Xiaomei hurriedly stood in front, "Dad, can you stop doing this, I promise you!"

"Damn girl, you'd better remember what you said now, if you dare to say something but don't believe it, I will make that old thing die faster!"

"Xiaomei, what's going on? Tell me quickly!" Shen Zhiyi shook Xiaomei's shoulder.

However, Xiaomei kept her head down and remained silent.

She was gone, and she didn't want to affect others anymore. She had to close the door to deal with her own family affairs. After all, it was not a glamorous matter.

"It's really nothing, sister Zhiyi, I didn't lie to you!"

"Xiaomei, you know if you lied to me. You can tell me about any difficulties you have, but don't joke about your life's happiness, you know? Otherwise, you will regret it in the future!"

Shen Zhiyi reasoned with her sincerely, hoping that she would not be stupid and go the wrong way.

Xiaomei forced a smile on her face, "I know that Sister Zhiyi is doing it for my own good, but please rest assured, I am an adult and know how to analyze pros and cons, don't worry, Sister Zhiyi, I will not treat myself badly, and thank you for coming to see me I!"

Xiaomei's father was afraid that Xiaomei would change his mind if Shen Zhiyi continued talking, so he hurried away, "Hey, have you finished talking, and leave quickly, our family doesn't welcome meddling people like you, if you really If you feel sympathy for our Xiaomei, give us 100 million, otherwise, get out of here, what kind of compassion is there, get out of here!"

Shen Zhiyi snapped at his outstretched hand, and then flipped it over.

"Hey, hey, my hand is broken, my hand is broken..."

Xiaomei's father wailed in pain.

Shen Zhiyi shoved him out, "If you are so rude to the lady again, it will not be as simple as it is now. I don't care whose father you are!"

"Xiaomei, I have to leave beforehand. Remember, you can come to me if you have any difficulties!" After finishing speaking, Shen Zhiyi took her bag and left.

Xiaomei's father slapped hard at the direction in which she disappeared, "Damn, what an air!"

He turned back angrily and stared at Xiaomei who was secretly sad, "cry cry cry, you know how to cry, if you have the ability, you can find some young Yin's acting like a baby to get some money, since you don't want to go on a good road, then I can only go to hell!"

Xiaomei rushed into her room crying, slammed the door shut, and cried loudly under the pillow, venting herself.

Why doesn't she want to ask Yin Xingze for help, as long as she is willing to say so, let alone 30, even 100 million, he will throw it to her like pocket money.

But in that way, she will never be able to lift her head up in front of him, and she will always live behind his back...

Yin Xingze formed a buddy bureau.

He Jingyao insisted on coaxing Shen Zhiyi to come over, saying that his brothers all wanted to meet the legendary Mrs. He.

Now this guy has such a high status in Hangzhou, and he is a god-like existence among a kind of brothers. If you don't give him this face, it must be quite difficult to find him to do business in the future.

Thinking about it this way, Shen Zhiyi followed, since she was fine anyway.

Shen Zhiyi is also familiar with Yin Xingze, and there are a few others who are familiar with each other, and each of them also brought a female companion.

To her surprise, there was a girl sitting beside Yin Xingze.

That girl looks quite well-behaved, and she also looks sweet and pleasant. When others laugh at her, she also laughs. From time to time, she pours tea and drinks for Yin Xingze. She doesn't seem to have a sense of presence like other female companions.

Yin Xingze saw that Shen Zhiyi looked at him from time to time, which seemed a little unnatural, but he didn't explain anything.

Shen Zhiyi, on the other hand, either knocked off the wine glass or slipped the tableware.

He Jingyao looked away and asked her, "What's going on, are you absent-minded?"

"It's nothing, just Xiaomei..."

The phone rang, and she motioned for everyone to go out and answer the call.


What's wrong with Xiaomei?
Yin Xingze's cup was raised in mid-air and did not move.

"Young Master Yin? What's wrong with you, Young Master Yin?" The sweetheart girl shook his arm worriedly.

Yin Xingze smiled, "It's okay, let's stop drinking!"

Outside the private room.

"How is it?" Shen Zhiyi asked impatiently.

"This is Miss Shen..."

Shen Zhiyi found someone to inquire about Grandpa Xiaomei's situation, and only then did she find out that her grandpa was suffering from kidney failure and needed a kidney replacement immediately, and the surgery fee alone cost 20 yuan.

No wonder Xiaomei's father keeps saying that the bride price is 30. He is not marrying his daughter, but selling his daughter.

Moreover, she also found out that the family the matchmaker introduced was actually in extremely poor conditions. There were three sons in the family, the eldest was stupid, the second was dumb, and the third was the one introduced to Xiaomei, who was crippled.

How could that family spend 30 yuan to marry Xiaomei into the door? It was so simple, they clearly wanted her to be the wife of the three brothers.

Thinking about it this way is really disgusting. If Xiaomei was really betrayed by her father, her life would be over.

"Okay, I see, I'll transfer the balance to your account right away!"

Putting away the phone, Shen Zhiyi exhaled solemnly, Xiaomei, Xiaomei, why are you so stupid!

As soon as he turned around, he froze.

"Young Master Yin?"

"Sister Zhizhi, what's going on? Is what you just said true?"

Coincidentally, Yin Xingze heard everything verbatim.

He knew all about it, and Shen Zhiyi didn't hide it. After all, she was also filled with righteous indignation about this matter, "I'll tell you one thing, but you must promise me to stay calm!"

"Okay, I promise!"

"Xiaomei...may be getting married!"


A street of food stalls in a night market.

After Xiaomei's father and friends had a full meal, they were picking their teeth and humming a song to go home. When they passed through an alley, a few people suddenly came out of the shadows. Without a word, they just punched and kicked around him. , One attack was more ruthless than the other, it almost killed him.

"Damn, dare to touch your uncle, don't you want to live?"

Xiaomei's father's yelling did not threaten these people, but the other party intensified. Xiaomei's father couldn't stand it any longer, so he had to beg for mercy, "Heroic man, spare your life, good man, please spare my life, I will give you whatever you want, please let me go, a dog!" Life!"

Several people dragged him to a remote place, and Xiaomei's father was in pain from the fall. Suddenly, a pair of fashionable pointed leather shoes appeared in front of him.

Enduring the pain, he tried his best to prop up his head, and through the swaying light and shadow, he saw a familiar face.

Immediately rejoiced, "Master Yin, is it you?"

Seeing that Yin Xingze was smoking a cigarette and remained indifferent, he continued to pat his chest excitedly, "Don't you remember me? I'm Xiaomei's father, and we met a while ago!"

"Oh, I remembered, it turned out to be uncle!" Yin Xingze raised his eyebrows in surprise as if he had just remembered.

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