a restaurant.

Shen Zhiyi watched Fang Huaizhou's car parked in front of her, and then Song Jiaojiao got off the co-pilot.

The former opened his eyes wide, looked at Song Jiaojiao, and then at Fang Huaizhou who came down immediately, "You..."

"Don't get me wrong, it's not what you think!" Song Jiaojiao rushed up and whispered to Shen Zhiyi, "Fang Huaizhou and I are pretending to be dating, you understand?"

Shen Zhiyi was stunned for a moment, and then gave her an "ok" gesture in a second.

She said they were pretending to be dating, but who knows if Fang Huaizhou is actually doing a fake show.

It is not certain who the person who is kept in the dark is.

The two women were still whispering, Fang Huaizhou cleared his throat and invited them, "Come in, I'm hungry!"

As he said that, regardless of the occasion, he took Song Jiaojiao's shoulders and walked inside first.

Song Jiaojiao's back shook, she glared at him fiercely, and pinched him secretly, "Fang Huaizhou, you're taking advantage of me again!"

Fang Huaizhou didn't move his lips, but pronounced with his throat, "There are paparazzi following me, you have to cooperate with me!"

"Paparazzi? Where?"

Fang Huaizhou turned Song Jiaojiao's head back, "Okay, don't look at it, as long as you know someone is watching, remember, behave naturally!"

Song Jiaojiao said "ok", "Don't worry, I won't lose the chain!"

In the eyes of an onlooker, Shen Zhiyi, the interaction between the two seemed to be flirting and cursing. If you say that the two of them are fine, no one would believe it.

The two women sat together, and Fang Huaizhou sat across from them. While he was going to the bathroom, Song Jiaojiao hurriedly said to Shen Zhiyi, "You pick the most expensive one. Anyway, Fang Huaizhou has plenty of money. Let's kill him hard!"

Shen Zhiyi raised his forehead, "How new are you to the world? Besides, Fang Huaizhou Haolai is also your current boyfriend, do you really have the heart?"

"You have to have the heart, okay, if you don't want to, I'll have to do it myself!" Song Jiaojiao looked like she was doing her best, and beckoned to the waiter, "Give me one of the most expensive dishes here. , the red wine should also be the best, uh, let's have two or three bottles first, don't ask for my opinion, open it directly!"

Shen Zhiyi pawed at her, "What are you opening, are you kidding me? Two or three bottles of red wine? Are you going to take a red wine bath?"

Song Jiaojiao didn't care, "Can I take it home and drink it?"

Shen Zhiyi gave her a thumbs up.

Fang Huaizhou's being taken advantage of is enough for him.

"Is the order ready?" Fang Huaizhou pulled a chair and sat down.

Shen Zhiyi was about to speak, but Song Jiaojiao hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, let Zhizhi eat less, there are only three of us, we can't finish eating if we order too much, but Zhizhi said she didn't eat here However, I wanted to try it all, so I accidentally ordered more, oh yes, I also ordered red wine, Zhizhi said that she has the habit of drinking red wine before going to bed, so I asked her to take two bottles home, right? Weaving?"

The corners of Shen Zhiyi's eyes were twitching, she gritted her teeth in a half-smile.

Being tricked by a good girlfriend, what else can she say, but she can only bite the bullet and squeeze out the word "yes" from the gap between her teeth.

No wonder this guy was so bold just now, he had already made up his mind to plant a frame on her head, this trick is enough.

Fang Huaizhou raised his eyebrows, that smile seemed to say, isn't it?I believe you ghost.

During the meal, he also thoughtfully served Song Jiaojiao with food, showing his true qualities of a "good boyfriend". Song Jiaojiao was very reluctant to cooperate at first, and was kicked several times by Fang Huaizhou's foot under the table. He staged a scene of sweet emotions and loving meals together.

Shen Zhiyi smiled at her aunt the whole time.

Needless to say, these two seem to be a good match.

After dinner, I don't know what Song Jiaojiao was thinking, but she suddenly proposed to go shopping, and even asked Fang Huaizhou to come with her.

Of course Shen Zhiyi understood what she was up to.

The three of them went to the top shopping mall in Hangzhou together. Song Jiaojiao seemed to have been wound up, and picked out more than a dozen sets of clothes in one go. She didn't feel tired trying on the clothes, but Shen Zhiyi was tired.

I don't know if she is desperately trying to show her youth and vigor or something, the colors of the clothes she chose are all bright, like a middle-aged woman who refuses to accept her old age.

Shen Zhiyi gave an opinion in a low voice, "Jiaojiao, isn't the color too bright? You didn't have this style before!"

"That's right, you don't know, those female artists in our company dress more gaudy than the other, I'm the only one who is conservative, and they secretly ridicule me as an old woman, I'm only 26, Zhizhi, is there any reason, this time I must fight for my breath!"

Shen Zhiyi stopped talking and let her go.

Song Jiaojiao not only picked out by herself, but also picked out some suits suitable for work for Shen Zhiyi.

"Waiter, pack these up!" Song Jiaojiao waved her hand, and the waiter smiled brightly, busy packing.

"A total of 15, do you pay by card or how?"

Song Jiaojiao cast her eyes on Fang Huaizhou, blinked her big pure eyes, squeezed her voice deliberately, and said in a coquettish voice, "Mr. Fang, are you using a card, or cash, or what?"

Fang Huaizhou raised his lips and smiled, "Anything is fine!"


With a crisp sound, the bill came out.

Shen Zhiyi touched Song Jiaojiao and gave her a look that you can really do it, Song Jiaojiao is not to mention how proud she is.

I am afraid that only Fang Huaizhou is willing to be taken advantage of, and Song Jiaojiao is also in the blessing and does not know the blessing.

It's not over yet, Song Jiaojiao seemed to be addicted to shopping, she went upstairs to continue shopping.

The upstairs basically sells gowns, many of which are exclusive custom-made styles, which are loved by some famous ladies.

"You still buy this?" Shen Zhiyi looked at Song Jiaojiao.

Song Jiaojiao pinched her waist, "What's the matter, I can't wear it on the red carpet? Anyway, someone is willing to pay for it, so don't worry about not having so much!"

Shen Zhiyi shook his head helplessly, scaring Fang Huaizhou away sooner or later.

"Zhizhi, do you think this suits me? It's so flashy..." Song Jiaojiao was having a good time choosing, but she suddenly fell silent.

"Hehe, isn't this Mr. He? What a coincidence!" Song Jiaojiao said hello, and aimed at Huang Runian who was beside He Jingyao.

"It's a coincidence!" He Jingyao said indifferently, and then nodded with Fang Huaizhou.

They used to be rivals in love, but now they have let go of their past suspicions.

When his gaze came to Shen Zhiyi's side, he just swept it away without staying too long.

Huang Runian also smiled at everyone. After that incident, she became a lot more timid and restrained. She didn't like to talk very much. Only when she stayed by He Jingyao's side did she feel a sense of security.

Song Jiaojiao walked up to Shen Zhiyi's side, tugged at her sleeves, and said in a low voice, "The current girlfriend of He Jingyao you're talking about is she, right?"

"correct answer!"

Song Jiaojiao is proud of her IQ, "Tsk tsk! That's it. She is not tall, her chest is not big, her butt is not upturned, and she is far behind you. He Jingyao's ass-eyed eyes are just like that. this?"

Shen Zhiyi shook her head with a smile, "Why did you make him worthless?"

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