, not vulgar, on the contrary, she is graceful and pretty.

When the lights hit, she shone brightly.

"Who is this? It's beautiful!"

"I haven't seen it before. It seems that I came alone. The male compatriots have benefits!"

"Oh! It looks like a vixen at first glance, maybe that face has moved countless times!"

From time to time, the female guests made comments of envy and envy, while the male guests were eager to see through.

Shen Zhiyi scanned around without any stage fright.

What about He Jingyao?

It would be good for him to let someone catch her, and he slipped away without a trace, what is this called?

She took out her phone and sent He Jingyao a WeChat message.

(End of this chapter)

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