Chapter 39
What a cleanliness He Jingyao was, his whole face turned green at that time.

If he hadn't seen this little woman drunk, he would have thrown her out of the window.

Not to mention that she poured out all the irritability in his heart, and she made him so noisy all night that he couldn't fall asleep.

For a while, he clamored to be thirsty to drink water, for a while he clamored to go to the bathroom, and for a while he wanted to vomit.

He Jingyao's head is getting bigger.

She worked so hard to take care of her all night, but now it's good, she just wants to leave after patting her butt, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world?
Of course, Shen Zhiyi didn't remember anything about what happened that night.

She let out a breath, and looked at the man's handsome and deep face calmly.

"Mr. He, what exactly do you want?"

He Jingyao curled up his lips, pushed her to fall on the bed together, tilted his head and put his lips close to the side of the little woman's neck.

With his bewitching and evil voice, he said, "What I want to do, you will know soon!"

When Shen Zhiyi realized it, the man had already withdrawn and left gracefully.

She bit her lips tightly, and slammed her hands on both sides of the bed.

He Jingyao, you scheming dog, big bastard!

"Hey Dashu, why are you playing tricks?" Xiaobao pinched his waist, exposing Dashu in dissatisfaction.

The two little guys were playing with one, two, three wooden figures, and Xiaobao had finished shouting out the password, and the one who found out that Xiaobao was cheating would move this way.

The little girl quit at that time.

Dashu pursed his mouth and refused to admit it, "How can it be? It's obvious that you can't catch me!"

Xiaobao was not reconciled, "Why don't we try another game?"

"No, Dad said, good men don't fight women, I'll leave it to you!"

After these days of hard work, Dashu's speech has become very coherent, but his speed is a bit slow, and his personality is much more cheerful.

He would argue endlessly with Xiaobao, and greet the servants with a smile.

Everyone in the mansion was relieved, everyone knew that Xiaobao and Shen Zhiyi had contributed a lot.

Xiaobao hissed, just about to go forward to have a good argument with Dashu, when he saw Shen Zhiyi coming down from the corner of his eye.

"Shen Zhiyi, are you sober?"

"Aunt Zhizhi, drink honey water!"

When Shen Zhiyi turned her head, she saw that Dashu had carried a cup of honey water from nowhere, and brought it over carefully.

"Thank you Dashu!" She took it and rubbed Dashu's hair with a smile.

Dashu's small hands were behind his back, the rocker was straightened up, and there was a satisfied and proud smile on his small face.

As if to say, look, Xiaobao, how much Aunt Zhizhi likes me!
Xiao Bao pursed his lips in jealousy, but he was still happy for the growth of the big tree.

"Xiaobao, come here!" Shen Zhiyi finished drinking the water, and when she looked at Xiaobao again, her face darkened.

Xiao Bao blinked and moved closer, "What are you doing?"

"Did you already know that Uncle He's leg is healed, why did you keep it from me?"

The two little friends present exchanged a guilty conscience.

Seeing that the big tree kept winking, Xiao Bao immediately laughed, "Ah! Shen Zhiyi, I see that your complexion is rosy recently, how about I show you your recent fortune!"

As he said that, he held Shen Zhiyi's face back and forth, twisted it back and forth, and took a closer look at her palm.

He touched his chin and frowned for a while, then shook his head and sighed for a while, and finally nodded in relief.

Shen Zhi was distracted unexpectedly, and his mood was like a roller coaster, following her rhythm one after another.

"How?" She swallowed, her heart pounding.

"Shen Zhiyi, congratulations, peach blossoms are blooming recently!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

The big tree squeezed between the two of them and asked Xiaobao, "What do you mean by peach blossoms blooming?"

Xiaobao said seriously, "It's just...Shen Zhiyi will be chased by many handsome guys."

Dashu frowned angrily, and clenched his little hands into fists, "Hmph! I'll go find my father right now and ask him to cut off Aunt Zhizhi's peach blossoms!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Xiaobao: "..."


On the cold and hard floor, there was a row of kneeling people tied behind their backs.

They were gagged and could only whimper in pain.

There was a person leaning on the sofa opposite, shaking a glass of red wine very gracefully.

But Yan Shao, who was kneeling on the ground, still felt the nobility and evil spirit from this man.

He shivered suddenly, and sobbed even harder.

The people on the sofa looked at Ah Shen, only to see Ah Shen stepped forward and pulled the cloth ball from Young Master Yan's mouth.

"You... are you really He Jingyao?"

As soon as Yan Shao was free, he immediately confirmed with trembling lips.

Because He Jingyao is very low-key, he seldom appears under the lens of the media.

This Young Master Yan is an idler, and he doesn't have much contact with people in the business circle, but he is still somewhat familiar with this face.

I only hope that this person just looks like He Jingyao.

Some subordinates took the wine glass from He Jingyao's hand, and handed over the cigarette case instead.

He Jingyao bit the root between his lips, and deftly turned the lighter in his palm.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but do you know who the woman you've drunk is?"

Yan Shao rolled his eyes, wondering about the relationship between He Jingyao and that woman.

Could it be the woman he played with?
"Mr. He, this is really none of my business. It was that woman who seduced me. She also said that she was living a good life and asked me to pay a high price. I didn't like it. She just leaned on me on purpose. I got annoyed." I will give her a hard time, Mr. He, you have to trust me, I want to know that you have played with her before, even if I die, I dare not provoke her!"

Yan Shao explained with snot and tears, and poured all the dirty water on Shen Zhiyi.

He Jingyao didn't see any movement after speaking, so he carefully raised his eyelids to take a look.

He Jingyao lowered his head slightly and made a "click".

Light blue flames sprang up, illuminating his cold and stern eyes.

Yes, He Jingyao is forbearing.

Especially Yan Shao's phrase "a woman who has been played with".

How could his Mrs. He allow others to slander her?

A circle of white smoke spewed out from his lips, and He Jingyao brushed the soot off his suit jacket, his voice sounded like a sharp knife.

"Then what should I do? You didn't offend my woman, but my... wife!"


Yan Shao's eyes widened in confusion.

In the next second, he knelt and crawled towards He Jingyao in distress, "Mr. He, I knew I was wrong. I really didn't know she was your wife. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare touch her if you gave me ten guts. Your lord doesn't care." If the villain passes by, let me go..."

If you touch the woman He Jingyao played with, you may still have a way out, but if you touch Mrs. He, you will definitely die.

Ah Shen kicked Yan Shao in a heartwarming gesture.

"Leave far away!"

He Jingyao finally got up and strode forward, like Satan in hell, who could drag people into the abyss of death in the next second.

He squatted down in front of Young Master Yan while biting his cigarette, and raised his hand to pat his face twice.

"Mrs. He has such high eyesight, tell me, are you sure she seduced you?"

The man's voice was light and ethereal, but it burst out with great intimidation and danger.

Like a raging wild beast, the next second it will tear its prey into pieces in its fangs.

"Mr. He, I was wrong Mr. He... I was so impulsive because I was drunk and obsessed with sex. I will apologize to Mrs. He, please let me go..."

Yan Shao was trembling with fear, crying out.

He Jingyao looked at him coldly, "Which hand touched him?"

(End of this chapter)

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