"Look, you are a well-known rich second generation in the circle, and I am just a commoner with a lot of debts. Do you think it is suitable for us to be friends? I have nothing to do with myself, but you, Yin Shao, will let others It's a joke!"

"Who dares to laugh at me, tear his mouth apart!" Yin Xingze said domineeringly.

Xiaomei was frightened immediately, she never expected that Young Master Yin would have such a cold side, which completely overturned her cognition.

Yin Xingze licked his lips, and issued a final warning, "Xiaomei, let me tell you, you don't want to get rid of me. This young master is not someone who you want to mess with, or break up with, unless I don't want to be friends with you. Otherwise, no matter how much dissatisfaction you have, you have to hold it back, have you heard?"

Xiaomei: "..."

Why does it feel like a domineering declaration after a fruitless pursuit, so strange!


"Mom, what are you going to do to me? Why do you want to attack Shen Zhiyi? If you think you can restrain me by using her, then you are very wrong!"

When He Jingyao learned about the reporter's disturbance at the Marriott Hotel, he first thought of his mother, so he put down his work and drove to the old house to question his mother.

Qiu Wanqing was sitting on the grand teacher's chair, sipping the high-quality Longjing tea leisurely, and her dignified and elegant figure was outlined in a cheongsam embroidered with silk and gold trim.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

He Jingyao closed his eyes, "Do you have to do this? And what good will it do you?"

Qiu Wanqing put the teacup on the table with a serious expression, "At least I can ruin her reputation!"

"Ah Yao, if you continue to be so obsessed, you will be killed by this woman sooner or later. Have you forgotten how difficult it was for you to climb to your current position step by step? Are you going to lose everything for a woman? "

He Jingyao smiled faintly, "Mom, I'm afraid you made a mistake. Aren't you and Dad the ones who made me the successor of the He family? For more than 20 years, I have lived according to your grand plans. Yes, in terms of career, I can listen to you, don't you even want to meddle in my private affairs?"

"I..." Qiu Wanqing stopped, she couldn't be too hard, so she had to be soft, "Ah Yao, mom doesn't care about your personal affairs, mom is just worried that you will be harmed by Shen Zhiyi, didn't I say that before?" Well, if you like her, you can keep her, and you can do whatever you want behind her back, but she just can't be shown in front of the public. Xiao Nian is your future wife. In this way, your relationship and career will not affect each other. Isn't that good? ?”

He Jingyao shook his head slowly, "Mom, would you like Dad to raise a woman behind his back?"

"Presumptuous, what do you call that?" Qiu Wanqing was furious.

"Isn't this the end? You can't tolerate it, so why ask another woman to tolerate it? I will solve the Huang family's affairs by myself. Before that, I hope you will not interfere in my affairs, let alone touch things that shouldn't be touched Man, or you know, I have my character too!"

He Jingyao said every word decisively and ruthlessly, Qiu Wanqing was stunned for a moment, never expecting her son to talk to her like this.

"Young master, your supper..." The servant carrying the supper came in, barely bumping into He Jingyao who was going out fiercely.

"Leave it to Madam to eat!" The man kept stepping and left like a gust of wind.

"Ma'am, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Qiu Wanqing was about to fall over, the servant rushed up to support her...

Cozy neighborhood.

"I'm going! This Huang Runian is too green tea, right? I can think of this trick, I, Song Jiaojiao, won't accept anyone, so I will obey her!" Song Jiaojiao gave a thumbs up.

Shen Zhiyi expressed a headache, "Can you stop making trouble?"

"What you said, can I be called adding trouble? I'm called to give you advice!" Song Jiaojiao squeezed her buttocks beside her, rubbed her chin and thought again and again, "I really didn't realize that this Huang Runian has some tricks , Zhizhi, if you continue to do as you please, let alone the side concubine, you will not be able to get along at that time. If you want me to say, you will cut the mess quickly and take He Jingyao down quickly, and the world will be yours by then. Who else are you afraid of?"

The girl made gestures as she spoke, like a warrior on the battlefield, with a dignified and righteous look.

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes, "You didn't wipe your shit clean, yet you still tell me!"

"Me? What's wrong with me?"

"Are you sure the relationship with Fang Huaizhou is clean?" Shen Zhiyi asked back, trying to change the topic, so as not to mention the dog's name in front of her all day long, which made her even more uneasy.

Song Jiaojiao crossed her legs, hugged her shoulders, and looked impatient, "I have nothing with him. If there is, it is because he is my boss and I am his employee. He is annoying now, all day long. If you don't like me, if you don't move, you'll give me a hard time!"

Thinking of Fang Huaizhou blocking her in the toilet door a few days ago, she couldn't help but get angry.

This man is simply too hateful.

Even if friends can't do it, it can't be like this, right?

There is no way to deal with it, there is no way to deal with it at all.

Shen Zhiyi dragged her chin, and let out a long sigh, "Really? There are so many people in the company, why are you the only one who is so strict with you? Could it be that you did something or contacted someone that made him uncomfortable? gone?"

"What have I done, and what...people have I come into contact with?" Song Jiaojiao paused, and suddenly remembered something.

Could it be because of Zheng Fanxing?

After all, these two people can't deal with each other.

But what does this have to do with her? He should and should target Zheng Fanxing.

"Ahem, why are you talking about me? Let's get back to the topic. I think Huang Runian must have done it when you were surrounded by reporters. This is so despicable. No wonder your ex-husband looked down on her." !" Song Jiaojiao learned to be smart this time, and quickly jumped out of Shen Zhiyi's ecstasy.

Shen Zhiyi curled up her thick eyelashes, tapped her fingertips rhythmically on the glass, "It's not her!"

"If it's not her, who else can be? She is the most suspected!"

Shen Zhiyi analyzed the problem, "Even if Huang Runian thought so in her heart, she wouldn't do it. He knew that He Jingyao would find out. This would undoubtedly increase He Jingyao's dislike for her. Why should she do it?"

Song Jiaojiao suddenly realized, "That's right, why didn't I think of that, Zhizhi, you are really smart!"

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes again.

"That's the problem, she didn't do this, who else could it be?" She said while thinking, and suddenly changed her expression, "Oh, I know who it is..."

Ding Dong!

The sudden ringing of the doorbell shocked the two of them.

Song Jiaojiao squatted on the display and looked at it, then turned around and teased Shen Zhiyi, "Your boyfriend is here!"

Then he opened the door, welcomed the person in, and pretended to say, "Zhizhi, Master Qingyan is here!"

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