After Liu Xiang learned of this incident, she rushed to the police station immediately, but because Shen Shujie's case was serious and she was the mastermind, she didn't even see anyone this time.

After she came back, she asked her connections to save her son, but she got the same answer, the case was too serious to intervene.

The money was spent, but the person was not rescued. Liu Xiang cried out every day that he should not respond, and the ground was not working. He was anxious like a headless chicken.

She is such a precious son, and she will point to him to retire in the future. If something really happens, how can she live?
Waking up early in the morning, she received a call from a stranger.

"Hello, is this Ms. Liu?"

Liu Xiang didn't sleep well because of Shen Shujie's affairs, and his whole body was haggard, "I am, who are you?"

"Oh, I heard from my friend that you want to rescue your son from the police station, right?"

Liu Xiang said proudly, "What does this have to do with you, who are you?"

"It's like this, because I have some connections in the police station, so this friend you asked for my help, and it's a piece of cake for me to get someone out of the police station, it's just, the procedure is afraid It's complicated!"

Liu Xiang grasped the point, "Can you really get my son out? Tell me, how much do you want?"

"It's not a matter of money or not..."

"As long as you say the number, as long as you can fish out my son, I will do as much as you want. Please, help me, or I can be your cow or horse!" Liu Xiang wished he could kneel now Over there.

Even if she suffers by herself, she can't bear to see her precious son stay in that kind of place.

The other party hesitated for a moment, "Okay, but I have to get through the first relationship first, I'm afraid it will cost some money!"

Liu Xiang became excited, "Okay, I'll transfer it to you in a while!"

After three days, she successively transferred 100 million to this mysterious person, all of which belonged to her.

Although it is very painful, but thinking that my precious son will come out soon, no matter how much money is spent, it is worth it.

Liu Xiang's money was transferred out, and she sat at home and waited, waiting for the mysterious person to notify her of Shen Shujie's arrival, but on the fourth day, there was no movement on the phone.

She called back, "Hello, the phone you dialed is off, please try again later..."

Liu Xiang panicked and had a bad premonition.

She had been making that phone call all morning, but no one answered.

When I finally realized that I was cheated, the sky fell.

Liu Xiang slumped on the ground, patted his thigh and burst into tears.

The money is gone, and the son has not been rescued, so how can we let her live in the future.

At this moment, the mysterious person called suddenly, Liu Xiang got up to answer the phone, and the moment he got through, he yelled, "You are a big liar, dare to lie to my old lady, I curse you to die, come out if you have the ability... "

"Mom, it seems that you are in a bad mood now!"

Liu Xiang, who was cursing, was shocked, "You... who are you? Who is your mother?"

"I'm your daughter Shen Yichun, what's the matter, I haven't seen you for a while, and you forgot your daughter so quickly? You are really patriarchal!"

Liu Xiang's cell phone fell to the ground with a bang, and she backed away in fright, knocking her back on the corner of the table, forgetting the pain because of being too frightened.

Seemingly unwilling, after gathering herself, she crawled to pick up the phone, "My daughter died a long time ago, you... who the hell are you?"

The other side pretended to be angry, "Mom, I'm really Yichun, can't you hear my voice?"

Liu Xiang rolled her throat, and after she calmed down, her voice was really familiar, "My daughter Yichun died a long time ago, don't lie to me!"

The other party's tone changed, and he said coldly, "Hmph! Die? Yes, if your precious son hadn't betrayed me, how could I have turned into such a ghost? Now that Shen Shujie has ended up like this, he deserves it!"

"Damn girl, it's really you, where are you, come out and speak clearly!" Liu Xiang, who had reacted, also changed his attitude.

Shen Yichun was a little hurt, "Mom, aren't you happy to see that I'm not dead?"

"Hmph! It's best if you don't die. I only care about whether my precious son has been wronged. Damn girl, you dare to lie to me. Come and see me immediately!"

Shen Yichun bit her lip, and the flames of injustice ignited in her heart. When she opened her mouth, her voice became extremely indifferent, "Mom, in your eyes, is Shen Shujie the only child? Then what am I? If I wasn't He betrayed me for that little money, and I wouldn't have been captured by Lao Tan and sold to a perverted man. If my life hadn't been saved by someone, the corpse would have been eaten by wolves. You should eat and drink like nothing happened, and even use me to ask Lao Tan for money, are you human?"

Shen Yichun roared and roared, like a wronged soul crawling out of hell.

Liu Xiang's face turned crimson purple, and he couldn't speak a word.

At the beginning when she went to find Lao Tan's important person, Lao Tan sent her away with money. Now that I think about it, I really feel sorry for my daughter.

"I know you're not dead yet. Well, you can't blame us for that. Besides, it was your own choice to be entangled by Old Tan. Since you are not dead, why didn't you come to us? In short, you hurry up Give me the money, and I will use this money to marry Xiaojie!"

Shen Yichun was completely disappointed, "Save Xiaojie, save Xiaojie, you will know how to save Xiaojie. Let me tell you, this is a big case, and he is the mastermind. Don't even think about it in this life!"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I reported him to the police. Since Shen Shujie doesn't regard me as his sister, then why should I be fond of him!"

Liu Xiang was so angry that he trembled all over, "You, you dead girl, you don't even let your own brother go!"

"Oh! Is it my own brother? Mom, you know better than anyone else. Shen Shujie was born to you and your best friend, and I was raised from the countryside by you in order to tie my father's heart. , I finally understand why you have only regarded me as a tool to make money all these years, and why have you regarded Shen Shujie as a treasure!"

She has long suspected that the mother-daughter relationship between herself and Liu Xiang has changed. No matter how patriarchal she is, it is impossible to ignore the life and death of her own daughter.

Finally she started to check, if she didn't check, she wouldn't know, and she was startled when she checked.

When she learned the truth of this incident, she finally understood the reason why she was underestimated by Liu Xiang all these years.

It turned out that not only was she not Shen Yuanshan's own flesh and blood, she was not even related to Liu Xiang by blood.

Facing Shen Zhiyi, she lost completely, losing in her identity.

What nonsense, the Second Miss of the Shen family is really ironic.

Liu Xiang was shocked, "You, you know all about it!"

"Mom, take this money as compensation for the pain of parting from your biological parents after taking me away for so many years!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Liu Xiang swayed, his face pale as snow...

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