Chapter 395 The Strongest Wine

"The strongest!" Shen Zhiyi took a seat on the high pedals, lying lazily on the bar table like a cat, with one hand resting on her temple.

A bunch of downlights came down above her head, as if she had been coated with a halo, making her look extremely evasive, and it seemed that everyone who passed by her could not help but look back.

Shen Zhiyi didn't notice at all, she was sleepy and unable to cheer up.

It seemed that because she was misunderstood by He Jingyao, he blamed her.

He is not hers, so why should he accuse her of not being hers?And why should she casually define her kindness?Why?
Shen Zhiyi grabbed the wine glass and drank most of it in one gulp.

The thick liquid was swallowed without even swirling in the mouth, and the bitter taste traveled down the throat to the bottom of the heart.

She didn't call Song Jiaojiao, and she didn't inform Lin Yu, she just called Xiaobao and said that she was working overtime, so she came here to get drunk, no!Not getting drunk, but venting.

"Beauty, this wine is very strong, drink too much and be careful of hurting your stomach!"

Seeing that she was pretty, the bartender couldn't help reminding her kindly, but Shen Zhiyi replied, "What does it have to do with you?"

The man raised his hand and threw it at him. Good people are not rewarded.

Shen Zhiyi not only refused to listen, but also ordered two more glasses one after another.

"Wow! Brother Rong is so handsome, isn't he? Prettier than the grass in our school, hey Cancan, should we get his phone number?"

Several people who looked like students came out of a certain private room. He Cancan immediately despised her after hearing what her classmates said, "Can you be called pretty like that? In my opinion, it's just average!"

"But didn't you like this one before? My ex-boyfriend picked it according to this specification!"

He Cancan's impatient Yang Yangshou said, "In the past, I was ignorant at that time, but now my aesthetics have improved, okay? Just like Brother Rong, I don't even like being my younger brother!"

The classmate stuck out his tongue in disappointment, and muttered in a low voice, "You have really good eyesight, it seems that no one can get into your eyes!"

"No!" He Cancan curled his hair with his fingertips, thought about it seriously, and for some reason, a certain fair and handsome face suddenly flashed in his mind.

"I just know a boy who fits my aesthetics!"

The students became anxious, "Who is who?"

"Wait a few days when you are free, I will show you what kind of face is good-looking!" He Cancan was full of confidence, but also with a kind of expectation.

She and Lin Yu are enemies, but I have to admit that he is still somewhat pretty.

Clean, sunny, refreshing, handsome, with the feeling of a big brother next door, sometimes very kind, sometimes very stubborn, although he was a bit harsh when he was fierce, but when he was gentle, he was more refreshing than the summer wind.

He is a strange existence.

"Hey, look, Cancan, isn't that your former little aunt?"

The classmate's reminder brought He Cancan back to reality. She looked along and saw Shen Zhiyi, one of the women she hated the most.

If she didn't find fault with her, she would feel uncomfortable all over. He Cancan signaled her classmates to stand still, and she could handle it by herself.

Kicked Shen Zhiyi's stool leg, "Hello!"

Shen Zhiyi, whose eyes were a little dazed after drinking, turned his head slowly.

He Cancan was even ready for her former aunt to sneer at her, but who knew, she raised her lips and smiled, and said foolishly, "It's you?"

He Cancan: "???"

I lost it, this is completely out of the situation.

How should she answer this?
Why didn't it develop as she imagined?

In a daze, Shen Zhiyi held her hand and pulled her over, "Sit down and have a drink with me?"

He Cancan was impatient, "I'm a student, okay? Don't seduce me!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled and pointed to the private room where they had just walked out, "Don't pretend in front of me, I'm not your uncle, I like to threaten you by complaining to your parents!"

He Cancan pursed his lips, showing a kind of reluctance to admit defeat.

He glanced at the table, my good fellow, how much wine did this woman drink?
"Hey! You were scolded by my uncle, so you came here to drink away your worries!"

Shen Zhiyi raised her left and right hands together, and pinched her baby's fat face, "Oh, why are you so smart!"

He Cancan was stunned for several seconds, and the domineering little flame suddenly rose, "Shen Zhiyi, try touching my face again?"

"If you don't touch your face, where should I touch it? Butt?"

He Cancan: "..."

"Come on, it's better to meet by chance than to invite you. Don't worry, I won't let you pay the bill. My sister has plenty of money. You can have as much as you want!" Shen Zhiyi patted her pocket.

He Cancan shook her head speechlessly, it seemed that she was really drunk, who would take care of it, so many people were looking at them, is she dead?

She was so unlucky that she fell in love with a drunk, well, there is no way to avenge her revenge, let's wait another day.

Wanting to leave, Shen Zhiyi refused, forced her into a seat, and ordered several cocktails.

"Shen Zhiyi, who are you, why do you care about me? Even if you are abandoned by a man..."

"Hush! Be quiet, or else...or I'll let you drink all the wine!" Shen Zhiyi put his index finger on her lips, and his tone was as childish as a child.

He Cancan's fist seemed to hit the cotton, and he couldn't let out his anger.

I was really convinced, and finally found a chance to clean her up, but she turned out to be a drunk.

She, He Cancan, is a good student after all, how could she argue with a drunk.

Woe to her!

But right now she couldn't leave even if she wanted to, Shen Zhiyi pestered her like a child and insisted on giving her alcohol.

She can drink, but there are classmates watching beside her, what a shame.

Thinking about it, she made a call.

"He Cancan, tell me, why do you hate me so much, and I didn't do anything to make you hate?"

"Don't tell me, you and your uncle do look a bit alike, but it's a pity, he is much more noble and glamorous than you, oh yes, at least you have a smiling face, unlike him, you will always be stern With a straight face, do I owe him something?"

"He Cancan, are you afraid of your uncle?"

He Cancan kept stretching her neck and looked towards the door of the bar, turning a deaf ear to Shen Zhiyi's wine talk, until she didn't respond to this sentence.

"Cut! I'm afraid of him? Is that called respecting the elders?"

"Really? Then I'll tell He Jingyao to go tomorrow!"

He Cancan was touched, "How dare you! Shen Zhiyi, if you dare to talk nonsense to my uncle, believe it or not, I will throw you at the bar door?"

"Who are you throwing at the door of the bar?"

He Cancan immediately jumped down obediently from the chair, and called out respectfully, "Cousin!"

(End of this chapter)

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