"Lin Yu? Lin Yu, what's wrong with you?" He Cancan realized that he was wrong, and shook his arm.

Lin Yu waved his hand, "I'm fine, you go back, and you don't have to come to me again!"

"Why? Where did I offend you? Hey Lin Yu, wait for me!"

Unwilling to reconcile, He Cancan chased after him, stepped forward, and blocked his way, "What do you mean by what you just said? What do you mean I won't come to you in the future? How did I offend you? Tell me, I can change it." of!"

The little girl spoke very anxiously, lest Lin Yu really ignore her if she slowed down a bit.

Seeing Lin Yu lowered her head and didn't speak, she was so anxious that she almost shed tears, "Lin Yu, you are talking, what's wrong with me?"

"No, you're fine, but I just hate you, is it okay now?"

He Cancan was deeply stabbed by every word, she was stunned in place, forgot how to react, and could only watch him go further and further away, and finally disappeared from sight, while her feet seemed to be filled with lead. Unable to move.

It turned out that she had always been self-indulgent, thinking that Lin Yu would... have a little liking for her.

Otherwise, why would he risk his life to go to the mountain alone to save her?
Now it seems that she was deceived and misunderstood by his kind appearance, maybe as he himself said, he would choose to do this for anyone alone.

Lin Yu doesn't like her, Lin Yu hates her...

He Cancan thought about it, and burst into tears.

Lin Yu's car stopped before driving too far. He lay on the steering wheel with his head in his hands, his mood somber.

The words he said hurt He Cancan, and he himself didn't get any better. The reason why he said this was just to let her give up on him. Without him, she could have a better life and study.

I hope his choice is not wrong, and congratulations to that little girl Cancan for a better future!

For some reason, Song Jiaojiao suddenly became interested in books about early childhood education, and bought a bunch of books to read when she had nothing to do. Not only that, the TV programs she watched always stayed on the life of pregnancy and babies.

Unknowingly, her world seemed to be filled with children little by little.

This is a terrible phenomenon, if one day she wants to kill this child, how can she do it?

Thinking of this, Song Jiaojiao emo again.

After taking a shower, she came out barefoot as usual, unexpectedly, she slipped by mistake, and although she supported the wall in time, her stomach still hit the corner of the table.

An indescribable pain centered on the lower abdomen and quickly spread to the whole body. Song Jiaojiao squatted on the ground clutching her stomach, unable to relieve it for a while.

She gritted her teeth and fumbled for the phone, subconsciously stopped at Fang Huaizhou's phone number, and dialed it without thinking.

"Fang Huaizhou, you, where are you now?"

"What's the matter? I heard your voice is not right, did something happen?" Fang Huaizhou was at an important dinner, saw that it was her call, afraid that the private room would be too noisy, so he came out to answer it.

At this moment, the muscles on Song Jiaojiao's painful face were twitching, "I, my stomach hurts so much, can you, can you come, I..."

"You wait for me, 10 minutes, no, I'll be there in 10 minutes!"

Fang Huaizhou already had a premonition that something was wrong, left everyone behind, took the car keys and ran out.

When he arrived, Song Jiaojiao was lying on the ground clutching her stomach, her body bowed like a shrimp, and there was a broken water glass beside her.


Fang Huaizhou called out in a trembling voice, and ran towards her with his legs.

"You're here? Quick, take me to the hospital, my child..."

"Don't talk about it, leave everything to me!" He hugged Song Jiaojiao and stepped on the accelerator all the way to the hospital.

In the corridor, he could only hear his panicked cry for help, "Doctor, hurry up, save her!"

Song Jiaojiao weakly opened her eyes, but the hand holding his arm was very strong, "I must, I must keep the child, I don't want anything to happen to him... Please!"

Fang Huaizhou froze for a moment.

He thought that after these few days of consideration, Song Jiaojiao still decided to abort the child, and even he was ready to continue persuading her. Unexpectedly, she seemed to be more worried about the condition of the fetus than he was.

that is really good!
"Don't worry, I will never let the child have trouble, I promise!"

As if these words gave her great comfort and encouragement, she smiled at him, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Song Jiaojiao had a long and terrifying dream.

I dreamed that the fetus stopped breathing in the abdomen because of my own negligence.

The doctor gave her a pill, and a few hours later, the effect of the medicine came on, and the pain of the flesh being ripped off seemed to be the child's last stubbornness.

After a process that made life worse than death, she watched helplessly as a mass of bloody flesh flowed out of her body.

She cried heartbreakingly, but it didn't help.

"Baby, I'm sorry, it's my mother's fault. I blame her for her carelessness. I hope you can find a good family in your next life and never come to me again..."

"Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao?"

Song Jiaojiao didn't open her eyes until someone called her name.

"What's the matter? Did you have a nightmare?" Fang Huaizhou wiped away her tears with a tissue.

He rubbed very carefully and gently, for fear of hurting her.

Song Jiaojiao stared at him without blinking, his eyes were full of his shadow.

Look at his jawline, look at the bridge of his nose, look at his hair, his eyes describe everything that belongs to him.

She was crazy to ignore such a good man before.

"Fang Huaizhou, where is the child? Is he gone?" Song Jiaojiao asked crying, not daring to touch her belly with her hands, nor did she dare to bow her head.

She was afraid that she would lose control.

Hearing this, Fang Huaizhou smiled and rubbed her hair, "The child is still in your stomach, idiot!"

okay?Song Jiaojiao couldn't believe it.

"Look, this is the B-ultrasound that the doctor gave you just now. I recorded it. It's fine and healthy. The little guy is about the size of a walnut. It grows slowly in the early stage, but it grows very quickly in the later stage. Already!"

Looking at the picture recorded in Fang Huaizhou's mobile phone, that eye-catching meat dumpling the size of a walnut, Song Jiaojiao covered her mouth and cataloged it again.

It is the surviving life after a catastrophe, it is crying with joy, it is turning danger into safety, and it is also happiness.

In the past, she didn't understand why some unmarried and pregnant girls wanted to give birth to their children despite public opinion. Now she understands that a child is not only a life, but also the spiritual pillar of the mother.

Probably, this is blood is thicker than water.

"Okay, don't cry, your eyes are swollen, it will be photographed by the media in a while, don't jump!"

Song Jiaojiao raised her head abruptly, "What did you say? The media? You..."

"Our relationship is announced!" Fang Huaizhou told seriously.

Song Jiaojiao was dizzy with anger, "How could you do this? Why? Did you get my consent?"

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