Putting the gear on, releasing the brakes, the car sped out quickly, and drove all the way towards the warm community.

Along the way, Shen Zhi thought a lot, originally wanted to thank He Jingyao for his rescue, but when she thought that this matter was related to him, and even led by him, the fire in her heart suddenly ignited.

The car is parked downstairs.

"In the future, if you encounter such a situation, you can accelerate and rush over!" He Jingyao pulled up the handbrake and turned his head to look at her.

Shen Zhiyi swallowed her saliva and stared at him, "That's human life!"

She doesn't know if others can't do it, but this dog can definitely do it.

"Don't tell me your life is not your life? Remember, your retreat only gave the other party room to move forward, and in the end he was slowly pushed to a desperate situation!"

Shen Zhiyi let out a chuckle, "Speaking of it, it's not like you've been making trouble all the time, so you can't stop it now, can you?"

"Whether you believe it or not, I'm all about this matter. No matter how boring I am, I won't be so naive. Shen Zhiyi, please use your brain and think about whether you have offended someone recently, instead of being so stupid. Wronged a good man!"

He Jingyao looked at Shen Zhiyi like a fool, then let go of his seat belt and pushed the door down. Ah Shen was already waiting for him at the gate of the community in his car.

Shen Zhiyi sat in the car thinking for a while, the offended person...

He Jingyao went back to the old house for no other reason, Qiu Wanqing called him one after another.

He knew his mother too well, if she didn't come back today, she would blow up his phone.

In his view, the solution to things doesn't have to be just running away.


Qiu Wanqing stood up, "Ah Yao, what's the matter with you, you didn't promise me to keep a distance from that Shen Zhiyi, but now, how can you go to her house at night? If my guess is right, yes Did she invite you?"

"It has nothing to do with her!" He Jingyao said in one go.

Qiu Wanqing shook her head, feeling even more distressed, "You let me tell you what's good about you, why do you want to speak for her? I think you are really bewildered!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, no matter what happened between you, now you go to the Huang's house with me and explain it clearly, otherwise, where will you let the Huang's face go?

He Jingyao had thought of this a long time ago. He needed to give the Huang family an explanation. It was a matter of self-cultivation. He called Ah Shen to hold a meeting on his behalf, and then went to the Huang family with Qiu Wanqing.

The Huang family.

"Tell me, Ah Yao actually made such a mistake. If you say that nothing happened between him and his ex-wife, I don't believe it!" Huang's mother was panting with anger.

An ex-wife, an ex-husband, whoever it is, will think in that direction, isn't it their Huang family who are ashamed in the end?
Huang's father sat on the sofa and pressed his forehead, "What happened? What if it didn't happen? We're engaged to our daughter. Do you think it's appropriate to retire at this time?"

The divorce can only show the truth of the matter.

Mother Huang sighed, "Then what should I do, I can't swallow this breath, let alone watch my daughter be betrayed!"

"Hush! Keep your voice down!" Huang's father hurriedly gestured to her, and then pointed to his daughter's room upstairs.

Mother Huang covered her mouth belatedly.

They didn't want to embarrass their daughter, it would just make her sad.

Mother Huang couldn't sit still, "No, I'll go to the He family to seek justice now!"

"Master, madam, Mrs. He and Master He are here!" the servant informed.

The couple exchanged glances and said Cao Cao Cao Cao was here.

"Xiaona!" Qiu Wanqing greeted with a smile, but she got the cold face of Huang's mother.

"Why are you here when you are free?"

"Harmful! It's not all the gossip, Xiaona, just listen to the gossip from the media, but don't take it seriously!" Qiu Wanqing said with a smile.

Huang Runian knew that He Jingyao was coming, and she was still choosing clothes, so she quickly picked out one and put it on, put on her makeup in front of the mirror, and then happily came downstairs.

"Brother Jingyao, auntie!"

"Ah! Xiao Nian, the clothes you are wearing today are so pretty, especially taking advantage of your complexion, why haven't you seen them worn before?" Qiu Wanqing took Huang Runian's hand and laughed and praised.

Huang Runian blushed with embarrassment, and looked at He Jingyao shyly, "I bought it before, but I haven't worn it yet. Brother Jingyao, do you think it looks good?"

He Jingyao said "um", and one more word is called generosity.

"Xiaona, why don't we sit in the courtyard and leave space for the young people!" Qiu Wanqing winked at Huang's mother, who agreed.

As soon as the elders left, Huang Runian pulled He Jingyao up and walked to the restaurant, "Brother Jingyao, sit down first, I have learned baking for you, I baked some egg tarts in the morning, you can try it!"

He Jingyao didn't eat sweets very much, but he still tried one patiently. At the same time, he was secretly observing Huang Runian's expression.

Seeing that she was no different from before, he felt more at ease, because he was afraid that she would be like Fang Yao back then, with a cheerful and bright surface, but in fact it was just an appearance.

He would rather she burst out with any dissatisfaction and grievances than suppress it like this. Such a person will only be more terrifying.

"How about Brother Jingyao, is it delicious?"

"Not bad!"

"You have been here several times, but you have never visited my room. Do you want to visit?" Huang Runian was interested for a moment, and before He Jingyao could answer, she took his hand and left.

Huang Runian's room has the same personality as her own, cute, elf, and dreamy.

All the colors that can be used are almost all pale pink, and the bedside and decorative cabinets are full of various dolls.

Proper girly vibe.

Even the slippers she stepped on were pink long fur, very kawaii.

Huang Runian opened her arms and turned around, "How about Jing Yao, don't you think it's exaggerated?"

"It's cute!" The man gave a pertinent evaluation.

"Is the person cute, or the room cute?" Huang Runian suddenly leaned over, clutching the fabric around the man's waist with both hands, his raised little face was glowing with white luster, his eyes were very bright, like diamonds.

"All cute!"

Huang Runian was elated, "Really? Brother Jingyao, I'm so happy to finally get your approval!"

Excited, she threw herself into the arms of the man, wrapping her arms around him tightly.

The man's waist was tight and broad, and his abs, which were as smooth as chocolate, could be clearly felt.

What made Huang Runian's heart beat faster was his chest, her face was pressed against it, and his heartbeat seemed to be right next to her ear, hitting her every time.

It is so safe, intoxicating and intoxicating.

She just likes this man and must be his lover.

He Jingyao's back froze, and he stood in the air helplessly.

Looking down at the back of the girl's head, the next second, he held her shoulders and gently pulled her away, "Xiao Nian, I'm thirsty, please pour me a glass of water!"

"Okay, I'll go right away." Huang Runian went out blushing.

The man breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was almost their wedding, he hadn't even touched her with a single finger, and even... was a bit repulsive.

He doesn't like any woman to touch him, except Shen Zhiyi.

how so?Why does he still miss the feeling of being with Shen Zhiyi?

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