Everyone knows the consequences of deserting He Jingyao's meeting, or in other words, no one dares to distract themselves in the boss's meeting, even if they die.

However, Shen Zhiyi really lost his mind, and walked in an aboveboard, heroic way.

Not only was she distracted, but she dared to ask the boss to repeat the question just now, she was simply too courageous.

"Ms. Shen, after a meeting, is she greeting Duke Zhou?" He Jingyao's poisonous mouth is well known to everyone, even on such occasions, he doesn't care about the face of the employees at all, and he hates people to the point of darkness.

However, Shen Zhiyi has been tempered and has become immune to this.

She rubbed her forehead with her fingertips, and smiled slightly, "I'm sorry, Mr. He, your voice was too low just now, I didn't hear you clearly, can you please repeat it!"

He Jingyao turned his gaze away and pointed at people one by one with his chin, "Please repeat, what did I ask just now?"

A senior executive of a company said, "Mr. He just asked Ms. Shen if she knew that the holiday island will officially open in late autumn and early winter."

"Say it!" He Jingyao pointed at another person.

That person said the same as last time.

He Jingyao's gaze returned to Shen Zhiyi, "Did you hear that? Is it because of my voice problem, or Miss Shen's distraction, I think you know better than me!"

Shen Zhiyi continued to pretend to be innocent, "Really? Maybe I really didn't pay attention. I'm really sorry, it's because of my personal reasons!"

Since she refuses to admit that this trick doesn't work, she can only take the innocent route, with a more sincere attitude and a softer voice, maybe this matter will be turned over.

In fact, it's not a big deal. Children sometimes lose their minds in class.

People can not escape from doing wrong.

He Jingyao nodded with a sneer, "That's right, it's good to be willing to admit it. As for my question just now, I will be fined to copy it a thousand times. Ms. Shen should be fine, right?"

Shen Zhiyi died!

It just so happened that he called and successfully rescued Shen Zhiyi.

"That's all for today's meeting, let's break up!" After speaking, he walked out with his mobile phone.

Shen Zhiyi packed up his things and came out, just in time to see the back of He Jingyao leaving in a hurry, so he stopped Ah Shen, "What's wrong with Mr. He?"

Ah Shen looked around, looking very mysterious and nervous, "Miss Huang had an accident last night, and Mr. is rushing to find her!"


a hotel.

"Mr. He, you are here. Ms. Huang just won't open the door inside. We were afraid of irritating her, so we didn't dare to force our way in. Look..."

When the person in charge of the hotel saw He Jingyao, he looked like he had seen the savior.

"Give me the room card!" He Jingyao made a decisive decision. After getting the room card, he opened it without the slightest hesitation, and then went in smoothly.

"Xiao Nian, Xiao Nian..."

The mess in the room immediately aroused He Jingyao's vigilance.

He walked around the room, and finally found Huang Runian behind the sofa.

Her clothes were severely torn, most of her fragrant shoulders were exposed, and several holes were torn out of the black stockings underneath, her hair was messed up, and her face could not be seen clearly.

She huddled herself into a ball, wrapped her arms around her knees, lowered her head, her shoulders were sieved, as if she had experienced something frightening.

When his eyes fell on a few used condoms scattered aside, He Jingyao became more sure of what happened.

He suppressed his emotions, squatted down slowly in front of Huang Runian, and supported her shoulders with both hands, "Don't be afraid, Xiao Nian, brother Jingyao is here, no one dares to bully you!"

Huang Runian raised her face slowly, her eyes were red from crying, those once clear and innocent eyes seemed to be full of fright and fear.

She pushed He Jingyao away violently, tightened her body tighter, and muttered, "Don't come here, go away, I don't want to see you again, Brother Jingyao knows he will never like me again, he will definitely dislike me... ..."

"Xiao Nian, it's me, look at me, I'm brother Jingyao!" He Jingyao held her hands tightly, his voice firm and gentle.

As if Huang Runian had been awakened all of a sudden, she slowly raised her eyes, stared at He Jingyao for a few seconds, then threw herself into his arms, crying loudly, but she was unwilling to say a word.

Even if you don't say anything, the facts are already in front of you.

Huang Runian fainted in the man's arms because of being overly emotional.

He Jingyao carried her into the car and covered her with his coat.

"Sir, should we call the police?" Ah Shen asked for advice.

He Jingyao frowned, "Order me, don't say a word about this matter! Also, within a day, I will find the person who hurt Xiao Nian!"


He Jingyao took Huang Runian to the He mansion to recuperate, and told the Huang family that she was on a business trip for a few days.

The private doctor conducted a simple examination for Huang Runian, and prescribed medicine. Huang Runian slept until dark.

He Jingyao ordered his servant to make calming tea for her, and he personally brought it upstairs to feed her.

"No, don't come here... I beg you, don't touch me, okay, I'm willing to give you as much money as you want, and I want to marry Brother Jingyao, I won't be worthy of him, please, ah! ah!"

"Xiao Nian, wake up!" He Jingyao tried to wake Huang Ru Nian from the nightmare.

The latter slowly opened his eyes, he was dull and dazed, as if he didn't know what happened that day.

"Are you okay? Do you want to eat something?" Just as He Jingyao was about to help her sit up, she bit his hand like crazy.

He Jingyao groaned in pain, but he didn't stop her.

After biting enough, Huang Runian let go, her back suddenly trembled, as if a certain switch in her brain had been touched.

"Brother Jing Yao!"

He Jingyao pursed his lips and smiled softly, "Yes, you finally recognized me!"

"I'm sorry Brother Jingyao, how could I be willing to bite you, I'm sorry, I'm the one to die!"

Huang Ru wanted to slap herself if she blamed herself, but was held down by He Jingyao, "What are you doing?"

"Brother Jingyao, let's go, leave me alone, I, I'm not clean anymore, I..."

"Shut up!" He Jingyao reprimanded and interrupted. The next second, he hugged Huang Runian into his arms and patted her on the back with his big palm, "You don't think about anything now, the only task is to rest well, parents I have already said hello, and leave the rest to me, understand?"

Huang Runian shook her head in pain, tears flowed down her face crazily, and soon wet He Jingyao's shoulders.

"Brother Jingyao, don't worry about me anymore, I am no longer good enough for you, you can have a better girl, Sister Zhiyi is very good, she still has you in her heart, you two get back together, I will bless you! "

He Jingyao pulled her shoulders away, frowned and scolded coldly, "Huang Runian, do you know what I'm talking about? As I said, I will deal with this matter, and I will make him pay for that person. Leave everything to me. good!"

As soon as that person was mentioned, Huang Runian seemed to be pierced into the brain by thousands of needles, holding her head in pain, "Don't talk about him anymore, please don't talk about him anymore, if I listen to sister Zhiyi, it won't be like this, I deserve it, I deserve it..."

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