Fang Huaizhou twisted the opponent's arm reflexively, and the opponent yelled, "Take it easy, your arm is about to break, it's me!"

"Stop making friends with me, go, I'll send you to the police!"

Song Jiaojiao was almost speechless, "You are blind, I am Song Jiaojiao!"

"I don't care if you are Song Jiaojiao or Wang Jiaojiao, you...Song Jiaojiao?" Fang Huaizhou was taken aback, tilted his head and looked her up and down a few times, then went up and took off her sunglasses , "You cover it so tightly, are you preparing for confinement?"

Song Jiaojiao wanted to pooh his face, you are only confinement, your whole family is confinement.

"Aren't I afraid of being seen? It's not good for you or me!" Song Jiaojiao stretched her neck to look around like a thief, wrapped her head in a silk scarf, and pulled Fang Huaizhou into a out of the way corner.

Fang Huaizhou teased, "Is that an exaggeration? I've already made it clear, so can't you be generous?"

Song Jiaojiao came here for this matter, she hadn't mentioned it yet, but he did, so it's okay, she had to talk to him about it.

"Fang Huaizhou, what exactly do you want?" Song Jiaojiao pinched her waist and asked.

Compared with her seriousness, Fang Huaizhou looked cynical, "What do you want to do?"

"Just, as far as you said at the press conference, why did you say that? Why did you say that? Did I agree?"

"Oh, you said this, it was decided by a unanimous vote of the board of directors. This is the best way and the only way. I haven't complained to you yet, sacrificing my happiness. You are the villain who sued first. You are safe and sound now. Standing here, who is it thanks to?"

She easily choked Song Jiaojiao, every sentence, every word was impeccable and reasonable.

On the contrary, Song Jiaojiao seemed to be making trouble for no reason.

"That's what you said, but at least you have to get my consent, right? After all, I'm the party involved!" Song Jiaojiao said with a serious face, and insisted on her tenacious personality, "Now everyone thinks we are in a relationship, What do you say? The paparazzi is likely to say something out of thin air, what if it is exposed? Who will bear the responsibility?"

"I will bear it!" Fang Huaizhou said firmly.

Song Jiaojiao laughed again, "You? What are you taking on?"

Fang Huaizhou stared at her and slowly approached, and Song Jiaojiao stepped back step by step until her back touched the cold wall.

The man bowed, with his arms on both sides of her body, and the two were almost face to face, and each other's breath was entangled.

Fang Huaizhou's nature is loose and unrestrained, dissolute and unrestrained, suddenly staring at a person so seriously makes people very uncomfortable.

Song Jiaojiao liked to challenge him at every turn, but at this moment, her throat seemed to be stuffed with dirt, and she couldn't utter a single sound.

"Let's just really date!"

Song Jiaojiao was stunned, "What did you say?"

"Acquaintance, I think who can find any flaws like this. If you feel inappropriate after a while, we will break up again!"


"You can do the math yourself. If you fall in love with the boss of Canxing Entertainment, your resources will be indispensable, and your popularity will also rise accordingly. It is just around the corner to become a first-line actress in a short time. Are you sure you don't want to think about such a good thing? ?”

Song Jiaojiao's five sense organs didn't know how to move, she just stood there dumbfounded...

Shen Zhiyi was waiting for the elevator at the elevator entrance, when a man and a woman appeared out of the corner of her eye, she could tell who it was with just her ears without looking.

"Hi Mr. He!"

"Hi Mr. He!"

Standing beside the tall and straight He Jingyao, Huang Runian was in a particularly cheerful mood.

She never expected that He Jingyao would take the initiative to pick her up for work, and this morning, this wish really came true.

Along the way, she was happy like a little girl, talking incoherently.

Right now, she looked at He Jingyao with deep love in her eyes.

Shen Zhiyi, like everyone else, greeted He Jingyao meaningfully.

The elevator on the side opened, and other colleagues rushed up, pushing Shen Zhiyi three meters away.

"Sister Zhiyi, why don't we take the special elevator together!" Huang Runian threw out an invitation.

When Shen Zhiyi turned around, she gave a brave smile, "Oh, no, I'll wait for the next trip, I'm not in a hurry anyway!"

It's so embarrassing, it's so embarrassing to be squeezed down when she is so far ahead, the key is still under the eyes of these two people, it seems like she is so useless.

"But..." Huang Runian looked helplessly at He Jingyao who had been silent all this time.

The man responded to her doting eyes, and opened his lips, "If I let you take this elevator, you will take this elevator, too modest will look fake!"

"Brother Jingyao, sister Zhiyi is not that kind of person!" Huang Runian explained for Shen Zhiyi.

But the man didn't listen at all, his long legs had already stepped into the elevator.

The corners of Shen Zhiyi's mouth were twitching.

Bastard, can you speak human words, if you can't, just shut up.

She didn't want to make the atmosphere too awkward, so she reluctantly did so.

He Jingyao stood in the middle, with Huang Runian and Shen Zhiyi on the left and right, just like the palace and the concubine.

The elevator went up floor by floor, and the atmosphere was a little bit weird. During this period, no one spoke, and the quiet needle drop could be heard in the car.

When Shen Zhiyi glanced at the mirror in front of her inadvertently, she found that He Jingyao was looking at her through it.

When she blinked, trying to see clearly, she found that he wasn't paying attention to her.

Is she blinded?
Finally arrived at the president's office floor, Shen Zhiyi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, it turned out that being in the same room with He Jingyao was so uncomfortable.

Huang Runian was also on this floor, nodded with Shen Zhiyi, and followed He Jingyao into the CEO's office like a little girl.

Shen Zhiyi's standard smile couldn't be maintained until the door was closed.

It seems that their relationship is developing well.

Well, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

She and the president's office were face to face, and when she came out to make coffee, she happened to run into Huang Runian who was standing in the corridor on the phone.

She looked broken and impatient, "How many times do you want me to tell you, I have always felt like a friend to you, isn't it enough to know you for three years? If you think I wasted your time, then I can Make it up to you, but please don't bother me again, okay?"

"What? No way! Alan, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. In this case, we might not even be friends. So be it, goodbye!"

Huang Runian cut off the phone, and the moment she turned around, her back froze, "Sister Zhiyi?"

There was a flash of embarrassment on her face and the unnaturalness after being spied on.

"Miss Huang, do you need any help?"

"No, I'll get busy with that first!" Huang Runian waved her hands again and again, and then hurried away.

Shen Zhiyi always maintained a peaceful demeanor, neither asked nor said anything.

Everyone has everyone's secrets, why bother to get to the bottom of it?

But she had a hunch that Huang Runian had indeed encountered a difficult problem.

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