Chapter 544 Three Days After the Wedding

At night, He Jingyao came back early.

He was still wearing a formal suit, with the neckline tied to the top, and he looked dusty.


"Hush!" He Jingyao waved at Wang Ma.

He looked at the three mother and child on the sofa, who were cuddling together and reading manga. Shen Zhiyi would explain what he didn't understand. The three of them laughed and covered their stomachs from time to time.

The He mansion hadn't been this lively for a long time, it seemed to be full of life all of a sudden.

"Look, young master, after the wife came back, the house suddenly changed color, how wonderful that is, you can't let the wife go away again!"

He Jingyao said firmly, "No, never!"

"Father!" Da Shu was the first to spot He Jingyao, jumped off the sofa, and ran towards him barefoot.

He Jingyao squatted down and opened his arms to meet him when he was far away, and the little guy threw himself into his arms, "Dad, mom is back, it's great, our family of four is finally together again, so happy!"

He Jingyao looked up at Shen Zhiyi, who avoided it.

"Why are you running around without shoes, huh?" The man pretended to be angry.

The little guy pointed at Xiao Bao, "But Xiao Bao is also barefoot!"

"We are different, I am in better health than you!" Xiao Bao patted his chest.

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked at the big tree.

The little guy hung his head, his little face was covered with injuries.

Shen Zhiyi was very distressed, walked over and squatted down in front of him, and gently stroked his hair, "Dashu is not uncomfortable, we are all with you!"

"Mom, will I not be able to play and play like other children in the future? Will I not be able to go to school?" The little guy raised his head and asked stubbornly.

Shen Zhiyi and He Jingyao looked at each other, and the latter hugged Dashu in his arms, "Nonsense, when Dashu recovers, he will be like other children. You forgot what the doctor said, as long as our Dashu has more Eat and you'll be fine soon. At that time, my mother, Xiaobao, and I will go skiing as a family of four. Don't you want a set of Disney co-branded ski equipment? Dad will give it to you!"

"Really? Can I really go?" The little guy's eyes widened excitedly, in disbelief.

Shen Zhiyi spoke for He Jingyao, "One word from Dad, it's hard to catch up!"

"Yeah! Thank you, Mom and Dad!" The little guy danced happily.

The world of a child is so simple, a few words can become his spiritual support.

After coaxing the two little guys to sleep, Shen Zhiyi was too tired, after all, she spent the whole day with Dashu crazy.

As soon as she changed into her pajamas and was about to lie down, she heard someone knocking on the door.

She had a premonition that the person coming must be He Jingyao, so in order to avoid unnecessary embarrassment, she put on another short sleeve.

"It's so late, what's the matter, Mr. He?"

"Go in and talk!"

Shen Zhiyi blocked the door and refused to let it go, "It's not convenient for you to enter my room at night, so just stand here and talk if you have anything to do."

He Jingyao chuckled, "Don't forget, we are husband and wife now, and we are going to have a wedding soon. What's the inconvenience? Don't you think this sentence is ridiculous?"

Shen Zhiyi's eyes flickered, and after a moment of thinking, he suddenly changed his mouth, "Okay, then come in!"

Just let him in?It wasn't like this attitude just now, He Jingyao squinted his eyes, always feeling weird.

This man completely regarded this as his own room, sat on the single sofa without saying hello, and played with the cartoon pillow that Shen Zhiyi brought from home.

Shen Zhiyi pulled it back, "Tell me if you have anything to do, I'm going to sleep right now!"

"Don't you want to know Dashu's current physical condition?"

Shen Zhiyi was interested in this, so she sat down and listened carefully.

"The rejection after the operation of the big tree is still mild. Of course, it is all suppressed by hormone drugs, otherwise he is too young and the consequences will be very serious. Moreover... the doctor still does not recommend him to have long-term exercise and physical exertion. You pay attention to this in the future!"

"I know this, I will pay attention!" Shen Zhiyi nodded, rarely being obedient and obedient. "anything else?"

He Jingyao spread his hands, "No more, these are for now!"

"That's it?" Shen Zhi wanted to laugh, "He Jingyao, are you kidding me?"

What he said, she already knew, right?

I thought it would convey some useful information, but after a long time, I was just a big fool.

"Okay, you've finished talking now, can you go!" Shen Zhiyi opened the door and drove people out.

He Jingyao sat motionless, "Can't we talk about other things besides these?"

"I'm tired now and don't want to talk!"

Shen Zhiyi came over, pulled his arm and pulled him up and pushed him outward.

He Jingyao stepped back and turned back, "There is one more important thing!"

"Say it!" Shen Zhiyi urged impatiently, always feeling that this person was here on purpose.

"I've already arranged the wedding according to your request. As for the wedding time, three days later!"

Although I don't know why Shen Zhiyi suddenly has so many demands, but as long as she nods, it's nothing.

If possible, he wished that the wedding would be held tomorrow, so as to save nights and dreams.

Shen Zhiyi's eyes flickered, and she agreed, "Okay!"

Finally sending the big Buddha away, she leaned against the door and let out a big breath.

three days later?wedding?

very good!


A certain hotel is holding the in-house fashion reception of Canxing Entertainment Brokerage Company.

Song Jiaojiao was also among them. Although the popularity between her and Zheng Fanxing had subsided, it was inevitable that some reporters would hold on to her and make things difficult for her with the most tricky questions.

Fortunately, her agent had made adequate preparations for her before, and dismissed those few reporters with a few words, just a few grasshoppers, and couldn't make a difference.

"Sister Jiaojiao, your dress tonight is so beautiful, your aura suddenly rises to [-] meters!" The little assistant followed behind Song Jiaojiao, praising her all the time.

Song Jiaojiao opened the hand she extended, "Be careful, this dress is borrowed from the brand, it's too expensive!"

"No wonder, but it really suits you!"

"That's right, sister also has something, right?" Song Jiaojiao straightened her hair and straightened her waist.

She hadn't seen Zheng Fanxing since that night. Although she thought that she might run into him tonight, she didn't expect it to be here.

He was standing in the corridor talking to the team members, and when he looked up, he happened to meet Song Jiaojiao's eyes.

Tonight, he's handsome and stylish in a cool studded leather jacket and a one-off burgundy hair highlight.

Song Jiaojiao wanted to turn around and leave, but at the moment the action started, she suddenly thought, why is she walking away, and she did nothing wrong?If he wants to leave, he will also leave.

Thinking of this, she held her head high and walked forward pretending to be blind.

When passing by Zheng Fanxing, the same plot as on TV appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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