He Jingyao sneered, "Miss Song, I think you made a mistake. My engagement to Huang Runian has nothing to do with Shen Zhiyi. In other words, she doesn't bother me so much. I made it clear to her a long time ago. And she herself expressed her attitude towards me, and the person involved has no objection, so what right do you have to intervene? What? Did the recent hot search stimulate you? "

"You..." Song Jiaojiao was dumbfounded.

He Jingyao was indeed not an easy master to deal with, and he hurt her with a few words.

"In short, I hope you will stay away from us Zhizhi in the future. Since you have chosen to marry another woman, don't provoke her again, otherwise I will definitely not let you go, hum!"

After Song Jiaojiao finished speaking, she raised her head and left, her steps were chic and her posture was handsome.

The corner is wilted.

She leaned against the wall with weak legs, and rubbed her chest with her hands, oh my god, she was scared to death.

He is He Jingyao, the He Jingyao who is feared by people in Hangzhou, she really used up the courage of eight lifetimes to speak harshly to him just now, but if he is cruel, she may find someone to snap her off.

However, she, Song Jiaojiao, was willing to do anything for her friend.

"What did you do?" Fang Huaizhou asked curiously seeing Song Jiaojiao's happy face.

Song Jiaojiao was elated, "It's okay, let's go, I'm tired!"

Is this something she can say?Shen Zhi didn't want to strangle her to death.

The two sent Shen Zhiyi home first.

"Boss Fang, shouldn't it be time to talk about our business?" Song Jiaojiao rested her chin on one hand, raised one eyebrow, and stared at Fang Huaizhou with a wicked smile.

Fang Huaizhou took the time to glance at her, "What's the matter with us?"

Song Jiaojiao's bright face moved forward, "What do you think of my performance today?"


"But anyway, I tried my best, right?"

Fang Huaizhou reluctantly nodded, "It's okay!"

Song Jiaojiao slapped her thigh triumphantly, "Isn't it? I also think I've worked very hard. If I were someone else, I wouldn't be happy to do this business!"

"And then?" How could Fang Huaizhou not know her little thoughts.

Suddenly so good, there must be a demon.

Song Jiaojiao's nails inlaid with rhinestones slowly hooked a strand of hair, "Didn't you say that we are a cooperative relationship, so Boss Fang, do you want to have some meaning, give me a reward or something?"

Fang Huaizhou laughed out loud, "You swiped me 10,000+ today, isn't that okay?"

"Oh, clothes are clothes, and they are made for paparazzi. Boss Fang, look, although my career has improved recently, most of the money I earn has been distributed to the company. Self-care and all that stuff cost money, right?"

"Understood!" Fang Huaizhou realized, stopped the car steadily on the side of the road, took out a card from his pocket and gave it to her, "If you don't have a cap, just swipe it!"

Song Jiaojiao blinked her eyes and froze, "This, I didn't mean that!"

She really didn't mean that, she just wanted to ask the big boss to add some bonuses or something, who knew that he would just throw out a card.

"Take it, there will be more opportunities to cooperate in the future, it's part of the reward, and..." Fang Huaizhou looked Song Jiaojiao up and down with ambiguous eyes, "My dating partner can't be so shabby, otherwise it will make others suspect the truth. Fake!"

After speaking, restart the car.

Song Jiaojiao looked down at herself, fart!Where is she shabby?Obviously very western style!

When she got home, she took out the card and looked at the front and back.

Depend on!It is actually a limited black card in the world!

Fang Huaizhou was so generous that he gave her all his money.

Song Jiaojiao instantly felt that this card was a bit hot to handle. The relationship between the couple was clearly staged, why did it always feel like it was real?
What's so weird about it?

He Jingyao and Huang Runian's engagement wedding is being prepared in an orderly manner. Qiu Wanqing personally gives guidance. The planning company has found more than a dozen proposals, and it is finally confirmed after layers of screening. At the same time, she has also arranged a lot of family dresses. It is difficult to invite designers to participate in the design.

In short, as soon as he opened his eyes every day, he was busy with He Jingyao's engagement. His legs didn't hurt anymore, his waist didn't hurt anymore, and he had endless energy every day.

The old lady had already accepted this matter, and she didn't object, but she couldn't be happy either. The young people's affairs were handled by themselves.

Shen Zhiyi's working status is the same as before, without the slightest absent-mindedness before, and she is fully devoted to it.

Only work can paralyze her, and only work can enrich her.

After finishing the day's work early, Shen Zhiyi packed her satchel and walked out of the office, planning to go shopping in the supermarket and buy some fruit for her return.

She was standing on the side of the road waiting for the bus, when suddenly a voice came from behind.

The voice was familiar yet unfamiliar, as if it had been silent for a century.

"Where's your car?"

Shen Zhiyi froze for a moment, then turned around, "Mr. He!"

"Why haven't I seen you driving these days?" The man's tone gave off a sense of familiarity that they had never been apart, with a little doubt and concern.

Shen Zhiyi thought for a while and explained, "There is something wrong with the engine, and it has to be repaired!"

Not to mention divorced, now that he is going to marry another beautiful woman, why does she still drive the car he gave her?Every time I drive that big white G, it's like seeing its male owner, which makes people feel bad.

Shen Zhi became ruthless, and directly threw it to the second-hand car company to sell it.

Since it was cut in two, it was simply broken.

"Really?" He Jingyao raised his eyebrows, obviously doubting the authenticity of these words.

Shen Zhiyi lied without blinking, "Of course, it seems that big brands are like that!"

"Take my car? You don't mind dropping by!" After He Jingyao took a few steps, he found that Shen Zhiyi hadn't followed. He stopped and turned around. His two thick black eyebrows overlapped, forming a bulge between them, "Why? ?”

Shen Zhiyi shook her phone, "Thank you Mr. He, don't worry, you're getting engaged soon, it's not good for others to see, I'll just ask my boyfriend to pick it up!"

"Boyfriend?" The man's forehead wrinkled into the word "Chuan", and figures kept flashing through his mind, "Ah Yan?"

"Yeah, we made an appointment, what a coincidence, Mr. He!" As he spoke, Shen Zhiyi really called He Qingyan, and he answered in seconds.

"Master Qingyan, it's me!"

"Yes, I just got off work and I'm at the gate of the company now, can you pick me up?"

"OK! I'll wait for you, be careful on the road!"

When she put away her phone and looked up, she only saw the cold back that He Jingyao left her.

She asked her "boyfriend" to pick her up. If something happened to him, there was nothing to be angry about.

He Qingyan came quickly, and Shen Zhiyi was quite guilty, after all, she did it for another person to see.

In order to make herself decent and not look so embarrassed after separation, it is really despicable to catch others to block the knife, she admits, but she just wants to retain the only dignity she has in front of He Jingyao.

"Sorry, I asked you to come here, but the car I ordered will be here soon!" Shen Zhiyi was somewhat embarrassed.

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