After that, the three of their mothers went to the yard to trim the flowers and plants. They were all learned by now. Everyone did it well, and they were busy until noon.

After eating mushroom soup hot pot for lunch, Shen Zhiyi took them to play Lego on the balcony, and then the three of them took a nap on the same bed.

Upon waking up, Dashu climbed onto Shen Zhiyi's body at some point, with his butt pouted, his head drooping downwards, his mouth half-opened, sound asleep, and Xiaobao changed from lying vertically to lying horizontally , placed upside down to form a "big" character, quite demeanor of sleeping.

Shen Zhiyi smiled and shook her head, and lightly covered the two little guys with quilts, stroked the hair of one, pinched the face of the other, she couldn't put it down.

The bottom of my heart seemed to be filled all of a sudden, full of happiness.

She thought, this is probably the life she wants. The house doesn't need to be too big, the car doesn't need to be too luxurious, and it's enough to be accompanied by the most important people in her life.

In a flash the sun went down.

Shen Zhiyi prepared fruit for the little ones.

"Mom, I want grapes!" Dashu acted like a baby.

"Okay, here are the grapes!" Shen Zhiyi picked up one and fed it to him.

Seeing this, Xiaobao was unhappy, "Shen Zhiyi, I want to eat mango!"

"Okay, mango is here!"

Dashu was not convinced, "Mom, I still want to eat!"

Shen Zhiyi said hello again.

The little guy raised his eyebrows proudly at Xiaobao, see, my mother likes me the most.

Xiaobao snorted through his nostrils, "Shen Zhiyi, you are too full of movements, apples, apples, I will eat apples!"

"Okay, okay, come one by one, there are all!" Shen Zhiyi was very busy.

The little girl stuck out her tongue at the big tree, a little bit, Shen Zhiyi likes me too.

The two little guys were unwilling to give in to the other, but Shen Zhiyi was so busy that she wished she could grow three heads and six arms.

The mother and son were making a fuss, and Wang Ma ran in anxiously, "Miss Shen, hurry up, Madam is here, you should hide first!"

Shen Zhiyi frowned, and before she had time to ask why, she saw Qiu Wanqing and Huang Runian coming in with her.

"What's going on with all of you, why are you stopping me? I want to see what medicine you sell in your gourd!"

"Ma'am, you have misunderstood. How can I stop you? It's just that the husband is not at home, and the young master needs to rest, so..."

"It's none of your business, get out of the way!" Qiu Wanqing didn't believe this evil anymore, brushed the servant away, and walked in with Huang Runian.

He directly bumped into Shen Zhiyi's mother and son face to face.

Qiu Wanqing froze for a moment, "Shen Zhiyi? You, why are you here?"

Looking at her again, she was dressed in home clothes, which proved that at least she lived here last night.

Thinking of this, Qiu Wanqing suddenly became angry, "Don't tell me that you live here now!"

"Ma'am, it's Mr. He..."

As soon as Wang Ma opened her mouth, Qiu Wanqing angrily snapped back, "Is there any place for you to interrupt here? Shut up, I'm going to teach this shameless woman a lesson today, so don't stop anyone!"

Wang Ma opened her mouth, not daring to say anything.

"Ah Hong, take the young master and young lady down first!" Qiu Wanqing looked at the other servants.

"Grandma, I'm not leaving!"

"With me here, no one can bully Shen Zhiyi!"

Dashu and Xiaobao were arguing and no one would leave. Shen Zhiyi was very moved. When she was in danger, there were children standing in front of her. Could there be anything happier than this?
Qiu Wanqing took a deep breath, walked up to the children, and coaxed her lovingly with a smile, "Dashu and little baby, grandma will just say a few words to your mother, you go to play first, and grandma will come to you soon okay?"

"Then grandma must promise us not to bully mother!" Dashu resolutely defended Shen Zhiyi.

Qiu Wanqing's smile froze. In order to send the two children away first, she had no choice but to agree, "Okay, grandma promises you, let's go play!"

The two little guys held hands and walked away step by step.

Qiu Wanqing shook her head unacceptably, she never expected that Shen Zhiyi would buy off the two flesh and blood of the He family so quickly.

Then she walked up to Huang Runian and shook her hand, as if to say, don't worry, with me here, I will make the decision for you.

"Shen Zhiyi, I asked you a question, and I dare not answer it, or have no face to answer it?" Qiu Wanqing spoke in a bitter and mean tone.

If she hadn't dragged Huang Runian over today, she really wouldn't have known how smoky the He mansion was.

Had she known this, she shouldn't have pulled Huang Runian over. She wanted to have a good communication with her son, cultivate a relationship, and appease Huang Runian's emotions, but she never thought it would be like this Condition.

I really regret her to death.

Shen Zhiyi didn't move in all directions, with a calm expression, "Mrs. He is serious. I'm here to take care of my son and daughter. May I ask why you have no face to answer?"

Qiu Wanqing pointed at her, "Then what's the matter with your clothes? Didn't you just take the opportunity to move in? Shen Zhiyi, don't just give birth to a pair of children for the He family to change anything, let me tell you, With me here, it is absolutely impossible for you to enter the He family's door, you, get out now!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled slightly, "Sorry, the owner of He Mansion is He Jingyao, I only listen to him, if he tells me to go, I will go!"

"You!" Qiu Wanqing was furious, "It's really against the sky, it's against the sky, someone, come and drive her out!"

The servants immediately went about their own business, all pretending to be deaf and dumb. No one knew that Shen Zhiyi was invited by He Jingyao, and she was specially instructed to take good care of her. She even gave birth to a pair of children for the He family. Dare to move?

Seeing this, Qiu Wanqing was trembling with anger, "Okay, everyone is so strong, they don't even listen to me, right? If you don't chase me away, I will chase you away! Shen Zhiyi, please get out of here immediately!"

Qiu Wanqing pointed to the door.

Shen Zhiyi remained motionless.

"Auntie!" Huang Runian came over and tugged at Qiu Wanqing's arm, smoothing things over, "I think Miss Shen is just here to visit the children, there is no other meaning!"

"Xiao Nian, you are just too kind. As the saying goes, people are good at being bullied, and horses are good at being ridden. If you are like this, won't some people push their noses in the face? A Yao is your fiancé, you must not let anyone People can take advantage of it, and Auntie is helping you!"

"Stop, where are you going?" Qiu Wanqing caught sight of a servant who was about to run out, and stopped.

"Husband, madam, I'm going to clean up in the vestibule!" The servant explained nervously.

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know that you want to report to A Yao, let me tell you, if anyone dares to report today, don't blame me for being polite!"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, no one dares to move.

Huang Runian walked in front of Shen Zhiyi, although her voice was harmonious, but there was a hint of hostess in her manner, "Sister Zhiyi, Auntie's words may be a bit harsh, don't mind, but you are really not suitable today Appearing here, after all, brother Jingyao already has a marriage contract, you will inevitably let outsiders gossip when you go in and out of his residence like this, it will have a great influence not only on brother Jingyao, but also on you!"

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