Chapter 542 Is Chasing Her
She doesn't fight or snatch, it doesn't mean she is weak and incompetent, but she doesn't want to argue with them. Shen Zhiyi taught her that when facing someone like Sister Li, she must fight back absolutely and will never tolerate it.

Sister Li spread her hands, "Miss Xue Rui, look, she is annoyed after I just said a few words, if it is not true, who will believe it?"

Xue Rui signaled her to stop, and put on a show, "Sister Li, you can't say that either, she might just be a part-time worker, and you can't just say things without evidence, fame is really important to a girl! "

Sister Li didn't know what kind of medicine she was selling in this gourd. After a moment of embarrassment, she could only agree, "Yes, yes, what Miss Xue Rui said is true!"

"Is it Xiaomei? Thank you for cleaning Brother Yin's office. I have nothing to give you when we meet for the first time. Why don't I give you my favorite bracelet!"

Xiaomei looked at the amethyst bracelet that Xuerui took off and handed over, subconsciously retreated, "Thank you for your kindness, I appreciate it, but it's too expensive, sorry, I really can't accept it!"

"Look at you, why are you being polite? If you don't accept it, you just look down on me. Take it!"

Xiao Mei didn't want it, Xue Rui insisted on stuffing it into her hand, the bracelet fell to the ground with a snap between the two of them, the rope broke, and the purple beads rolled everywhere.

"Ah, my amethyst bracelet!" Xuerui covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Xiaomei felt sorry, but didn't know what to say. Just as she was about to apologize, Xue Rui started to yell loudly again, "What do you want to do now? This amethyst bracelet is an orphan I bought abroad. , worth more than 100 million, and I only wore it a few times before and after, so how do you pay for it?"

"Compensation? Miss Xue Rui, how can you blame me? It was you who insisted on stuffing it into my hand, and I dropped it on the ground without touching it. You should remember it well!" blackmailed.

Sister Li, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, finally understood that this Miss Xue Rui wanted to change the law to make this little beauty look bad, and if she didn't please Xue Rui at this time, how long would it take to drive out this evil spirit, Xiaomei?
"I can testify that Xiaomei didn't hold the bracelet before falling to the ground after taking it. Xiaomei, if you dare to do it, you have to be brave. If you want to play tricks, you can't do it!"

With Sister Li's testimony, Xuerui became even more arrogant, "Yes, you must either lose money, or resign from here voluntarily. A person like you who is irresponsible is not worthy of working under my Brother Yin's job!"

Xiaomei held her palms forbearance, "How much!"

"For the sake of being so pitiful, I'll give you a half discount, 50, and I don't want any more!"

Xiaomei raised her head suddenly, 50!

Even if she sells herself here, it's not worth 50.

This man clearly wanted to bully her.

"I didn't break things, so I won't lose money!"

Upon hearing this, Xue Rui raised her voice immediately, "Aren't you going to admit it? Okay, then let's go to the police station now and let the police comrades judge!"

If Xiaomei didn't go, she didn't do what she didn't do, so why should she go to the police station with her.

Xue Rui winked, and Sister Li helped to twist Xiaomei out.

A few people were making a fuss, when Yin Xingze suddenly came back from the outside, seeing this, he took Xiaomei out of the hangover and shielded him behind him, "What are you doing?"

I didn't know who did it secretly just now, Xiaomei was pinched several times on her arm, her eyes were red from the pain, and she looked like she was about to cry or not, which made Yin Xingze feel distressed.

He, Yin Xingze, was not even willing to bully a girl, but let others bully him, and he couldn't swallow his breath.

"Brother Yin, you came at the right time. Your employee broke my amethyst bracelet because she hated me. I thought it would be fine if she apologized, but she still refused to admit it. I Just thinking of scaring her, Brother Yin, such a low-quality person can't let her stay with you!"

Seeing Yin Xingze coming, Xue Rui thought she had a backer, so she hurriedly added fuel and vinegar.

Sister Li also added to the flames, "That's right, Young Master Yin, if you want me to say, this Xiaomei is so unscrupulous because of her good relationship with you. You don't know, colleagues say, all say..."

"What are you talking about?" Yin Xingze's face darkened.

Sister Li pretended to be hesitant, her wandering eyeballs seemed to be suffocating, "Everyone said that Xiaomei is Young Master Yin's lover!"

"Nonsense!" Yin Xingze sipped lowly, "I, Yin Xingze, really want women, do I still need to keep them? I want to have a lot of women with me! Let me tell you the truth, Xiaomei is not my lover, but... ..."

Yin Xingze's gentle eyes turned to Xiaomei, Xiaomei swallowed her saliva, with a bad feeling.

"I'm chasing her!"

Xiaomei's breathing was stagnant, and she froze.

Someone was more surprised than her, "What? Brother Yin, you are chasing her? How can she be worthy of you with her whole body, Brother Yin, you have to keep your eyes open, maybe she is for you money!"

Yin Xingze looked at her contemptuously, and said unceremoniously, "You are glamorous, and I haven't seen how high your quality is! Besides, do you earn money for your food and clothing? Isn't it Your parents offered it, but Xiaomei is different, every penny she spends is her own labor income, such a girl is the most real, you can't compare!"

"I..." Xue Rui was speechless.

"Oh, by the way, didn't you just ask her to compensate you for your amethyst bracelet, how much is it, go to my finance department and get it!"

Xiaomei rushed up to stop her, "Master Yin, this is my business, I can handle it myself, you..."

Yin Xingze took her in front of her and announced solemnly, "If you trouble her in the future, first ask me if I promise or not. Oh, by the way, Xue Rui, it's your business that you are interested in me. I have a little feeling for you." Nothing at all, we come here as acquaintances at best, don’t come into my office casually, in case I lose something, you won’t be able to tell when the time comes, right?”

Xue Rui's face turned red and white, it was uglier than eating a fly, she didn't have the face to stay here anymore, she stomped her feet and ran out in disgrace, and Sister Li also quickly slipped away.

"Are you okay?" Yin Xingze moved to Xiaomei's side immediately after clearing the two obtrusive ones.

Xiaomei pulled out her arm calmly, "Young Master Yin, I didn't intentionally break her bracelet at all, it was she who wanted to frame me, why didn't you find out and pay her money?"

Yin Xingze shrugged, "It doesn't matter, you just think I have a lot of money!"

Xiaomei: "..."

What's the reason for this, no matter how much money there is... Well, no wonder everyone said that rich people are uncles.

"I haven't said anything about you yet. Why don't you do it when they bully you like that?"

(End of this chapter)

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