When she answered the phone, He Qingyan, who had been silent all this time, signaled He Jingyao to come out.

There were two people standing at the end of the corridor, one was dignified and arrogant, the other was stern and aggressive, their looks were about the same, but their temperaments were completely different.

"Brother, you should know that the current situation is very unfavorable for Zhizhi. If you force her to go back to the He mansion, it is tantamount to throwing her into the fire pit!" With the golden color, the lines of his face softened a lot, but he couldn't suppress the darkness in his eyebrows and eyes.

He Jingyao held a cigarette between his fingertips, and the white smoke curled up, just like the time passing by at this moment.

He laughed suddenly, and looked at the person opposite through the thick smoke, "How do you know it must be the fire pit, not the coast?"

He Qingyan also laughed, "Brother may have forgotten his identity. If you do this, you will only put Zhizhi in a desperate situation, make more enemies for her, and finally push her to the forefront. You want to kill her!"

As if hitting the nail on the head, He Jingyao's fingertips trembled, and the soot fell on the expensive suit, rolling out a trace.

There was a moment of hesitation and regret in his heart, but the reality told him that he must continue to move forward, there is no way out, but if he retreats, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

"Maybe you also forgot, the wedding between me and Huang Runian is suspended!"

"Then she is also your fiancée. You are a person who has a marriage contract, so you shouldn't get involved with other women, let alone this person is your ex-wife, brother, what do you want to do? Why can't you let Zhi Zhi go?" Weaving?" He Qingyan is not confident that Shen Zhiyi will fall in love with him, but the only thing he can do is to prevent He Jingyao from approaching her again.

Only in this way can I have more opportunities.

In any case, he never thought that he still has such a selfish side.

He Jingyao smoked the last half of his cigarette in one breath, the scarlet redness faded in the shadows, and finally turned into a ball of ashes, which was thrown into the cigarette holder.

"I'm sorry to tell you, not only will I not let her go, but I will also pursue her, and I will let her come back to me!" The man stood up straight and straightened his suit, then strode to brush shoulders with He Qingyan Pass.

The latter was stunned.

When he came back to his senses and suddenly turned around to look for He Jingyao, he was already gone.

Shen Zhiyi did not succumb to He Jingyao's threat, but in the end he was helpless under Dashu's soft pleading.

The little guy was crying so hard on the phone that he wanted Shen Zhiyi to go to He Mansion to accompany him.

No matter how hard Shen Zhiyi's heart is, she will eventually be unable to resist the cry of the child.

She owed Dashu, and finally compromised.

Fortunately, He Jingyao didn't live in the He Mansion, otherwise, even if she was killed, it would be impossible for her to find a way to retreat when Dashu calmed down.

Just like that, there was no need to go home at all. After coming out of the hospital, He Jingyao's car was waiting for her by the side of the road.

Shen Zhiyi made a special trip to explain to He Qingyan, no matter what, his status is special, any man would not allow the woman he likes to go with other men.

Shen Zhiyi felt that she was so cruel, but for the sake of the child, she couldn't help it.

Who knew that He Qingyan asked her a question, "Zhizhi, if Big Brother pursues you again, will you turn back?"

Shen Zhiyi smiled, almost without any consideration, "Impossible!"

He Qingyan watched Shen Zhiyi leave in the car, the wind blew the hem of his windbreaker, behind him was a wedding photography shop, and in the window were the hottest wedding photo templates of the season, in sharp contrast to him who was lonely at the moment Compared.

The wind blew the hem of his windbreaker, he stood there for a long time without moving, his eyes kept looking at the direction where Shen Zhiyi disappeared...


"Uncle, why did you let me follow Grandma? I have something to do in the afternoon!"

"Really? Yes, that's a deal!"

He Cancan couldn't figure it out. My uncle wanted her to supervise his mother. Could it be that the mother and son had quarreled?

Anyway, she doesn't care, since the uncle promised to satisfy her one request unconditionally, she is still willing to oblige for such a small matter.

"Cancan, hurry up!" a classmate called her.

"I'm coming!"

He Cancan was temporarily pulled by a classmate to be an idol. She herself is not a fan of stars, but this classmate is different. Recently, she has been madly infatuated with a certain male artist.

"Look, it's really Zheng Fanxing, oh my god, he's so handsome, he really deserves to be my idol, I'm so excited! Ahhh!"

The classmate grabbed He Cancan's arm and screamed excitedly on the spot. He Cancan rolled his eyes indifferently, "These little fresh meats are just confusing you love-minded girls. If it weren't for the company's packaging, they might not even be as good as the class grass in our class." !"

"Your vision is too high, isn't it? Zheng Fanxing is obviously Yan Ba, okay? All the boyfriends you were talking about are not as handsome as him. Hey, you should take a look, I guarantee you will like it!"

Under the instigation of her classmates, He Cancan just gave her face and reluctantly glanced over there. In her heart, Yan Ba's position had already belonged to another person, and she couldn't shake it.

"This is Zheng Fanxing? That's it, it's not my style!" He Cancan shook his head.

The classmate was surprised, "No, Cancan, you liked this one before!"

Milky and white, sunny and handsome, the key point must be to have a youthful look, and it will be even more divided if you add some artistic expertise.

Looking at He Cancan's boyfriends, they all belong to this hexagram.

When He Cancan thought about it, he seemed to be really saying, "Cough! That was in the past, and it would be annoying sooner or later to always eat one kind of flavor!"

"Oh, that's right!" The classmate's little gossip motor started to work, "Then which one do you like now? My brother's male classmate is much handsomer, I'll go find him and fix you one later!"

How dare He Cancan say, "Uh, I like..."

"Sister Jiaojiao, be careful!" Song Jiaojiao, who came out later, got out of the car and accidentally sprained her high heels. If Zheng Fanxing hadn't helped her shoulder with quick eyesight, she would have made a fool of herself.

Song Jiaojiao quickly thanked her, and walked towards the hotel side by side with Zheng Fanxing, carrying her skirt.

At the request of many fans, the two of them will participate in a fan meeting together today. The advertisement they co-produced before has received a good response, and many netizens have called for them to fall in love.

After discussing with his agent, Zheng Fanxing decided to use this to create momentum for his new movie.

Song Jiaojiao didn't want to come. She is currently the girlfriend of the boss of Canxing Entertainment. In other words, the boss's wife. The gossip hasn't gone down yet. If she and Zheng Fanxing spread any rumors, wouldn't she be completely labeled as a scumbag? Label?
Help, she wants to be a movie queen, not a scumbag!

But unable to withstand Zheng Fanxing's repeated invitations, and in order to repay this kindness, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and come to participate.

No topic, no artist, entering the entertainment industry, this kind of thing is inevitable. Thinking of this, Song Jiaojiao felt a little relieved.

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