The former walked around in front of her, and looked at her with unfriendly eyes, "Why don't you have any education at all, and you don't know how to say hello when you see me?"

Shen Zhiyi pretended to recognize it, "Ah! Isn't this Mrs. He? I'm sorry, I was too hasty to pay attention just now!"

Qiu Wanqing walked away from the front desk, then looked at Shen Zhiyi with a contemptuous smile, "How about it, are you still used to staying in He's?"

"It's work, that's all!" Shen Zhiyi replied quite well.

Qiu Wanqing sneered, "Shen Zhiyi, you are really capable enough to get Ah Yao to agree to you to come to He's office, right? You may have counted thousands of times, but you never counted on Ah Yao." Yao will finally agree to marry Xiao Nian, hey! I can only blame you and A Yao for not being destined, are you very disappointed now?"

Shen Zhiyi also had a smile on her face, "Mrs. He, when will you get rid of your narcissism? Mr. He is going to get engaged, and I support him with both hands. Invited, if I don't come, he won't cooperate with our Shen family. You say you are picky or not, for our Shen family, I have to make compromises and endure the humiliation. However, the project is halfway through, and I can see the hope soon Dawn!"

"You! It's as if we A Yao are begging you to come!" Qiu Wanqing was annoyed.

Shen Zhiyi smiled and didn't answer, what's the difference between this and asking?
Usually being humiliated by her a lot, I always feel elated.

Qiu Wanqing wanted to hurt her a few more words, but was interrupted by a voice.


"Why are you here?" Shen Zhiyi was surprised that He Qingyan ordered over at work.

He Qingyan slightly nodded at Qiu Wanqing who was astonished, and then looked at Shen Zhiyi, "I'm sorry, I didn't greet you in advance, I passed by a dim sum shop, and I'll bring you an extra meal for that afternoon, try it , if you don’t like it, I’ll change another house next time!”

"Thank you, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, it's downstairs!"

"The taste must be different. By the way, I ordered a Japanese restaurant tonight, let's taste it together?" He Qingyan has changed a lot recently, his personality has become more cheerful, he talks a lot, and he is no longer as depressed as before.

Shen Zhiyi smiled and nodded.

He Qingyan suppressed the joy in his heart, for fear of scaring her, "I'll pick you up that night, let's go first!"

The turbulent waves on Qiu Wanqing's face never went down. She pointed to He Qingyan who was going away, and then pointed to Shen Zhiyi, "You, you actually..."

"I think my private affairs have nothing to do with Madam He, right?" Shen Zhiyi nodded, then turned and left.

Qiu Wanqing laughed angrily, "Okay, everyone is very capable. Do you really think you can enter He's house like this?"This calculation is probably wrong.

The courage of these two people is really big enough.

President Office.

"Not only Young Master Qingyan, Miss Song and Second Young Master Fang were also there. They stayed there until almost eleven o'clock. Oh, Young Master Qingyan was the last to come out and stayed at Miss Shen's house for an extra hour!"

Ah Shen stood in front of his desk and truthfully reported to He Jingyao what he had tracked last night.

He Jingyao was leaning on the swivel chair and smoking a cigarette, the thick smoke narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't speak, he didn't know what he was thinking.

What can I think?Of course, he was thinking about what He Qingyan was doing at Shen Zhiyi's house during this hour.

One hour, six 10 minutes, three thousand six hundred seconds, there are many things that can be done, as long as they think, they may do anything.

Thinking of this, the man took a sharp puff and burned the cigarette to the bottom.

"Ah Yao!" Qiu Wanqing came in and was almost sent away by the strong smell of tobacco. She fanned her face with her hands, "Didn't I tell you to smoke less, this stuff is not good for your health at all!"

"Ma'am!" Ashen nodded.

He Jingyao raised his hand to signal Ah Shen to back down, he pinched out his cigarette, and opened the window for ventilation, "Why are you here?"

"Isn't it going to be your engagement ceremony with Xiao Nian in three days? I've drawn up the guest list, and you don't have time to come back. I can only send it here for you to see. You and Xiao Nian have a look. There is something to make up. Add it up!"

"Let's put it here, I'll take a look at it sometime!" He Jingyao didn't turn the pages.

Qiu Wanqing glared at him, "What do you call that? Ah Yao, the world is big, your marriage is the biggest at the moment, you are so careless, let Xiao Nian see how sad you are, you are a man, you can't always Letting other girls worry about it will make it appear that you don't take it seriously!"

"I know, I'll watch it in a while, okay?" He Jingyao frowned, not very proactive.

Qiu Wanqing shook her head helplessly, "By the way, I met Shen Zhiyi in the lobby just now, and she told me that you invited her to come to He's office?"


"Why? You know that it's too late for her to pester you now, so you're giving her more opportunities?" Qiu Wanqing couldn't understand her son's thoughts more and more.

He Jingyao didn't bother to explain so much to her, "If you need it for work, don't ask so many questions!"

"Hmph! I don't know if I need it or not? It's clear that you still miss her. Ah Yao, Xiao Nian is a good girl, you can't let her down, you hear?"

"I have a plan!"

Now Qiu Wanqing felt relieved, "Also, that kid from the second son's family is actually dating Shen Zhiyi, heh! He's so bold, the second son can't possibly let him and Shen Zhiyi get involved. It doesn't matter, Shen Zhiyi is really hardworking, he has to stick to the man of the He family life and death, I don't understand, what if all the men in the world are dead or what? Just wait, there will be times when she will cry! "

When He Jingyao heard this, he felt extremely uncomfortable. He loosened his tie, "Mom, I still have work. If there's nothing else, I'll ask Ah Shen to take you back!"

"That's enough, I know you're annoying, don't forget to read the invitation card!" Qiu Wanqing picked up her satchel and walked out, muttering as she walked, "I don't want to tell the old man to sue Ah Yan when I go back, how decent is it?"

He Jingyao flicked through the invitation list randomly, but didn't read a single word, and slammed it shut again.

The wedding engagement is obviously something he should be happy about, but he doesn't look forward to it at all...

In a blink of an eye, the He family, the most sensational wealthy family in Hangzhou, will hold a huge engagement ceremony today.

The man: He Jingyao, the high-quality man that all women in Hangzhou want to marry the most.

The woman: Huang Runian, daughter of the Huang family.

The venue was on the top floor of the most luxurious hotel in Hangzhou, and most of the guests were the He family, as well as friends of both men and women.

Although the number of guests was small, the influence of the male protagonist's family in Hangzhou attracted many media.

"Sir!" Ashen came in, "All the guests outside are here, Miss Huang is also looking for you!"

He Jingyao withdrew his gaze overlooking the downstairs, turned around and straightened his cuffs, "In that case, let's go out!"

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