Shen Zhiyi's body froze, and when she realized the situation and wanted to withdraw her hand, He Qingyan grabbed it instead. The next second, he lowered his head and kissed lightly on the back of her hand.

The face of the man at the next table was covered in frost.

He Qingyan withdrew his gaze from the table next door, suddenly cupped Shen Zhiyi's face, and placed another deep kiss on Shen Zhiyi's forehead.

Shen Zhiyi's eyes widened, she was caught off guard, and was so kissed that she froze in place and forgot to respond.

Before she could resist, He Qingyan accepted it as soon as he saw it, and served her dishes thoughtfully, as if nothing had happened.

When the employees saw this scene, they covered their mouths and showed excited expressions as if they were falling in love.


He Jingyao threw the tableware on the table, got up and left, the plain tablecloth was lifted by the wind from his clothes.

Ah Shen glanced at the table next door, then quickly followed his master.

"Let's leave him alone and continue eating!" Shen Zhiyi said angrily.

He Qingyan smiled and said yes, the romantic lunch between the two continued, no one knew the misery hidden in his eyes.

After sending him off, the employees swarmed over him.

"Manager Shen, is that your boyfriend? He's so gentle and handsome!"

"Not only gentle and handsome, but also very romantic. This bouquet of white roses is a perfect match for our Manager Shen!"

"With such a comparison, I want to break up with my boyfriend. Manager Shen, when will you get married?"

"Go, go! Go to work, can you answer your private questions?" Xiaomei appeared at the right time and drove everyone away, "Sister Zhiyi, they just love to gossip, you don't have to take it to heart!"

"It's okay, I like gossip too!" Shen Zhiyi smiled to cover it up.

As for the future between her and He Qingyan, I really haven't thought about it. The relationship between her and He Qingyan is indescribably embarrassing. More than friends, less than lovers, or confidants, or slightly more than strangers Familiar friends.

She wanted to get to know him and even like her, but there was always a vast sea between them, no matter how hard she tried, she could never reach the other side.

She wanted to end this awkward relationship many times, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't bear to say a word.

Such a good man, why did she hurt him?Maybe feelings can be cultivated, doesn't she need someone's company?

After finishing the day's work, Shen Zhiyi was about to pack up and go home when someone knocked on the door and came in.

"Miss Shen, the water from the shower head in the room is not very good, can I trouble you to go up and have a look?" A Shen nodded and said.

"The hotel has a professional plumber, you can go to him!" Shen Zhiyi said, what's the use of looking for her, she is not a professional.

"But your master has already left work, and our husband is in a hurry, so can you..."

Shen Zhiyi sighed, and said helplessly, "Okay, I'll go up with you!"

Ash smiled triumphantly.

In the upstairs room, He Jingyao was sitting on the single sofa and reading a magazine. He was wearing a nightgown that came with him, a belt was loosely tied around his waist, and the V-neck was half open. He didn't know who he was seducing.

Shen Zhiyi only took one look, then immediately moved away, and went straight to the bathroom. She rolled up her sleeves, grabbed the shower head with one hand, and turned on the switch with the other.

The water is wonderful.

Isn't that nice?

Feeling that he was being deceived, Shen Zhiyi lost his things and went to He Jingyao to settle the score when he came out.

"He Jingyao, what the hell are you..."

Why is it dark?

The sudden power outage made Shen Zhiyi startled.

Their hotel has a dedicated generator, which can temporarily deal with various power outages, so in theory, this situation is impossible.

"Hey, He Jingyao, where are you..."

Shen Zhiyi fumbled towards the door, when suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her waist from behind, locking her tightly into an embrace.

Shen Zhiyi froze, the familiar body temperature and light fragrance were so familiar, it hit her heart beating wildly.

"He Jingyao, what are you doing, let go!"

"Don't let go!" The man said decisively, with unwillingness and punishment.

In the next second, dense and warm kisses fell on Shen Zhiyi's neck

"Tell me, how far have you and He Qingyan progressed? Hold hands? Kiss? Or go to bed?"

The man bit Shen Zhiyi's earlobe lightly, his voice was as soft as a gust of wind, but it was full of pressure and threat
The man lowered his head and bit her neck, Shen Zhiyi lost his voice in pain.

"Tell me, did you go to bed?"

Shen Zhiyi woke up suddenly, and struggled subconsciously, "Crazy, how do I get in touch with other men, what does it matter to you? You have no right to ask!"

"Really? I want you to see if I really have no right to ask!"

Shen Zhiyi was turned over, and then pushed against the wall. He Jingyao grabbed her hands and hung her upside down above her head, and then kissed her all over her body.

Shen Zhi wanted to use her legs, but He Jingyao predicted her prediction, a long leg was enough to suppress her entire lower body.

The little woman is like a rabbit being suppressed by the big bad wolf in all directions, allowing it to be slaughtered and unable to resist.

"Tell me, what's so good about him? If he's not interested, he just keeps a blank face all day long, let alone being romantic. Why do you have to follow him? Why?"

Shen Zhiyi smiled when he heard this sentence, "Mr. He said this, if I don't follow him, should I follow you?"

He Jingyao stopped, raised his head to meet Shen Zhiyi's gaze, "Maybe we can get along as lovers!"

Lover's identity?
Shen Zhi wanted to scream up to the sky, and even more wanted to pooh his face.

Is this what a person said?

He can even think of a lover relationship, what a scumbag.

Shen Zhi was trembling with anger, she was really blind, she only liked this kind of man before.

After closing her eyes and calming down for a few seconds, she intentionally retaliated against him, "Not only do I want to follow Master Qingyan, I also want to marry him and be his wife. Such a good man, he can't take advantage of others! "

He Jingyao's expression changed instantly, and the turbulent waves were secretly surging, "Say what you just said again!"

"I said, I want to marry him and be his wife. Is there a problem?"

The man sneered, like a god of hell, with scarlet eyes, Shen Zhiyi's heart skipped a beat, and realized that he was too impulsive to provoke him.

After all, this man can do anything.

By the time she regretted and wanted to make up for it, it was too late, and He Jingyao started to pick up the buttons.

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