At the dining table, Shen Zhiyi brought food to He Qingyan, handed him tissues, and asked about his health. The treatment was quite high.

He Jingyao, who was ignored the whole time and didn't even give him a look, was very jealous.

He Qing said why should he?
Didn't Shen Zhiyi like herself before?Why did he change his mind so quickly and accept another man so quickly?
As if being robbed of his beloved woman, He Jingyao cracked his chopsticks with emotion.

Everyone at the table paused and looked at him.

Dashu's small hands anxiously tugged at the hem of his old father's clothes, and whispered to dissuade, "Dad, pass!"

Shen Zhiyi shook her head at this, regardless of his nerves.

"Master Qingyan, come to the room with me!"

The two brushed past He Jingyao, who leaned back, with the tip of his tongue on his cheek, his face full of gloom.

Is there anything else to avoid him?

He Jingyao couldn't sit still when he heard the sound of closing the door.

In broad daylight, do you need to close the door?
close the door……

What are you going to do in there?
At this moment, the man had already created various ambiguous images in his brain, and the next second, he stood up abruptly.

Dashu was taken aback, "What's wrong, Dad?"

"It's okay!" He Jingyao clenched his fists, suddenly remembered something, and looked at his son, "Dashu, Dad asks you, do you want Aunt Zhizhi to be your little cousin's girlfriend?"

The little guy shook his head like a rattle, "No!"

"Very well, then you have to do something later!"

inside the room.

"...I should have time tomorrow afternoon. Let's arrange a place by then. This is a deal. I have to treat you to a good meal and buy whatever you want!" Shen Zhiyi said happily.

It turned out that a few days ago, He Qingyan introduced her to a client in the tourism industry who was interested in finding a hotel for cooperation, and the Marriott Hotel met their selection criteria in every way. sign the contract.

He Qingyan was amused by Shen Zhiyi's boldness, "No, you're doing pretty well!"

Shen Zhiyi was embarrassed by the compliment, "You flatter me too much, I..."

Boom boom boom!
Shen Zhiyi closed his eyes forbearance, and then opened the door angrily, "He Jingyao, what do you want? Can you still be quiet?"

"The big tree is a little uncomfortable!" He Jingyao turned sideways and motioned to the big tree.

Hearing that the little guy was not feeling well, Shen Zhiyi didn't care about throwing fire, and hurried to the living room.

The little guy was eating grapes, when he heard his father coughing, he threw things on the table in a hurry, and nestled on the sofa with his hands on his stomach.

"Big tree, what's wrong with you?"

"I have a stomach ache!"

"Stomach hurts? Is this here?" Shen Zhiyi squatted beside the sofa, gently testing around the little guy's stomach with his hands.

The little guy nodded indiscriminately, "Yes, that's right!"

"No, this is the stomach, you are covering it in the wrong position!"

The little guy turned his eyes to He Jingyao to ask for help, but the latter was calm and unmoved, as if saying, you can do it yourself, even Dad can't help you.


There is no way but to divert Aunt Zhizhi's attention.

Shen Zhiyi saw that he didn't look like he was pretending, so he was worried, but didn't think too much, and immediately arranged for two men to prepare hot water for drinking and the other to find the medicine box.

First feed the little guy to drink half a cup of hot water, and then dig out the pills to relieve stomach pain.

"Wait!" He Jingyao stopped, "Go and clean up the table, Dashu takes medicine and gets emotional, let me do it!"

"I'll clean it up for you!" He Qingyan said to Shen Zhiyi, and before leaving, he gave He Jingyao a meaningful look.

"Father, the medicine is not good, so I don't want to take it..."

"Hush!" He Jingyao covered his son's mouth, "I know!"

With that said, he threw the pills into the trash can.

The little guy covered his mouth and suppressed a smile, "Dad, you are the best!"

He Jingyao was disdainful, just now he said that his father was not good, and now he said that he is amazing, children really change faster than women.

When Shen Zhiyi came out after finishing his work, Dashu had "finished taking the medicine" and was jumping up and down on the sofa alive and well. How could he look like a child who just had a severe stomachache?

Dashu insisted on pulling Shen Zhiyi to read picture books together. Two big men with nothing to do sat across from each other. You looked at me and I looked at you. The picture was quite weird.

"Go out and chat?" He Qing said something.

The two men went out the door one after the other.

On the corridor, the evening wind gusts.

The two men stood at each other, He Jingyao took out the cigarette case from his pocket, and with a click, an orange-blue flame burst out from the lighter. He tilted his head slightly to light the cigarette, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled the smoke ring .

"What do you want to talk about?"

He Qingyan leaned against the railing, with his hands in his pockets, and the white smoke from He Jingyao's side slowly floated in, causing him to frown slightly, and dispersed it with his hands in disgust. "Brother, it's just the two of us here now, so you don't have to hide it. What do you mean by Zhizhi?"

"what do you mean?"

"I knew you would pretend to be confused, and Zhizhi couldn't see it. Could it be that I couldn't see it? You just couldn't see me getting close to her, inserting her repeatedly and breaking us up. Dashu's stomachache just now is fake Right? Only Zhizhi can believe it, big brother, is it really interesting for you to do this? Don’t you think this kind of behavior is childish?”

He Jingyao chuckled and took the cigarette out of his mouth, "I need to tell you what I do? Shen Zhiyi didn't have your name branded on her body, so why are you nervous? Or, she doesn't like it at all? You, everything is your wishful thinking, are you afraid that I will rob you?"

He Qingyan stared at He Jingyao without speaking, under the night, his amber eyes glowed with a dark cold light.

"Don't talk? It seems that I hit the spot. That woman Shen Zhiyi has high vision. Not everyone can take her down. Do you need me to teach you some experience?"

He Jingyao had a provocative smile on his face. In He Qingyan's view, this was an insult to Shen Zhiyi.

You can not love, but you can't hurt.

He wanted to punch He Jingyao a few times, but thinking that this place was at Shen Zhiyi's house, he didn't want her to know too much, so he suppressed it.

"Brother is wrong. I don't need Zhizhi's response. As long as I like her, it is enough. She was so good to you at the beginning, but now you give it up? So, what you said is really not important! When He Qingyan passed by He Jingyao, he took the cigarette butt from the latter's mouth and threw it into the trash can.

He Jingyao laughed slowly, this man!

"I'm leaving Zhizhi, let's meet again the day after tomorrow!" He Qingyan said goodbye to Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi sent him to the door, "Okay, call me!"

He Qingyan looked over her shoulder and looked at He Jingyao, "Aren't you going?"

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