"He Cancan, explain to me carefully, what happened to you and Lin Yu? Why did he make you like this?"

Cancan's parents sat side by side on the sofa, especially her mother, who was so angry that she had a headache, which was relieved only after taking medicine.

"Mom, this matter has nothing to do with Lin Yu. It's Zhou Yang who is looking for trouble. He just owes money. Mom, he bullied me. You and Dad have to decide for me..."

"Shut up!" Cancan's mother suddenly lost her temper. "You still have the nerve to say it? If you hadn't had a puppy love at school, would such a thing have happened? Cancan, my mother told you a long time ago that as long as you Just stay in school obediently until you graduate. I don’t ask how good you are, but you just don’t listen, and you were completely spoiled by that Lin Yu. If it weren’t for your uncle and aunt this time, I don’t know what would have happened. ! You really... let us down!"

He Jingyao didn't tell his cousins ​​what Zhou Yang did to He Cancan, for fear that they would be worried. For this reason, Cancan's parents attributed all the reasons to Lin Yu.

He Cancan just wasn't convinced, "Mom, I said this has nothing to do with Lin Yu, if it wasn't for him, your daughter and I..."

"That's enough! We don't want to hear that Lin Yu's name again. I will go to Chairman Lin and ask him to discipline his grandson! Also, I discussed it with your father, and we will discuss it next week. Send you abroad, since staying here is not comfortable, then go abroad for further study!"

"I won't go! You are not allowed to trouble Lin Yu's family!" He Cancan played with his temper.

Cancan's mother was so angry that her lips turned white, "What did you say?"

"Okay, okay, Cancan is young and can't tell the good from the bad. This time, she was also confused. Just wait until she figured it out!" Cancan's father patted his mother to be comforted, and rushed He Cancan blinked.

He Cancan bit his lip, not daring to be stubborn anymore, but his eyes were full of dissatisfaction and uncompromise.

Clearly it has nothing to do with Lin Yu, why should the responsibility be shifted to him?

This is not fair.

"Where are you going?"

He Cancan was about to leave when his mother stopped him.

"I, I'm going to school, so you don't get angry looking at me!" Lin Yu was still in the hospital, so she was worried.

"I've suspended your studies for you at the school! So, you stay at home and are not allowed to go anywhere!"


"I'll let the housekeeper watch over you until I send you abroad next week!" After Cancan's mother finished speaking, her husband helped her upstairs.

He Cancan was dumbfounded.

What should I do now?

"No, I can't help you with this!"

"Just listen to your parents, stay at home obediently, and wait to go abroad next week. You must know that your parents are also doing it for your own good!"

"Needless to say, I have something else to do..." He Jingyao rang the phone after finishing speaking.

He Cancan's phone call made him say nice things in front of her parents and let her out.

But He Jingyao didn't want to eat this set.

Fortunately, Lin Yu took action this time, and he and Shen Zhiyi arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

He Cancan is innocent and self-willed, out of touch with worldly affairs, who knows what kind of troubles will happen in the future?

For her, going abroad is the best choice.

"Would you like some porridge?" Shen Zhiyi stirred the steaming rice porridge with a spoon.

Lin Yu shook his head, pointed to the swollen corner of his mouth, with a painful and helpless expression.

Shen Zhiyi laughed out loud, and said in a bad mood, "You deserve it, who made you offend that little ancestor He Cancan, now you know the pain?"

"I can't just sit and watch her being bullied! If it were anyone, I would do it recklessly, hiss..." Before Lin Yu finished speaking, half of his face was numb with pain.

Shen Zhiyi looked at him like that, and couldn't laugh or cry, "You, I don't know what to say!"

Facing her, Lin Yu was too embarrassed, after all, Shen Zhiyi was the person he liked, what a shame, "Cough! Zhizhi, this matter..."

"Don't worry, I won't tell Grandpa Lin. I think you should stay in the hospital for the next few days, or the injury on your face..."

Lin Yu nodded.

"Okay, let me help you lie down!" Shen Zhiyi was afraid that he would be tired, so she bent down to help him.

Just as his hand was about to touch her, He Jingyao grabbed her arm and pulled her behind her, "Let me do it!"

This kid failed to entangle He Cancan, and wanted to take the opportunity to get close to his wife, which was a good idea.

"No need, Mr. He!" Lin Yu smiled wryly.

He Jingyao smiled, "You're welcome!"

Immediately afterwards, Shen Zhiyi saw a strange expression on Lin Yu's face.

In fact, they seem to get along pretty well.

"How are the people over there?" Shen Zhiyi pretended not to see anything, changed the subject, and eased the atmosphere.

He Jingyao glanced at Lin Yu, and that look... was full of excitement, "That kid has thirteen stitches on his head and has a slight concussion. From what I know about the Zhou family, they will never let it go so easily." , Oh, by the way, the Zhou family sued Lin Yu for intentionally hurting others, if convicted..."

"I didn't hurt his head!" Lin Yu sat up in spite of the wound on his face.

He Jingyao crossed his arms and said in a low voice, "Those male classmates all pointed out that you were the one who injured Zhou Yang's head first, and your fingerprints were still on the murder weapon, so your explanation is basically useless !"

"Those classmates are all Zhou Yang's people, of course they will help him speak, I dare to act boldly, if it's not me, it's not me, I don't believe they can turn right and wrong!"

Seeing Lin Yu's agitation, Shen Zhiyi comforted him, "Don't be agitated, tell us, what's going on?"

Lin Yu thought about it for a while, "The scene was very chaotic at that time. I heard Zhou Yang yell. After I realized it, I saw him lying on the ground with his head covered. The steel pipe was picked up by me for defense. They knocked it down later, as for who picked it up later, I can’t remember, I swear, Zhou Yang’s head injury was not caused by me!”

"It's useless to just talk, everything needs evidence, so many people testify, you can't escape!" He Jingyao shrugged, a little gloating.

Shen Zhi stared at him intently, motioning him not to add fuel to the flames, "I believe you, Lin Yu, but the current situation is not good for you. If this matter gets to your grandfather, I'm afraid it will end badly. This person is very difficult to deal with, I suggest that you should be private first, and then talk about other things if it doesn’t work, what do you think?”

The Zhou family also started from scratch, and the coal mine business has grown bigger and bigger in the past few years, which made them arrogant and domineering.

Zhou Yang is the only seedling of the Zhou family, and he is very precious. The Zhou family's parents want to be arrogant and arrogant, so they will never settle this account lightly.

Lin Yugen is just Miaohong, and Grandpa Lin is a highly respected senior in the business world. If there is a trouble, the reputation of the Lin family may be damaged.

So, you have to keep a low profile.

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