"Shen Zhiyi, I've finished my words, now it's your turn!"

Shen Zhi stammered uncomfortably, "Me? What did I say, me!"

"Say you love me too, like me!"

Shen Zhiyi chuckled, "He Jingyao, why are you so thick-skinned? Was it made of a city wall?"

"Chasing you back, how can I not be thick-skinned? I can't just sit and watch you being tricked away by that kid, Ah Yan!"

The man's pupils are very dark, and when he looks at the other person, he has a strong aura, giving people a sense of alienation that strangers should not enter, but at this moment, Shen Zhiyi saw something called seriousness and sincerity in his eyes.

He stared at her, waiting for her answer.

Shen Zhiyi hated this oppressive feeling, and pushed him away with his index finger, "It's too hot, stay away from me!"

The man wrapped her hand with his big palm, pulled her lightly, and pulled her into his arms, "Shen Zhiyi, now you can't escape from my palm, and no one will try to take you away from me!" Take it away, you are mine!"

"He Jingyao, don't be ashamed, I am nobody's, I am mine, let go!"

"Not loose!"

Shen Zhiyi gritted her teeth, "Don't let go, okay, then you can blame me for being rude!"

The man laughed, "Shen Zhiyi, if I don't give you some flair, you don't know how bad-tempered I am!"

I have learned to order her, but it seems that I still can't get used to it.

Before Shen Zhiyi realized what was going on, He Jingyao suddenly raised his face.

Immediately afterwards, that smug face gradually enlarged.

Shen Zhiyi didn't know what was wrong with him, not to mention the short circuit in his brain, he even lost control of his limbs, and he was taken advantage of by He Jingyao.

Suddenly, "Ah, my neck..."

With Shen Zhiyi's exclamation, the ambiguous atmosphere disappeared instantly!


Lin Yu has been very depressed recently.

After that dinner, that girl He Cancan found his grandfather's house somehow, and ran to the old man's place every three days.

The point is, I don't know what kind of ecstasy drug she gave the old man, coaxing the old man to be happy all day long, he is in a good mood, and he looks refreshed.

No, the old man called Lin Yu over today and asked him to invite that girl He Cancan to his home by name.

How could Lin Yu dare to disobey his grandfather's order, he was a dumb man who ate Coptis chinensis, he couldn't tell what he was suffering, so he had to obey the order.

He caused the disaster, so he has to be responsible to the end.

Lin Yu lingered at the gate of He Cancan's school for a long time, impulsively wanting to leave several times, thinking that there was no way to deal with his grandfather, so he had to bite the bullet and stay.

"Chancan, it's settled, you treat guests to the bar tonight, don't let us dove!"

"Don't worry, if you don't have fun tonight, you won't return!"

He Cancan and a few buddies came out of school, and the buddies were the first to discover Lin Yu, bumping into He Cancan, "Cancan, isn't that your brother Lin Yu?"

He Cancan's eyes straightened, "You can play by yourself tonight, put it on my account, I'll go first, bye!"

As soon as the schoolbag was stuffed into the arms of his buddy, he ran towards Lin Yu in no time.

The buddies looked at each other, "Hey! The guy who values ​​sex and despises friends!"

"Hi Lin Yu, are you waiting for me?" He Cancan is wearing a refreshing JK suit with a pair of high-waisted canvas shoes today, looking youthful, beautiful and full of vigor.

Lin Yu frowned. He didn't like this kind of dress at all, especially when standing with him, there was always a feeling of father and daughter.

In comparison, he still likes to be steady and mature.

"Ah, I just happened to pass by. Are you guys out of school?" Lin Yu rubbed his neck, lying and not writing a draft.

He Cancan smiled, "Yes, yes, what a coincidence, right? Why don't you buy me something to eat?"

This was exactly what Lin Yu meant, and he said, "Why don't you go to my grandpa, he just wants to chat with you!"

He Cancan pouted, "What's the point of chatting with the elderly, I won't go! Unless...you are there!"

This little girl is really hard to deal with, Lin Yu secretly sighed, "Okay, I'll go too, is it okay?"

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!" He Cancan took Lin Yu's arm very affectionately.

The latter dodged in disgust, "Be careful, you are still a student, is this how the teacher taught you?"

He Cancan had a playful smile, "That's right, the teacher taught us to respect and take care of our elders!"


Lin Yu frowned even higher. For some reason, he was extremely upset when He Cancan called him elder.

He Cancan was really good at coaxing people, and he didn't know what he said, which made Grandpa Lin laugh for a while.

Lin Yu eavesdropped hard in the side hall, but unfortunately he didn't hear anything.

In fact, despite He Cancan's petite and willful personality, she is still very good in other aspects and very likable.

It's just that the first meeting with Lin Yu was unpleasant, and she was He Jingyao's niece, so Lin Yu had prejudice against her.

In this tea bureau, Lin Yu was mainly responsible for serving tea and pouring water.

Just say that He Cancan is not easy to mess with, and I don't know what is wrong with her suddenly, she suddenly stretched her leg and tripped Lin Yu's foot.

Lin Yu was fine, except that the freshly squeezed orange juice that had just been served had spilled on He Cancan's plaid skirt.

For this reason, Grandpa Lin scolded him instead, "Stinky boy, why are you so clumsy, look at messing with Cancan's clothes!"

"Grandpa, I..."

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and take Cancan to clean up, you, how did you find your girlfriend!"

Lin Yu: "..."

He Cancan held back his laughter until he went into the bathroom, and then laughed happily while covering his stomach.

Lin Yu glared at her angrily, "Have you laughed enough?"

"I, I didn't expect grandpa's words to be so classic. How did you find a girlfriend? It's a miracle that there is a girl with you!" He Cancan smiled.

Lin Yu raised his head and took a deep breath, and quickly adjusted himself, "He Cancan, why am I being scolded, don't you know in your heart, because you never stop talking? If you are dishonest, I will drive you away!"

He Cancan hugged his shoulders, fearless, "Okay, hurry up, I didn't want to come anyway!"

"You..." Lin Yu had nothing to do with her.

Grandpa Lin looked at the pair with an unstoppable smile of relief on his face.

My grandson finally got the hang of it, and the girlfriend he was looking for was cute and sensible.

Suddenly, a very cute cell phone rings in my ears.

It was He Cancan's phone that was left here.

Grandpa Lin originally wanted to pick it up and send it to He Cancan, but accidentally glanced at it to see the caller ID: Teacher Wang, the head teacher.

Could it be that this girl is still a student?

When the two came out, they found that Grandpa Lin's expression was not right.

"I'm a little tired, Yu'er, send Cancan back first!"

Lin Yu and He Cancan looked at each other. Although they didn't know why the old man's attitude changed so quickly, they still nodded in response, "I got it, Grandpa!"

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