Chapter 399 Cooperation
"Sister Jiaojiao, you are here, I haven't seen you for a few days, you seem to have become beautiful again!"

"Sister Jiaojiao, would you like some coffee? This is the authentic cat poop coffee that I just had someone bring from abroad, so I'll make you a cup and try it!"

"Sister Jiaojiao, I spent a lot of money to buy this bottle of Odi perfume from scalpers, and now I'm giving her to you!"

Song Jiaojiao was flattered, "This, isn't it good?"

"Okay, very good, with your temperament, it's a perfect match!"

Song Jiaojiao: "..."

Things weren't right, and she was comfortable with the overzealousness of her colleagues.

As soon as the elevator door closed, she removed her false smile and rubbed her stiff face.

I figured it out, didn't those people outside think that she and Fang Huaizhou were dating, so they came here to curry favor?
After all, she can bear the title of Canxing's future boss lady, who wouldn't envy her?Who is not jealous?Who doesn't fawn on?
"Hello, Mr. Fang!"

"Hello, Mr. Fang!"

When Fang Huaizhou got off the other elevator, the staff nodded their heads in greeting.

He responded one by one, and walked towards this side with big strides.

When Song Jiaojiao saw him, for some reason, she turned around and left.

What kind of shit, Canxing's future proprietress, she still doesn't want it anymore, she can't afford it, she can't afford it either.

"Song Jiaojiao, stop for me!"

A man's commanding voice came from behind, imperceptibly, as if a pair of hands tightly hugged Song Jiaojiao's thighs, making her pinned in place involuntarily.

The sound of leather shoes hitting the floor gradually approached, Song Jiaojiao put on a smile and turned around, "Hi, Mr. Fang, what can I do for you?"

"Of course!" Fang Huaizhou approached her unexpectedly, leaned into her ear and said with a laugh, "Come to my office and talk about it!"

In the eyes of outsiders, this action is extremely intimate, and it is completely the interaction between lovers.

Song Jiaojiao hurriedly withdrew her body, showing a terrified expression, and then looked at the colleagues around her.

Song Jiaojiao shrugged, gritted her teeth, "Boss Fang..."

"Don't be afraid, others won't say anything, come in!" Fang Huaizhou put his arms around her waist and pushed her into his office regardless of whether she wanted to or not.

The door closed, and the employees looked at each other in blank dismay, and let out an "oh" that everyone understands.

"Fang Huaizhou, what do you mean by you touching me in public?" Now that there is no one else, Song Jiaojiao can call him whatever she wants.

In front of outsiders, she naturally wanted to save him some face, but this person just wasn't satisfied and insisted on provoking him.

Fang Huaizhou shrugged with a smile, "Have you forgotten our relationship? We are now a couple to the outside world, what should a couple do? Of course it is an act of intimacy, otherwise it is not revealing, letting others know that we are deceiving them!"

"Stop!" Song Jiaojiao gestured, "You are the one who cheated, don't do anything about me, you are the one who came up with the bad idea, I am an innocent victim!"

"Anyway, it's useless to say anything now, we've already been tied together!" Fang Huaizhou smirked.

Song Jiaojiao bit her teeth hard and wanted to punch him a few times, "Are you threatening me? Fang Huaizhou, what did I do to you in my previous life? Huh?"

Fang Huaizhou tidied her hair slowly, "Don't get excited, listen to me tell you slowly!"

"Let me ask you, do you want to become a first-line actress?"

Song Jiaojiao nodded without thinking.

"Do you want to have endless announcements and endless money in the company?"

Song Jiaojiao nodded.

"So, here is a method that allows you to fulfill your ideals in life!"

Song Jiaojiao: "???"

Fang Huaizhou hugged his shoulders, leaned slightly closer to her, fixed his eyes on her, and said very seriously, "Then date me, I'll make sure you don't lose money!"

"What?" Song Jiaojiao looked terrified.

Seeing her reaction, Fang Huaizhou frowned in displeasure, "Are you unhappy? How much can I do?"

"Uh, that's not what I meant!"

"Of course, what I'm talking about is just a transaction!" Fang Huaizhou added.

Song Jiaojiao was even more confused.

The man continued to explain, "Think about it, with your current status in the entertainment industry, if you say you are eliminated, you will be eliminated. Only by finding a strong backer can you climb up step by step, and I am your most powerful backer , as long as you bind with me, afraid that you will not have resources in the later stage?"

"Of course, you don't have to worry about what will happen between us. I won't touch you unless you can't control yourself. You can take advantage of my popularity in the entertainment industry, and I can just as well use you What do you think of the blind date arranged by the family, we use each other to get what we need?"

Song Jiaojiao didn't understand it very well, but she seemed to understand it very well.

She blinked her eyelashes, her mind racing, "You really... just want to use me to block the blind date arranged by your family?"

"This is the case for the time being, but what will happen in the future, I can't be sure!"

"So, you don't like me, and I don't like you either. We're just putting on a show for others to see. In private, we're still the boss and the employees, right?" Song Jiaojiao confirmed again and again.

Fang Huaizhou touched his chin and thought for a while, "Yes, it can be understood in this way!"

"Then what do we usually do?"

Fang Huaizhou smiled ambiguously, bent down, put his hands on the edge of the table on both sides of Song Jiaojiao, and controlled her in his encirclement, "It's not impossible for you to do something with me!"

"Bah, bah, bah! I'm just asking casually, who wants to do something to you!" Song Jiaojiao blushed for a while.

After weighing the pros and cons, she made a decision, "No problem, I agree to your cooperation, but I have one condition!"


Song Jiaojiao pushed the person away and opened the distance between the two of them. The ambiguous distance was overwhelming for her, and she couldn't even speak smoothly.

"First, the two of us can have proper physical contact as a couple, but we can't cross the bottom line, and we can't deliberately take advantage of each other. Second, either party has the right to announce the end of the cooperation, and the other party should agree unconditionally. Third, In private, both parties live freely and cannot interfere with each other!"

"If any party violates any of the above, the other party has the right to immediately announce the termination of cooperation!"

"No problem, deal!" Fang Huaizhou stretched out a hand readily.

Song Jiaojiao shook hands with him hesitantly, but her heart was still not at ease.

Although the biggest beneficiary of her cooperation with Fang Huaizhou is herself, she always feels like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, jumping into the trap set by the enemy so stupidly.

I wish she thought more.

Sending Song Jiaojiao away, Fang Huaizhou happily threw a folder high and caught it again.

After turning around with the swivel chair several times, there was always an uncontrollable arc on the corner of his lips.

Sure enough, simple women are the best to deceive, the first step has been successful, Song Jiaojiao, it depends on how you escape this time.

(End of this chapter)

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