Chapter 397 Shadow
Quietly, He Jingyao clenched the cup tightly, with a half-smile on his face, "Really? It seems that you have been poisoned quite a bit. I can only say that I am a little worried about you. Anyway, I have already reminded you. As for how to decide, you have to decide." look at yourself!"

He helped the collar of his suit, then got up and strode away.

"I hope one day, big brother won't come to me, let me return Shen Zhiyi to you!"

He Qingyan's reminder sounded from behind, and He Jingyao stopped, turned his back to him, and said with a half-smile, "Don't worry, that day will never appear!"

The rain was a little heavier, and the raindrops hit the ground, splashing countless water.

He Qingyan sat alone on the chair, quietly sipping the tea in the cup.

As the eldest brother said, if he chooses Shen Zhiyi, will he be opposed by the He family?
But he may have forgotten that he and his father were eliminated by the He family more than ten years ago, so what does every decision he makes now have anything to do with the He family?What right do they have to control him?

When Shen Zhiyi woke up, she was broken.

Smelling the smell of rice all the way downstairs, she saw the back of a man in the kitchen.

He Qingyan turned around, and the two looked at each other.

Seeing that the former was still wearing an apron with floral ruffles and his hands were covered with white stains, Shen Zhiyi burst out laughing.

This time, He Qingyan's face turned red from laughing.

He hurriedly took off the apron, and washed his hands again, "You woke up, how do you feel, does your headache hurt?"

While talking, he gave her the hot hangover soup, "Drink it quickly, it will be effective if you drink it while it's hot!"

Shen Zhiyi was very cooperative and drank it all in one gulp. This was not the first time he drank the hangover soup he made, and he didn't know what formula was in it, but it tasted better than hers anyway.

"Why are you at my house?"

"Can't remember?" He Qingyan took the empty bowl in her hand, picked it up and washed it clean.

Shen Zhiyi tapped on his forehead, and memories flooded out intermittently.

"I was at the bar, and then I seemed to meet He Cancan..."

"You insisted on pulling Cancan to drink together, she couldn't get rid of you, so she had to call me for help, you don't know, when I went to pick you up from the bar, I have never seen Cancan so speechless and unable to do anything to you The expression, I was thinking at the time, she might have a shadow in her heart this time!"

He Qingyan brought out the prepared breakfast while talking.

Shen Zhiyi's eyes widened when she heard that, "Really? I... I actually provoked He Cancan again, hey! She probably hates me even more!"

How could she look like that!
"Morning, Shen Zhiyi, uncle Qingyan!"

Xiao Bao came out of the room yawning, wearing a set of little strawberry two-piece pajamas, the two braids were rolled into three parts, and the hair was curly and frizzy, like a foreign mixed-race loli, cute and cute.

When He Qingyan came back with Shen Zhiyi last night, she saw it lying on the crack of the door.

Thinking of giving adults a free space, I pretended not to be able to sleep.

Look, her Uncle Qingyan made breakfast for her, which is still her favorite, otherwise, she would have to get up early to make breakfast, how hard it would be.

It is better to have a man at home!
"Morning, Xiaobao!" He Qingyan opened the chair for her.

The little girl was not polite, "Thank you Uncle Qingyan!"

He Qingyan is usually silent and seldom speaks, but he is very considerate when he actually does things. He doesn't know when, he actually has a thorough understanding of the tastes of the two of them.

Based on this alone, it is a plus when looking for a girlfriend.

But he...

The three of them finished their breakfast, Shen Zhi wanted to go to work, He Qingyan opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Forget it, as long as he silently protects her.

"Xiaobao, shall I take you to school?"

Facing He Qingyan's invitation, Xiaobao cheered happily, "Good job!"

On the road.

Xiaobao pulled out the words he had prepared for a long time, "Uncle Qingyan, tell me the truth, do you like our Shen Zhiyi?"

Facing the child's sudden and serious question, He Qingyan was taken aback by surprise, and then answered with the same serious attitude, "Yes, I like her!"

Xiaobao shook his head, "Oh, then you can't pursue such a slow pursuit, don't you haven't caught up yet, she has already become someone else's girlfriend?"

"Ah?" He Qingyan turned the steering wheel and parked the car on the side of the road.

He really thought about it seriously, and compared it, it seemed like that, with a serious expression on his face.

"Then, is there any good way for Xiaobao?"

Xiaobao hugged his shoulders and shook his head triumphantly, "Who am I, Shen Zhiyi's daughter, of course I know, Uncle Qingyan, come over here and I'll tell you!"

He Qingyan put his ears closer...

Because Shen Zhiyi and He's partner are not under the management of He's, after finishing the work at hand, she bought big and small bags to visit Huang Runian.

She concluded that Huang Runian should be in the He mansion.

Although very angry with He Jingyao's words, one size counts for another, Huang Runian is her friend, no matter how ordinary a friend is, if the other party encounters this kind of thing, she should visit her.

"Miss Shen, it's not that I won't let you in, but that Miss Huang's mood is unstable, I'm afraid..." The servant hesitated.

Shen Zhiyi: "Don't worry, I'll just take a look at her, and I'll leave as soon as the things are released, I won't make things difficult for you!"

"Okay, then please come with me!"

Shen Zhiyi followed the servant, and it was ironic to say that she used to be the hostess here, but now she has become a guest, and everything must be approved by the new hostess.

She didn't seem to come to visit people, but more like looking for abuse.

Swallowing the bitterness in her heart, she stepped up the stairs step by step.

"Miss Huang, someone is here to visit you!" The servant knocked on the door and invited Shen Zhiyi to come in.

Huang Runian was originally standing in front of the window with her back turned, staring outside in a daze, but when she heard the movement, she turned around slowly.

"Miss Huang!"

"You... why are you here!" Huang Runian became agitated for a moment, her eyes were dodged desperately, and her hands were tightly clasped together.

Shen Zhiyi read panic and fear from her eyes.

She understood that this must be the shadow left by that incident.

So she tried to make the conversation easier, "I have some things to ask you about work, Miss Huang, you will help me, right?"

"Don't come here, stay away from me!" As soon as Shen Zhiyi took a step forward, Huang Runian shouted excitedly.

She retreated to the corner, grabbing the curtain to cover herself, as if she was blocking the mocking eyes of others.

"Sister Zhiyi, you, let's go, I'm fine, I'm fine, really, don't come over, don't look at me, I beg you..."

"Miss Huang..." Shen Zhiyi was heartbroken, and sympathized with Huang Runian's appearance after such an incident. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and softly comforted the child, "Okay, if I don't go there, you see , I brought some things you like to eat, and I put them here, I hope you take care!"

People have visited, and people in the He mansion will take better care of her than she imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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