Ever since, Xia Meng puffed out her chest, pretending to be ruthless, "Shut up, don't laugh! Be careful I'm rude to you!"

"Okay, okay, I just don't laugh!" Shen Zhiyi suppressed her smile forcefully, shrugged and said, "But what should I do, I can't do the two things you said!"

In Shen Zhiyi's eyes, Xia Meng's IQ and EQ were comparable to Shen Yichun's. She liked to daydream, and her attitude was very arrogant and defiant.

She has almost full experience in dealing with this kind of person.

Xia Meng's voice became sharper on the spot, "What? Can't be done? Shen Zhiyi, how did you manage to sneak into the He family with the cheek? I won't make things difficult for you anymore, just here, speak loudly with me Apologize, I will not remember the villain's faults in this matter, and I will not argue with you, otherwise..."

She put Shen Zhiyi's arm on her shoulder, "You know that Xia Meng is my backer in the He family, and I will never let it go easily. I will definitely avenge this revenge!"

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyebrows and looked at her with the same smile, "Oh? Really? Then I want to experience it!"

"Okay, you said it yourself!" After Xia Meng finished speaking, she raised her foot and kicked over the bucket next to her.

Suddenly, the cloudy liquid poured out, staining the floor and her trousers.

"Oh! Miss Shen, how can you do this? I know I was rude last time, but we are all colleagues, so you can't do this!"

Shen Zhiyi: "???"

Never expected that Xia Meng would come up with this trick, it was simply too cunning.

The passing employees stopped and pointed at them one after another, looking at Shen Zhiyi with a little more disdain and disgust.

Shen Zhiyi squeezed her forehead, "Xia Meng, are you so interesting?"

Xia Meng is still acting, "My pants...Miss Shen, I cleaned the floor all morning, and you ruined it with your foot. Everyone is working for others. Why bother to beat a worker? I know I was wrong. , can I apologize to you? Please, don't argue with me, just let me go!"

"Xia Meng, don't be afraid of her, it's not your fault!"

"That's right, why is this person so vicious, he doesn't deserve to join our He family!"

"She doesn't seem to belong to the He family in the first place, just get out of here, and save our He family from becoming a mess!"

Shen Zhiyi glanced at him, and everyone fell silent.

Don't look at her usually soft and weak, easy to talk, when she is really ruthless, her eyes are particularly lethal, with a strong sense of oppression.

"Xia Meng, work hard when you've had enough acting, there's a lot of cleaning work waiting for you!"

Shen Zhiyi just pushed Xia Meng's arm, and the latter took advantage of the situation to add drama, "Ah! It hurts!"

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she looked very aggrieved, "Miss Shen, what are you pinching me for? Is there anything we can't talk about properly?"

Shen Zhiyi: "!!!"

It was she who underestimated the other party. This IQ completely crushed Shen Yichun.

"What are you doing, get together and not go to work?"

The person here is the head of the company's senior management department, with great power and great prestige in the company.

Xia Meng has been waiting for this moment, and hastily filed a complaint, pointing at Shen Zhiyi, "Minister, look at her, avenging her personal revenge, deliberately overturning the bucket and dirtying the floor I worked so hard to clean, even my clothes Wet!"

The minister looked at the scene, then looked at Shen Zhiyi and asked, "Which department are you from? Why don't you wear a badge!"

Someone whispered into the minister's ear.

The minister realized it, and looked at Shen Zhiyi with intriguing eyes.

It turned out to be the ex-wife of the big boss, no wonder she was so arrogant.

But as the head of the senior management department, he must not encourage this trend.

"Shen Zhiyi, the representative of Party B's company, right? But you figured it out, this is the He family, not your Shen family. You can do whatever you want. Your words and deeds in our He family represent the image of your Shen family. Your behavior today will seriously discredit you, Mrs. Shen!"

"Excuse me, minister, what am I doing today?" Shen Zhiyi asked back.

"You...are avenging your colleagues and disrupting the order of the company. If you were an employee of He's, you would have been fired a long time ago. Don't you know how to reflect on yourself? Hurry up and apologize to Xia Meng!" the minister said in a business-like manner.

Xia Meng held her head high and proud, victory was within her grasp.

The top and bottom leaders of the company, who don't know the backer behind her, can have a wine table with the big boss's father, naturally should not be underestimated.

Otherwise, with her work attitude, I don't know how many times she would be kicked out of the He family.

The minister climbed up all the way by relying on his own ability. Naturally, a low-level person like him dare not offend his relatives, and he can even take this opportunity to win over his relationship with Xia Meng. He often hangs around in the arena. Who knows who will use who in the future.

Shen Zhiyi was calm and composed, and gave a low laugh, "Apologize to her? Why? What did I do wrong? Show evidence! As long as you show evidence, let me kowtow to her!"

She noticed just now that there were no surveillance cameras around, that is to say, Xia Meng specially found a surveillance blind spot to block her.

I have to say, it's really cunning!
"Shen Zhiyi, you are relying on the fact that there is no monitoring here, right? Just do it, and it's nothing if you dare to do it or not? If you don't apologize today, I'll make a scene with Mr. He. Then we will see who is more embarrassing." !" Xia Meng brought out a set of rhetoric that had been prepared a long time ago.

As long as there is no surveillance and no evidence, she can frame Shen Zhiyi any way she wants. A woman kicked out by the big boss, what else can she cause?

He is an employee of He's, and with his father's relationship, even if the big boss intervenes, he doesn't need to bind an outsider.

The minister also wanted to turn the big thing into a small one, and turned it into a small one, "That's right, Shen Zhiyi, you apologize quickly, let's forget about this matter, otherwise you, Shen Shi, will have to embarrass yourself!"

Shen Zhiyi yawned lazily, "Which one of you likes to apologize, whoever apologizes, my sister won't play with you anymore, get out of the way!"

It's a waste of youth to get entangled with this group of people.

"Stop for me, stop her!" The minister gave an order, and some employees stepped forward to block Shen Zhiyi.

At this moment, an extremely oppressive voice filled the eardrums, "What happened?"

"Mr. He!"

"Mr. He!"

The crowd consciously moved out of the way, and the man copied his pockets with both hands, with a dignified demeanor and a steady pace, like a king coming.

"Mr. He, Shen Zhiyi is picking on me. Look, she kicked over the bucket. The minister is educating her. She refuses to listen to her life and death, and has a very bad attitude!" Xia Meng jumped out and pointed at Shen Zhiyi. Dine on the indictment.

She still wanted to add fuel and vinegar, but was frightened back by He Jingyao's cold eyes.

"Everyone go to work first!" He Jingyao raised his chin, then narrowed his eyes, and glanced at Shen Zhiyi, "You, come with me!"

When Shen Zhiyi passed by Xia Meng, she was gleefully warned, "Shen Zhiyi, you are doomed now!"

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