"Because you are still my girlfriend. During this period, all configurations must be perfect. If you give it back to me and my mother finds out, wouldn't it be all exposed? You have seen it too hard to push away those blind dates. My mother is so smart, you want to harm me, don't you?"

Fang Huaizhou made his words so serious on purpose. Seeing that Song Jiaojiao hesitated, he secretly suppressed a smile, then took the box and stuffed it into Song Jiaojiao's bag, "Just treat it as you keeping it for me first!"

Since people said so, then Song Jiaojiao has nothing to refuse, "Okay, the ugly words come first, and I will not be responsible for the loss!"

When she went back at night, she was lying on the bed, holding her chin in one hand and the box in the other.

She tried on the pair of jade earrings, they were very high-end and elegant.

Precious things like this are generally passed down from generation to generation as family heirlooms.

Therefore, the Fang family has determined that she is Fang Huaizhou's girlfriend and future daughter-in-law.

She turned over and lay on the bed, replaying recent events over and over in her mind.

No, why does it always feel like being fooled by Fang Huaizhou?
Once this rope is put around the neck, it is not easy to take it off...

In the morning, Shen Zhiyi and He Jingyao went their separate ways without interfering or disturbing each other.

Afraid that Dashu would be bored at home alone, He Jingyao specially took him to the company as well.

Just as the windbreaker was hanging on the hanger, Shen Zhiyi's cell phone rang. It was the front desk number of the Marriott Hotel.

"Manager Shen, something happened to Xiaomei..."

Shen Zhiyi quickly took his coat and rushed to Marriott, just in time to almost collide with He Jingyao and his son who came out of the elevator.

"Mr. He, I have something urgent, please take a day off!"

Before He Jingyao could ask her why she asked for leave, the elevator door was already closed.

"Sir!" Ah Shen happened to come up to meet him.

He Jingyao ordered to him, "Find out what happened to Marriott!"

Shen Zhiyi received another call from an employee on the road, flicked the steering wheel, turned around and rushed directly to the hospital.

It turned out that when Xiaomei was on duty in the morning to clean up the hall, she accidentally knocked over a vase. The sharp tile cut her palm and opened a five-centimeter gash, bleeding profusely on the spot.

The other employees couldn't handle it, so they rushed her to the hospital.

"Xiaomei, are you okay? How is your hand?" Shen Zhiyi saw Xiaomei cleaning her wound in the emergency room.

Xiaomei endured the pain and forced a smile, "It's nothing, just a small hole, sister Zhiyi, don't worry!"

Shen Zhiyi naturally knew how intense the pain of washing the wound was. An ordinary girl would have screamed, but Xiaomei just frowned and comforted her in return.

"You too, why are you so careless, don't work these few days, and recuperate at home!"

"Thank you Sister Zhiyi, I caused trouble to the hotel!"

"Stupid you, what is troublesome or not, the most important thing is that you have nothing to do!" Shen Zhiyi paid the money, received the medicine, and drove Xiaomei home by herself.

"The wound is not allowed to get wet these days, and the diet is light. When the wound grows, it will be a little itchy. Just bear it and it will pass. Remember!"

Xiaomei felt warm in her heart, "Sister Zhiyi, I'm not a child!"

"Okay, hurry back and treat it as a vacation!"

Xiaomei watched Shen Zhiyi's car leave, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, opened WeChat, and there was a message from Yin Xingze last night lying in it.

【Sleep yet?Seriously, do you want to come to my friend's party? 】

He has so many friends of the opposite sex, if he picks one at random, he is better off than her in every aspect, so she won't join in the fun, right?It saves people from laughing at him.

He Group.

Knowing that Dashu was in the company, in the afternoon, Shen Zhiyi specially ordered takeaway snacks to be delivered to the president's office.

The little guy was so happy that he grabbed her by the arm and refused to let her go. He insisted on letting her play puzzles with him. Shen Zhiyi couldn't refuse the kid's kind invitation, so he had to stay here with He Jingyao's acquiescence.

Just like that, while He Jingyao was working, Shen Zhiyi and Dashu were lying on the coffee table playing puzzles.

From time to time, cheerful laughter came from the president's office, and He Jingyao's eyes would uncontrollably turn to their side from time to time.

This picture suddenly impacted some cells in his brain, and the intense pain reappeared.

He Jingyao held his forehead, frowning tightly, with a pained expression.

Frames of harmonious and warm scenes alternate rapidly and pass by in a flash.

He Jingyao knew that it belonged to him and Shen Zhiyi's memory.

Boom boom boom!
Someone knocks at the door and enters.

"Hey Ayao, long time no see, I miss you so much!" Yin Xingze raised his hand to He Jingyao, and found that something was wrong with him, put away his hippie smile and moved forward, "What's wrong with you?"

He Jingyao pinched his forehead, "It's okay!"

"Damn! It scared me to death, you, it's just that you work too hard and are under a lot of pressure, be careful that it will affect the quality of Jingzi!"

He Jingyao glared at him. The latter just realized that there was someone else here, so he changed the subject in embarrassment, "What, don't get me wrong, I'm not here to find you!"

"What are you doing in my office if you don't come to see me?"

"I am here to find sister Zhizhi!" Yin Xingze turned his finger and pointed at Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi paused, "Me?"

"Hmm, sister Zhizhi, is it convenient for us to talk alone?"

"Inconvenient!" He Jingyao answered for her, "You are blind, didn't you see that she was with my son?"

Yin Xingze: "..."

This guy talked badly and stalked him so hard that he got him out from He Jingyao.

What a real brother, so instigated!

Well, don't let him talk easily in the future.

"What's the matter with Young Master Yin, just tell me!" Shen Zhiyi asked.

"That's right. I sent Xiaomei a WeChat message yesterday, and she hasn't replied until now. I went to the hotel to look for her, but she wasn't there. I just wanted to ask, is she okay recently?"

"I really let you guess, Xiaomei is injured, I let her recuperate at home for a few days!"

When Yin Xingze heard this, he immediately asked, "Are you injured? Is it serious? Where is the injury?"

Shen Zhiyi raised her hand and gestured, "On the hand, the palm was cut!"

Yin Xingze thought for a while, "Then where is her home?"

"You..." Shen Zhiyi looked at him suspiciously.

"Oh, don't worry, I just treat Xiaomei as a friend out of concern for my friends. You know the conditions for my female companions, and you will never cheat her!"

This was true, and Shen Zhi thought that although Yin Xingze was a bit flirtatious, his character was not bad, so he told him the address of Xiaomei's home.

A small courtyard.

"Dad, have you rummaged through my bag again? How many times have I told you not to mess with my things, I have no money!"

Xiaomei looked at her bag that had been turned into a mess, and couldn't get angry.

Zhang Qiang gritted his teeth, with a righteous face on his face, "I just turned upside down, what's the matter? You said, why did I raise you, a waste, and I didn't get a penny from my boyfriend, but I was eaten for nothing, and in the end I was given to you by him." Wearing a cuckold, no, it can’t be so cheap, boy, you go and ask me for youth loss money, otherwise I won’t have a daughter like you!”

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