Song Jiaojiao quickly sat up straight, and comforted him solemnly, "No, it has nothing to do with you, I came here without warning, and it's because I'm stupid, there's no such thing on the ground..."

"Stop talking about this, Sister Jiaojiao, get well soon!"

"Haha, that's for sure!" Song Jiaojiao chuckled, hehe, idiots need to hurry up.

In the afternoon, Fang Huaizhou came. He had a dark face, as if he had been provoked to the limit and wanted to find someone to fight.

"Zheng Fanxing, come out!" Fang Huaizhou glanced coldly at Song Jiaojiao, and shouted at Zheng Fanxing.

Song Jiaojiao felt that something was wrong. After a moment of hesitation, she climbed out of bed, limped to the door, and put her ear on the door frame.

Fang Huaizhou rushed forward and raised his fist.

Yin Xingze turned sideways and easily dodged, "Mr. Fang, I respected you as the company leader before and let you go, but now, I will never give you this chance again!"

Fang Huaizhou pursed his lips and smiled, with deep disdain in his eyes, "Really? Then I want to see it!"

Saying that, he waved his fist again.

"As I said a long time ago, you can play tricks on anyone, but you are not allowed to play tricks on Song Jiaojiao. Are you satisfied with killing her like this now?"

Zheng Fanxing: "I never played tricks on her, on the contrary, I care about her very much!"

"Care? Heh! It's okay for you to lie to ghosts. Take your things and leave immediately!" Fang Huaizhou pushed the man far away, pointing at the elevator and growling.

Zheng Fanxing straightened his slightly messy coat, "It's because of me that I was hurt. I have the right and the obligation to stay here and take care of her. Dare I ask Mr. Fang, apart from your relationship with Sister Jiaojiao, what else do you have?" Is there a relationship?"

Fang Huaizhou moved, but couldn't speak a word.

"Oh, that's not true. If that's the case, then what qualifications do you have to say these words? Is it out of jealousy or envy?" Zheng Fanxing provoked step by step, without noticing someone's gradually cold expression.

He took a step forward. Although he was young, he was well-developed. Standing there, he was almost as tall as Fang Huaizhou, "If you want to go, Mr. Fang is the one who should go, right? To restrain others, what you can't get, doesn't necessarily mean that others can't have it!"

"Stinky boy, what did you say? Say it again?" Fang Huaizhou was irritated, as if the wound he had worked so hard to hide had been uncovered.

Zheng Fanxing looked up at him, not paying attention to him as the boss at all, "Mr. Fang, I know you like Sister Jiaojiao. Since you like it, you should go for it instead of going crazy like you are now. Although Sister Jiaojiao It's because I was hurt, but I really didn't mean it, I feel guilty, even more anxious and distressed than you, so I won't leave!"

Fang Huaizhou pressed the tip of his tongue against his cheek.

What a boy, he dared to yell at his boss face to face, it's amazing, it's really amazing.

He suddenly rushed up and pulled Zheng Fanxing's shoulder, and hit his jaw with a fist.

There was a noise outside, Song Jiaojiao couldn't care less, she opened the door and went to fight.

"Stop, stop for me!"

"Fang Huaizhou, you are a boss who beats employees all day long, and you are not ashamed. Are you ashamed?"

Fang Huaizhou laughed angrily, "I'm ashamed? Song Jiaojiao, don't you have eyes? Did you see the injury on this kid's face? Why do you only care about him every time and not me?"

"It's too late when he gets hurt on his face, please, as Canxing's boss, don't you know how important a face is to an artist?" Song Jiaojiao didn't care whether he was her boss or not, and grabbed Just got angry, turned around and said to Zheng Fanxing, "Come on, let's go in!"

Fang Huaizhou was so angry that he kicked over the trash can, making a loud bang. Song Jiaojiao and Zheng Fanxing paused, and then the door of the ward closed.

These two people actually... really ignored him and went in together?

"Mr. Fang, the skewers you asked for are here!" Tang Tang, the director, was actually sent by the boss to line up to buy the roadside stalls, and there was no one else.

But he is the boss, and even a small director like him can't say anything.

"You don't need it now, throw it away!"

The director thought he heard it wrong, "Huh? Throw it away, throw it away? No, Mr. Fang, you..."

Fang Huaizhou walked away, the director didn't throw it away, and it didn't matter if he didn't throw it away.

I just bought it after queuing for three hours, and it is still warm. Wouldn't it be a pity to throw it away?
Seeing no one around, the director found a corner...

For ten days, Shen Zhiyi didn't see Xiaobao. Although she wasn't worried that Xiaobao liked the new and hated the old, if He Jingyao really wanted to do something about it, she couldn't change anything even if there were three of them.

He Jingyao finally waited for her call.

"It's early in the morning, what's wrong with Miss Shen?"

I really can't watch this doggy outfit!Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes, and forced herself to calm down, "Mr. He, when will you send Xiaobao back? It's been ten days, and you're just taking it with you to play, right?"

"Who told you that you were going to send her back?" He Jingyao leaned back, crossed his legs on the table, and clamped the phone under his chin, while approving documents without delay.

Hearing this, Shen Zhiyi almost stopped breathing, "He Jingyao, what do you mean by that? Do you want to take Xiaobao away? Let me tell you, I won't agree!"

"Tsk tsk! Mr. He, who was so talkative just now, now has a name and surname. Women are so fickle!"

"I don't have time to chat with you here. Where is Xiaobao now? If you don't see him off, I'll go pick him up from the head office!"

The man closed the last document, and switched the phone to the other side, "I didn't nod, do you think you can find him?"

He said neither hasty nor hasty, neither fast nor slow, as if he was stating a matter normally, but Shen Zhiyi's scalp tingled when he heard it.

"He Jingyao, as I said, no matter what you say or do, I will never get back together with you, so what you are doing now is a waste of time!"

He Jingyao's face darkened suddenly, and his tone became cold, "Whether you're wasting time or not, I have no problem. If you don't want to part with Xiaobao, then there is only one choice, which is to go back to He's mansion and have other interviews!"

"Hello? He bastard!" Shen Zhi was so angry that he dropped the phone.

Outside the door, someone heard all this, and the man's hand that was about to knock on the door gradually clenched into a fist...

He Jingyao had an important meeting in the afternoon, he came out of the He Group ahead of time, and Ah Shen opened the rear door.

When they were ready, when they were about to set off, a white car drove up to the front, unbiased, just touching the front of the silver Bentley, completely blocking the way of the silver Bentley.

"Sir, it's Young Master Qingyan, I'll go and have a look!"

He Jingyao stopped Ah Shen, "I'll go!"

As soon as he got off the car with his front feet, the collar was grabbed by the rushing people, "What do you want to do to Zhizhi?"

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