Chapter 45 Little White Eyed Wolf
Shen Zhiyi was shocked when she heard that, and her mind was full of images of Ji Lincheng committing suicide because of her mother's depression.

So much so that Xiaoxiao didn't even care about being pushed against the wall violently.

"Shen, why? Why did you come to my house today? My father is really pitiful, why don't you let him go?"

Xiaoxiao broke out emotionally, grabbed Shen Zhiyi's hair and tore it, growling.

Shen Zhiyi's eyes were red, even though she vented on herself, she would not fight back.

She didn't expect things to turn out like this!
The unspeakable sourness turned into deep guilt, constantly stirring in her heart.

Suddenly, a figure came in horizontally, hugged her waist, and tightly protected her in his arms.

The familiar warmth came over, and Shen Zhiyi, who had lost her soul, seemed to come back to life all of a sudden, and raised her head dullly.

In sight, was a face with a deep jawline.

Those dark eyes were looking at her at the moment, "Shen Zhiyi, are you a fool? You don't even know how to hide, do you have a tendency to be abused or something?"

Shen Zhiyi bit her lip, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

After a whirlwind, she was picked up by He Jingyao.

How Xiaoxiao was dealt with aftermath, she didn't know, she only knew that when she left, she saw Ji Lincheng being pushed out by the nurse.

She didn't dare to look at him, she wrapped her arms around He Jingyao's neck, and buried her face deeply into his chest.

She was afraid, afraid that her mother would blame her for hurting Ji Lincheng, and afraid that her mother would not forgive her.

That living life was lost because of her like this.

The temperature at the end of spring was not low, but Shen Zhiyi, who got in the car, still felt the air-conditioning coming from all directions.

She curled up in the corner with her shoulders in her arms, like a very insecure child.

"Cold?" He Jingyao noticed her trembling.

Shen Zhiyi nodded without saying a word, and in the next second, a coat was wrapped around her body, together with the unique woody fragrance of a man's body, it wrapped her tightly.

As if her emotions had been soothed at once, her ethmoid shoulders gradually stabilized.

It wasn't until she got out of the car that she noticed that her hand was being held by He Jingyao's big hand.

She was led by him all the way to the master bedroom.

"I'll ask Mrs. Wang to cook some wontons for you!" He Jingyao's deep voice floated in his ears.

Shen Zhiyi shook his head weakly.

He Jingyao frowned slightly, "Then go take a bath?"

The latter still shook his head, "I'm tired and want to sleep!"

As soon as Shen Zhiyi went to bed, the area on the other side sank, and the next second, she was picked up by a pair of powerful arms.

"I'll accompany you?" The man's tone was unexpectedly gentle, without any other emotion.

Shen Zhiyi didn't want to quarrel with him today, she raised her face, her eyes were red, as if she was crying to her parents, "He Jingyao, he jumped off the building, I forced him, it's all because of me!"

He Jingyao stroked her clean cheeks with his fingertips, comfortingly said, "Everyone has his own destiny, this is his own choice!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled wryly and shook her head, "You don't understand."

The way Ji Lincheng lay quietly on the ground, she thought, she might not be able to forget this quilt.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, Shen Zhiyi suddenly remembered something, one second he was still feeling uncomfortable and guilty, and the next second he rudely pushed He Jingyao's chest away.

She quickly withdrew two meters away, staring at a pair of vigilant eyes, "Why did you come up? Still hugging me? You go down!"

He Jingyao propped his forehead sideways, and chuckled, "I just realized now, your reaction is too slow!"

This woman is really heartless, and she turned her face and refused to recognize anyone.

He was worried that she would be in a bad mood because of the incident on Weibo, so he asked Ah Shen to pick her up.

As a result, when Ah Shen went, he happened to see her leaving the hotel in a taxi in a hurry.

Out of professional sensitivity, Ah Shen followed. He didn't dig into his wife's privacy, but simply fulfilled his husband's order and took his wife home.

Unexpectedly, he witnessed a suicide incident and immediately called He Jingyao to report it.

He Jingyao immediately left important clients behind and rushed to the hospital to find someone in person.

Thanks to his worrying so much, the little girl not only didn't even say thank you, but also chased her away.

Suddenly, he had the heart to crush her to death.

Little white-eyed wolf!

"You forgot, this is my bed!" He Jingyao continued to laugh and added.

The corner of Shen Zhiyi's mouth twitched, that's all, good women don't fight with men.

When she got up and was about to leave, someone grabbed her arm, and with a slight sway, she fell back to her original position with an unstable center of gravity.

Subconsciously wanting to struggle, He Jingyao's long legs pressed down on her and bound her tightly.

"Don't move around on the bed, or you will suffer the consequences!"

Shen Zhiyi choked and didn't dare to move.

Seeing that the little girl is rarely obedient, the corners of He Jingyao's lips curled up.

The two lay quietly in an embracing posture, and countless pink bubbles floated in the air.

"Shen Zhiyi, the atmosphere is here, should we do something meaningful?"

"Shen Zhiyi?"


He Jingyao lowered his head, his expression froze on his face.

The heartless little wild cat can fall asleep like this.

Is his charm really so bad?


Shen Zhiyi had a nightmare.

I dreamed of my mother who was lying on the bed in the hotel without breathing, and in a blink of an eye saw Ji Lincheng who jumped down from the tenth floor.

The two faces overlapped and turned into an impenetrable net, violently rushing towards her.

Shen Zhiyi woke up in a terrifying sense of suffocation.

The pillow was wet, whether it was sweat or tears.

"Have a nightmare?"

In the early morning, the man's voice was as clear as morning dew.

Shen Zhiyi nodded, then the tiger's body shook, and he turned his head suddenly, as if seeing a ghost.

"You, why are you here?"

He Jingyao lazily leaned against the head of the bed and bent one leg.

With a "click", he lit a cigarette.

This guy was shirtless, with smooth and firm muscles, his lower body barely covered by a thin quilt, and his bumpy six-pack abs were like silky chocolate.

He exhaled the smoke ring, turned his head, squinted his eyes and looked at Shen Zhiyi in the white mist, and said something he said last night, "You forgot? This is my bed!"

Of course Shen Zhiyi knew, but what she wanted to ask was that he had always been a blind man, so it was rare to see him on the bed when he woke up today.

It's as if they had some real action last night.

But she didn't ask a word, because her mind was all on his upper body.

"I have asked for two days off for you and Chairman Shen. If you are on a errand in Marriott in this state, be careful not to be caught by someone who cares! Don't thank me, I want Mrs. He not to be ashamed!"

Pressing the cigarette butt into the ashtray, He Jingyao lifted the corner of the quilt and got out of bed.

(End of this chapter)

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