After some reassurance, the little guy's mood stabilized, "Xiaobao, why don't we make a bet! Only give daddy two months, if he treats mom well for two months, then we will help daddy to pursue again Mom, if Dad still bullies Mom like that, then I will be angry too, and I will let Mom be someone else's wife."

"That's a great idea!"

The two little guys clapped their hands in agreement.

I hope Dad doesn't let them down, otherwise, don't blame them for disregarding the relationship between parents and children.

He Jingyao took the time to come back to look at Dashu. Although there were servants at home, he was still not at ease.

On the other side of He Mansion, a car drove towards theirs, and the two cars stopped in front of the gate one after another.

"Sir, it seems to be Ms. Huang!" As soon as the driver finished speaking, Huang Runian got off the opposite car.

Her pretty short hair hasn't been trimmed for a while, and it almost reaches her neck, making her look a bit stuffy.

He Jingyao lowered the car window halfway.

"Brother Jingyao, you are back! I have something to look for you!"

He Jingyao hummed, "Go in and talk!"

After the servant served the tea, he retreated. Huang Runian and He Jingyao were the only ones in the hall.

If Huang Ru didn't say anything, He Jingyao didn't speak, and the atmosphere was deadlocked for a few minutes.

The former finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Brother Jingyao, I thought about what you said last time, I'm sorry, I can't agree!"

The man's eyes were dark, without much expression, he knew Huang Runian's character very well, stubborn, persistent, and not easy to admit defeat.

After a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice, "Xiao Nian, I did this for your own good!"

Huang Runian twitched her lips, "But what if I said, don't use the guise of being good for me to satisfy your own ideas?"

He Jingyao clenched his cup tightly and said nothing.

"Brother Jingyao, in fact, you have already recovered your memory, right?"

The man raised his face.

Huang Runian smiled slightly and continued, "I can see how much you care and value Sister Zhiyi. Maybe you really gave up on her before, but now you may not know that your eyes are all about her. You can fool others, but you can't fool me!"

"I've thought of many ways to get into your heart, but it's not as good as Zhiyi's eyes. Maybe this is the difference between liking and disliking, but I don't care. There are so many people in the world, and how many hearts match each other! "

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell my parents about your cancellation of the wedding. On the one hand, I don't want them to embarrass you. On the other hand, I want to try harder. I'm not reconciled!"

He Jingyao's eyes were as deep as the sea, and for a moment, he was moved by her, "Xiao Nian, why are you doing this?"

"Everything is voluntary, so please give me another month, please? I promise, if you still don't like me after one month, I will let you go. I wish you and Sister Zhiyi a happy life together! "Every time Huang Runian uttered a word, the bitterness swallowed hard into his stomach.

She put down a girl's dignity and everything, just to fight for this little chance.

If she were to compete with Shen Zhiyi, she would lose outright. Therefore, the only way to be sure of victory is to give her more time.

Her eyes were so expectant, so hot, so longing and sincere, like a shackle, firmly locked on He Jingyao's heart.

When sending Huang Runian away, I don't know if it was He Jingyao's illusion, he seemed to see tears in her eyes, and in the blink of an eye, she was still smiling sweetly as usual.

"Okay, brother Jingyao, you can go back, I'm not a child, I know the way home!"

He Jingyao didn't speak, and opened the rear door for her.

Before the car started, Huang Runian looked up at him, as if looking up at the starry sky she yearned for most, "One month, I will make you fall in love with me!"


"Are you broken in love, boy?" Fu Que squinted at Yin Xingze pouring wine into his stomach, and couldn't help joking.

Yin Xingze snorted, "I haven't even dated, so how can I be broken?"

"Then what are you doing to get rid of the grudge, don't drink, according to your original preference, if you have time to drink, why don't you find some younger sisters to play with!" Fu snatched his cup away.

"Ha! Is this my virtue?"

But Fu told the truth, "What do you think!"

"Okay, let's talk about who messed with our Young Master Yin. I just got off the plane and you dragged me over to drink with me. I have the right to know the truth, right?"

Yin Xingze brushed his hair back, he didn't know how to change his words, it was too embarrassing, "The truth is, I was ignored by a girl!"


He told Fu Que everything, but Fu Que mercilessly laughed at him, "It's because they didn't like you, Young Master Yin!"

"What are you laughing at, are you a buddy?" Yin Xingze had no place to put his face.

With his young master Yin's charm, girls have always stuck to him, and it was the first time he met someone who was eager to get rid of him.

This can only prove that his charm is not enough.

Fu was punched a few times by Yin Xingze, and said with a suppressed smile, "To be honest, have you taken a fancy to her little girl?"

Yin Xingze touched his chest, a little hard to say, "I don't know how I feel about her, I just think she's quite interesting, and I want to play with her when I'm bored!"

"That's all?"

"Ah! It's a pleasure to be with her, and she's different from any woman I've ever seen. She's more real, more down-to-earth, and cuter!"

Yin Xingze couldn't find any more adjectives to describe Xiaomei.

Fu shook his head, "Ah Ze, you are finished!"


"A face that has fallen in love!"

Yin Xingze kicked him with a smile, "Fuck! You talk like that!"

"Squeeze it out yourself!" Fu Que picked up a bottle of whiskey and poured himself a glass.

After staying abroad for a period of time, he grew a beard, which looks a lot of vicissitudes, but still elegant and masculine.

Yin Xingze was very irritable, "Impossible, this young master only plays games in the world and doesn't care about real feelings, what kind of love network, it's something only played by the love brain, what does it have to do with me!"

But Fu just smiled and didn't speak, now Yin Xingze couldn't sit still anymore.

The two turned over this topic and talked about something else.

But Fu saw that the time was almost up, so he proposed to leave first. Before leaving, he patted Yin Xingze on the shoulder, "Don't tell him about my return to China!"

"Who? Ah Yao?" Yin Xingze sighed, "Old Fu, there's no need to do this, we are all brothers. Besides, it was Fang Yao who wanted to harm Sister Zhizhi at the beginning, and he did it out of self-protection..."

Fu Que's complexion changed, and he interrupted with a low growl, "Enough, if you don't want to break up with me, you are not allowed to mention those people's names again!"

Yin Xingze opened his mouth and stopped talking.

It seems that Fu still hasn't stepped out of Fang Yao's shadow. He attributed her death to Shen Zhiyi and He Jingyao.

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