After being forced to marry as a surrogate, she amazed the world with her small milk bag

Chapter 51 I don't want to see these women in the future

Chapter 51 I don't want to see these women in the future
He Jingyao frowned, and immediately turned his eyes away to sip the red wine.

These women are extremely vulgar, how can they be as interesting as Mrs. He?
But the proud Mrs. He...

Not to mention!

Thinking of this, He Jingyao suffocated the red wine in his glass.

Fu Que and Yin Xingze met each other's eyes, and they looked confused.

Who messed with Mr. He?Pull it out and cut it!

At this moment, the door of the private room was pushed open again, and a beautiful-looking woman entered.

The smoke billowed in the air, giving people the illusion of ascending to heaven through cultivation.

Shen Zhiyi slapped his face with his hands, and searched for a certain figure, "Excuse me, is Mr. He here?"

It just so happened that someone turned off the music, and the sound was amplified more than ten times, making it extraordinarily loud.

The atmosphere was suddenly silent, and more than a dozen pairs of eyes swept towards her in unison.

Shen Zhiyi cleared his throat unnaturally, "If he's not here..."

"Yes, Ah Yao is here!" Yin Xingze reacted first, jumped out and grabbed Shen Zhiyi's shoulder, and pressed him to He Jingyao's position.

Recognizing Shen Zhiyi just now, he almost dropped his jaw in shock.

Isn't this, this, this, the heroine who claimed that A Yao was her husband before, was rescued by A Yao at the reception, and even had a chat with her on Weibo!

Now the younger sister took the initiative to come to the door again. If A Yao had nothing to do with her, he would die.

Now there are melons to eat!

Fu Que also recognized Shen Zhiyi, but he had a different idea from Yin Xingze.

After all, there are countless women chasing He Jingyao's ass. As He Jingyao's good buddy, he has long been used to it.

"Mr. He, can I talk to you?" Shen Zhiyi gave He Jingyao what he thought was the most sincere attitude with a circle of weird eyes.

He Jingyao didn't raise his head, didn't raise his eyes, his voice was so cold that there was no warmth at all, "No time!"

Shen Zhiyi bit her lip, "When will you be free?"

"If you're in the mood!"

"Then why are you in the mood?"

"No comment!" He Jingyao made it clear that he didn't want to hear any explanation from her about Jiang Cheng's incident.

Shen Zhiyi gritted her back teeth, wishing to squirt the wine over the dog's face.

But she dare not!
When the atmosphere was at a stalemate, Yin Xingze jumped out to smooth things over, "Ah Yao, Sister Ren came to you happily, so don't be so fierce, and be careful not to scare people, right Sister Zhizhi?"

After receiving Yin Xingze's comforting eyes, Shen Zhiyi's fighting power exploded instantly.

"Boss Yin, I think your Shengyuan Group wants to sell its stocks?"

He Jingyao cast a sidelong glance at Yin Xingze.

He actually called his Mrs. He Zhizhi sister?

One Lin Yu is not enough, another Yin Xingze?

Mrs. He is still very charming!
Yin Xingze raised his hands in surrender, nestled next to Fu Que and continued to eat melons.

Can't afford to provoke, can afford to hide, right?

He Jingyao threw the empty cup on the table and raised his chin at everyone, "Keep playing, why stop?"

In the next second, the private room fell into madness again.

Yin Xingze kicked out those female publicists a long time ago, and there were only a few friends of He Jingyao and their female companions left.

Shen Zhiyi is also stubborn, the more he doesn't want to talk to her, the more she harass him.

Thinking about it this way, she took an empty glass and poured herself wine, as if she was going to be entangled to the end.

At this time, someone suggested playing cards, and He Jingyao, who had been quiet all night, unexpectedly participated.

Shen Zhi didn't want to make a fuss, just sat quietly beside him.

At this time, the woman who was thinking about He Jingyao couldn't help it.

"I said, miss, you are too thick-skinned, right? Didn't you see that Mr. He doesn't want to see you?"

"What's the matter with the security of the clubhouse? Why can cats and dogs be allowed in?"

"Hurry up and look in the mirror when you go out, the toad wants to eat swan meat!"

A few women talk to each other, but other girls would have been scolded for a long time, blushing and thick neck.

But Shen Zhiyi curled her lips into a smile, and her lips, which were lightly painted with bean paste-colored lipstick, made her facial features more bright and charming.

"What kind of good do you think you are? Aren't you warming the beds of these sons? To put it bluntly, it is no different from those female publicists just now. Oh no, in my opinion, they are not as good as them. At least they keep their duties and compete fairly. You guys are different, you are collecting the money for warming the bed, but you are still worrying about the hostess, are you tired?"

Shen Zhiyi's few words made them look uglier than the other.

Even the expressions of the patrons with them are not any better?
Fu Que and Yin Xingze looked in disbelief.

Especially Yin Xingze, who almost stood up and applauded.

This sister is really awesome!
Why didn't Shen Zhiyi know? It wasn't because He Jingyao showed his face just now, how dare these women ride on his head?
But who can blame this?

Thinking of this, she stood up abruptly out of patience, drank the red wine in the glass, opened the door and left.

The private room fell into silence again.

Only then did He Jingyao's expression change slightly, and with a "snap", the cards in his hand were thrown to the table.

He lit a cigarette and took a few puffs, threw the cigarette butt away, and then got up to go out.

Fu Que and Yin Xingze, who couldn't figure out the situation, followed them out.

"Isn't it, Ah Yao? Are you really having an affair with that sister Zhizhi?" Yin Xingze is not afraid of death, which pot does not open and which pot to lift.

He Jingyao stopped in his tracks and said coldly, "I don't want to see those women inside again!"

After speaking, he pressed the cigarette butt and strode away.

"Hey, this... okay, I got it, I promise to make them disappear immediately!" After Yin Xingze shouted, he clapped his hands in realization, "What did I say, A Yao is having trouble with that girl!"

This was immediately denied by Fu Que, "Impossible, you think too much!".

Yin Xingze patted him on the shoulder, with a serious expression, "Old Fu, then you don't know Ah Yao too well, and you still can't see through it!"

Fu frowned slightly.

Why can't he see through, his good brother already has Bai Yueguang in his heart.

Otherwise, I would not have been single all these years.

He mansion.

Shen Zhi was so angry that he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

She decided not to rush to He Jingyao to explain.

He obviously didn't do anything wrong, so why should he keep his eyes down like a grandson?

He can do whatever he likes!
That night, He Jingyao did not come back.

The next morning, when Mrs. Wang saw her, she hesitated to speak several times.

"Sister-in-law Wang, just speak up if you have anything to say!" Shen Zhiyi hugged the milk and listened attentively.

"Ma'am, sir hasn't been home for two days. Except for business trips, he never spent the night outside. The husband has a bad temper, but he is also reasonable. We women must not allow men to stay out at night, especially Mr. This kind of thing makes those little vixens outside think about it the most, you, it’s nothing to talk to him about, it’s gone in two days!"

Shen Zhiyi understood, this is for her to coax He Jingyao.

"I know Mrs. Wang, so why don't you report this matter to grandma?"

Sister-in-law Wang was suddenly exposed, she was taken aback for a moment, she blushed and smiled mockingly, "Cheng Chengcheng, don't talk anymore, then I'm busy!"

Shen Zhiyi turned around, her expression froze.

(End of this chapter)

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