Shen Zhiyi remained calm and walked over without being humble or overbearing, "If Mrs. He came to look for Mr. He, I can inform you for you!"

"What do you pretend, I'm here to find you, come with me!"

Qiu Wanqing was aggressive, and Shen Zhiyi didn't know what offended her, so she followed her to a remote area.

Before she could stand on her heels, Qiu Wanqing slapped her across the face.

Fortunately, Shen Zhiyi reacted quickly and stopped in the air, otherwise her face would be marked.

"Mrs. He, I respect you as an elder, but what are you doing?"

"Hmph! What are you doing? Do you need me to remind you of the shameful things you did?"

Shen Zhiyi smiled, "Then what did I do that is shameful, please tell Mrs. He clearly!"

"Ha! I'm really pissed off. Didn't you find someone to mess up A Yao's engagement like that? You really took pains to destroy other people's feelings. Although Xiao Nian snatched A Yao away, she never treated you like that." You are malicious, and you even speak for you in front of me again and again. You are good, with ulterior motives, viciousness, and cruelty. You can do this kind of thing. Do you know that you make such a big noise to drive Xiao Nian to death? Ah, why are you such a cruel woman!"

Qiu Wanqing angrily reprimanded her heartbroken, but Shen Zhiyi remained indifferent, even shaking her head with a smile.

"Mrs. He, if you insist on putting this shit on my head, I have nothing to say. After all, I have long been a heinous sinner in your heart, a cruel and vicious scorpion woman, right?"

"So you admit it? Well, I knew there would be no one else but you!"

"No, no, no! Mrs. He, I just said that I have nothing to say, but I didn't admit that I did it. If you don't believe me, you can ask someone to investigate. You can misunderstand yourself, but if you spread rumors everywhere, then I will find you The lawyer has sued you, and although I, Shen Zhiyi, came from a small family, I still have some legal common sense!"

"You! All right, all right, you're amazing, anyway, you just refuse to admit it, right? It's okay, it's okay if you don't admit it, we, Yao, have seen through you a long time ago!" Qiu Wanqing pointed at Shen Zhiyi, her expression turned pale. famous.

Shen Zhiyi shrugged her shoulders indifferently, "Whatever he wants, I don't need him to look at me!"

"Sorry Madam He, I'll be late soon, so I won't chat with you here!" After straightening her windbreaker, she walked away.

Qiu Wanqing glared at her leaving back, unable to vent her anger.

He took out his mobile phone and angrily turned it off when it was still recording.

I originally wanted to tell Shen Zhiyi's words, and then show it to He Jingyao, so that he can see the true face of this woman, but who knows, this woman bites so tightly that she didn't record a single valuable word, so she ran away for nothing. a trip.

Shen Zhiyi had some documents that He Jingyao needed to sign in person. When he knocked on the door and entered the CEO's office, the man leaned against the door and leaned in the executive chair, holding his temple with one hand and motionless.

"Mr. He?"

Seeing that the man didn't respond, Shen Zhiyi went around to the side of the desk, tilted his head and looked, "Mr. He?"

Still no response, this person could be...

Shen Zhiyi had a whim, and stretched out his hand to test the man's nose.

As soon as he approached, his hand was tapped by a big palm.

Shen Zhiyi was terrified all over.

"What are you doing?" The man lazily opened his eyes, the folds of the upper eyelids were deep, with the feeling of fatigue just waking up, even the voice was hoarse and low, without the sense of oppression before.

Shen Zhiyi withdrew her hand in a panic, and pointed to the documents on the table, "These documents need your signature!"

The man hummed, then opened the pen cap and signed his name on it.

With a snap, the elbow accidentally touched the cap of the pen to the ground.

Shen Zhiyi squatted down to pick it up, but didn't pay attention when she got up, her forehead just hit the corner of the table.

Just by listening to the sound, I also know how painful the foot is.

Before Shen Zhiyi could respond, He Jingyao had already pulled her over to check, "How are you? Are you okay?"

After about two seconds, the two realized it later and pushed each other away almost at the same time.

The atmosphere is a little delicate and a little awkward.

"Well, it doesn't hurt, thank you Mr. He for your concern!"

One sentence from Mr. He brought them back to reality.

He Jingyao still held a rigid and serious manner, "Shen Zhiyi, you can't even do this little thing well, what else can I trust you? I'm really afraid that something will happen to Shen's and He's cooperation because of you, you'd better Be serious with me!"

Shen Zhiyi pursed her lips, "Don't worry, Mr. He, I won't count it as a work-related injury, so you don't have to be so nervous!"

"Oh! OK!"

Shen Zhiyi only hoped that this man would finish signing the documents quickly so that she could leave quickly.

That's right, this is the state He Jingyao should be in now, instead of being as gentle as before, which would make her confused for a while, unable to distinguish reality.

The phone in her pocket rang suddenly, and seeing that it was He Qingyan, she carried it over to answer it, and whispered, "Master Qingyan, I'm at work, what can I do?"

"Eat hot pot together? Didn't you just eat it two days ago?"

"Oh, seafood hot pot, I don't eat it often, that's fine, you can pick me up after get off work!"

"Well, see you there!"

He Qing asked her out, but she had no reason to refuse.

Although he was chasing her, he didn't put any pressure on her. On the contrary, he was very relaxed when getting along, just like an old friend meeting for dinner.

Give others a chance, and give yourself a chance, why lock yourself up.

"Cough! I suddenly remembered that Supervisor Zhao will come to discuss the finishing work of the hotel with us in a while, so get ready!" He Jingyao stamped the last document and closed the pen cap.

"a while?"

He Jingyao looked at her with dark eyes, "Yes, is there a problem?"

Shen Zhi stammered, "No, no, it's just when will it end?"

"I'm not sure about this, that's enough, take the things out!" He Jingyao pinched the center of his brows and urged.

Shen Zhiyi took the documents and left. She hesitated whether to call He Qingyan and tell him not to come today.

In the end, he called Jie, but He Qingyan didn't answer, and he didn't reply to the WeChat message.

Strange, where did this person go?
As soon as Shen Zhiyi left, He Jingyao immediately dialed a call to Ah Shen, "Supervisor Zhao should be in the hotel now, right? Let him come to the company later to talk about finishing work in the hotel!"

Ah Shen was a little puzzled, "Huh? Isn't it the arranged tomorrow?"

"Just today, now, let's talk and end early!"

"Yes, I'll call him right away!" Ah Shen scratched the back of his head, wondering why he suddenly changed his mind after the tomorrow he had specially arranged for him?

He Jingyao tapped his fingers on the table, Shen Zhiyi still wants to have a romantic dinner with another man?Then you have to ask him whether he agrees or not.

She can be with anyone, but she can't be with He Qingyan.

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