When I went back, it was still raining, and when I got down the mountain, it suddenly turned from cloudy to sunny.

"Mom and Dad, look, it's a rainbow!" Dashu suddenly pointed excitedly outside the car.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaobao also exclaimed, "Yes, it's so beautiful, Shen Zhiyi, hurry up and take a picture, hurry up!"

Shen Zhiyi slowly took out her mobile phone, and clicked, freezing the rainbow in the sky.

"Hey, Shen Zhiyi, your photography skills are too bad, and the angle is not very good! You can take better photos!" Xiaobao looked at the results, curling his lips dissatisfied.

The disgusted Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Dashu comforted like a warm boy, "Mom is great, she has already taken a beautiful picture, Dashu likes it very much!"

Shen Zhiyi suddenly became confident, "Thank you Dashu!"

Seeing such a harmonious scene, He Jingyao smiled knowingly.

He's old house.

In the end, Shen Zhiyi followed He Jingyao back here, escaped the first day of the junior high school, if he was only fifteen, sooner or later that day would come.

"The young master and wife, as well as the young master and young lady are back!" The servant came in to report.

As soon as the words were finished, He Jingyao's family of four came in.

"Grandpa, grandma, Dad, we're back!" After He Jingyao finished speaking, he turned around and took Shen Zhiyi's hand and walked in front of the elders.

The scene was a bit embarrassing, but fortunately, Shen Zhiyi had prepared her heart well before coming. The left and right sides were ugly, so it's better to be more chic.

"Grandpa, grandma, dad!"

The old man on the main seat spoke first, "It's fine when you come back, I still say the same thing, you choose the path yourself, as long as you don't regret it, I'm a little bit, go up and rest first!"

"You old man, why are you so weak, you..." The old lady scolded for a while, and then smiled kindly at Shen Zhiyi, "Zhizhi, don't mind, your grandpa has this temper, in fact, he knew you came back I don't know how happy I am secretly, he just doesn't admit it, someone is just like him!"

When he said the last sentence, he glanced at his grandson meaningfully.

He Jingyao: "..." Is that so?How could he not know.

Shen Zhiyi: "..." It seems to be true.

"Come, come, don't stand, hurry up and take the children to sit down, Lao Zhong, hurry up and get the food served, everyone is hungry!" the old lady greeted and prepared dinner.

Shen Zhiyi also took the children to sit down, they had to squeeze together with the old lady, He Jingyao was worried about affecting the old lady's meal, but the old lady blamed him instead, saying that she just cared about the two little guys, which made He Jingyao speechless.

"Dad, please forgive me for causing you trouble these days!" Shen Zhiyi gave a big salute to Father He.

Father He pressed his palms down, "Sit down, let the past go, from now on, you and I are still a family! As for your mother... I will do work for her!"

"Thank you Dad!" Shen Zhiyi smiled slightly.

As for Qiu Wanqing, she doesn't expect her to settle down with herself, but it's best not to provoke her, otherwise, she will never bear it because she is He Jingyao's mother and the grandmother of the two little guys.

Shen Zhiyi heard that Qiu Wanqing was not feeling well and went for a massage today, but everyone knew the real reason, but she didn't mind, it would be better if she wasn't there, and it would save everyone ugly.

Among all the elders, the old lady was the happiest. She finally got what she wanted. After dinner, she chatted with Shen Zhiyi.

"Zhizhi, believe it or not, a few days ago I went to someone to tell someone that you were born to be Mrs. He's fate, and you will be the mistress of the He family sooner or later. I didn't believe it at first, but now I believe it." Well, I will find that old gentleman again in a few days, and I will give him a big red envelope anyway!"

Shen Zhiyi listened to her expression for a while, and felt the old lady's reluctance and love for her between the lines.

As for the saying that she would become Mrs. He sooner or later, she didn't agree very much. If it wasn't for He Jingyao's tricks, how could she appear here again.

Let's leave it like this for now, after this period of time, when He Jingyao relaxes his vigilance towards her, she will still try to make a clean break with him.

The old lady was like an old child who had been alone for a long time. She dragged Shen Zhiyi to chat until eleven o'clock in the evening, and she still couldn't finish it until He Jingyao went downstairs.

"Grandma, Zhizhi has been very tired these two days, please let her rest early!"

The old lady realized it later, raised her head and giggled, "Look at me, I'm just chatting, it's already so late, Zhizhi, hurry up, don't make that boy A Yao wait, newlyweds Yan Er, don't waste it, go!"

Shen Zhiyi was pushed upstairs: "..."

She shared a room with He Jingyao, and there was no way out.

"Mr. He, let's make an agreement. You can live in the same room, but not in the same room. You can live in harmony in front of the elders and children, but you can't take advantage of each other. You can care about each other, but you can't interfere. How about it?"

He Jingyao raised his eyebrows, "Agreed!"

With this, Shen Zhiyi naturally felt more relieved, but vigilance was essential.

There was only one bathroom in the room, so she had to wait for He Jingyao to finish washing before washing.

The sound of rushing water was right next to her ears, like an ambiguous musical note, beating and stirring on her heart one after another.

Not only that, when she turned around, she saw the strong body reflected on the bathroom door. The outline was so perfect that she turned her eyes away in the next second and lay down on the bed to brush her phone.

After a while, He Jingyao came out. I don't know if it was intentional. He was shirtless and wrapped a bath towel under it. If he was not careful, he might fall off. When he saw something he shouldn't see, whose responsibility is it?
Shen Zhiyi tried her best to control her gaze, not to stare at him, and took the change of clothes to the bathroom without squinting. Just in case, she locked the door behind her.

The man outside is uncertain, who knows if he will barge in suddenly, and it is safest to lock it.

He Jingyao burst out laughing when he heard the voice.

What does he really want to do, can she still guard against it?

Shen Zhiyi finished rinsing as quickly as possible, and her clothes were neatly dressed. When she came out, He Jingyao was leaning on the bed and looking at the tablet.

"what are you doing?"

Seeing that the little girl was holding a pillow and a thin quilt, He Jingyao couldn't help frowning.

Shen Zhiyi pointed to the sofa, "You sleep on the bed, I'll sleep there!"

"No! I don't agree!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled, "Then I sleep on the bed?"

"Do you think such a big bed can't fit the two of us?" He Jingyao threw the tablet aside, crossed his arms, and tilted his head to look at her.

His expression was neither angry nor peaceful.

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