Chapter 97
On the table.

Shen Zhi saw Mr. He who changed his destiny. Although he was over eighty years old, he seemed to be in good spirits.

There is no anger and prestige between the eyebrows and eyes, and nerves are tense when not smiling.

On the contrary, He Jingyao's father, He Xingci, had a kind face and greeted Shen Zhiyi with a smile.

This made her relax a little.

Shen Zhiyi pretended to prepare dishes for He Jingyao, and gave him affectionate eyes from time to time.

I was disgusted by myself, so it's no wonder He Jingyao's warning eyes.

Okay, can't she restrain herself?

This time, a woman came in from the outside, in her thirties, with a good appearance and temperament.

After comparing in Shen Zhiyi's mind, she knew the identity of this person. Isn't it He Jingyao's unmarried aunt?

Several elders blamed her for being late, and after explaining casually with a smile, she shot Shen Zhiyi in the eye.

Shen Zhiyi didn't know how he had offended her, anyway, he was here to find fault.

"Zhiyi, right? You don't want to throw away this in the cream soup as a condiment, it's matsutake, you can eat it, by the way, do you want a servant to feed you?"

She picked up a matsutake with chopsticks and shook it in front of Shen Zhiyi's eyes, which was very playful.

"Yingxue!" Old Master He scowled at her with a straight face.

He Yingxue held up the injustice, "Father, if I say this, I blame you. Our Yao is so good. Even if he was in a wheelchair at the time, it didn't affect the girls chasing him to line up outside Hangzhou. Why did you choose?" Give this to him? I feel wronged for A Yao!"

As he said that, he stared at Shen Zhiyi dissatisfied, "Whatever you look at, you are the one who ruined our Yao, so if you are acquainted, take your daughter and get out! Don't try to fly on a branch and become a phoenix. I can't afford to lose this man!"

"Yingxue! Shut up!" Qiu Wanqing pressed down her chopsticks, frowned and scolded, "Did you forget who healed Ah Yao's legs? Mom and Dad were right before, Zhizhi is Ah Yao Yao's benefactor is the He family's benefactor, from now on, you are not allowed to speak to her like that!"

He Yingxue looked in disbelief, and the others looked at Qiu Wanqing suspiciously.

"Sister-in-law, you, how can you speak for her, you are not..."

"Ahem, let's eat, it will be cold if you don't eat!" Qiu Wanqing blocked He Yingxue's mouth with food.

I thought to myself, the past was the past, now is the present, and now her daughter-in-law is a treasure, so she must treat her well.

Shen Zhiyi blinked her eyes and tilted her head to look at the man beside her.

He completely lost his sense of sight and hearing, and was completely immersed in his delicious food, which he ate in a slow manner.

I also have to say that his dining etiquette is really good, and he didn't even make a sound.

Coupled with his flourishing beauty, a casual screenshot is a high-end poster.

Desperate dog!

All right, she has to come by herself!
Shen Zhiyi threw the hot towel after wiping her hands on the table, and picked up a matsutake just like He Yingxue.

"Weaving is dull, please tell me what kind of matsutake this is?"

He Yingxue stared at Shen Zhiyi suspiciously for several times, always feeling that the behavior of this fool was different from what she imagined.

But who knows, maybe the symptoms of each fool are different, and the IQ is still not enough.

Qiu Wanqing moved her mouth to smooth things over, but was suppressed by He Yingxue's voice.

He Yingxue raised her chin, with a sense of superiority on her face, "Of course Stana matsutake, the He family doesn't like that kind of low-level one!"

Shen Zhiyi pretended to regret, "Really? That's a pity, today I ate Shangri-La matsutake, could my aunt make a mistake?"

"Joke, what do you know as an idiot? I, He Yingxue, know what kind of matsutake I eat even with my eyes closed. That's enough, stop showing off your IQ. No amount of showing off will change the fact that you are an idiot!"

"Call Butler Wu over!" He Jingyao finally spoke, pinching the napkin and pressing the corner of his lips.

Shen Zhiyi suddenly looked at him, a little elusive about him.

After a while, Wuguanjia, who was in charge of purchasing food, clothing, housing and transportation for the old house, came over.

"Butler Wu, tell everyone what kind of matsutake we use in our house!" He Yingxue stared at Shen Zhiyi, ready to smile triumphantly.

The fifth housekeeper glanced at the people present, shrank his neck and hesitated, "Yes, it's Stana matsutake, and they are all purchased according to your arrangement!"

Before He Yingxue had time to laugh, she heard Shen Zhiyi say, "The market price of Stara matsutake is 1000 yuan a tael, and the market price of Shangri-La matsutake is 80.00 taels. The similarity between the two is [-]% in appearance, but if you carefully identify them, Both are brown, but Stana matsutake is darker in color and has tiny cracks on it. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t tell the difference between the two, but the difference between the two is only two hundred yuan, so it’s like buying more... Butler Wu recently Are you short of money?"

The five-sense family's legs softened, and they knelt down on the ground with a plop, "Old master, master, old lady, I, I just listened to the tricks of the merchants, so I just walked out of my mind for a while, I, I will give you the money right now." Come on, don't drive me away!"

Everyone was surprised.

No one expected that a fool would trick the obsessed people out of the old house with just a few words.

How stupid is this, he is simply a monkey spirit!
Shen Zhiyi raised his eyebrows, and hummed a ditty on the way back to the car.

"Do you still have research on matsutake?"

There was finally movement in the carriage that had been silent all the way.

Now, Shen Zhiyi is proud of herself, "When I was young, I often went to the medicine hall with my master, and as time went by, I learned a little bit."

After talking about something she remembered, she poked He Jingyao's thigh with her fingertips, "Don't worry, if you have anything to make up for in the future, I can also contribute to it... Mmm!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her lips were held by the man.

Without squinting, Ah Shen immediately lowered the baffle tactfully.

Shen Zhiyi put both hands against He Jingyao to push her away, but He Jingyao grabbed the back of her head with his backhand, deepening the kiss.

After the violent storm, Shen Zhiyi's whole body became weak from being kissed, she leaned on the back of the chair and couldn't get up, her eyes were filled with mist.

She squinted at the dog man with the corner of her eyes, with a resentful expression.

He Jingyao wiped her red and swollen lips with his thumb.

He stared down at her with eyes as dark as the night, pressed his forehead against hers, and said ambiguously, "Be careful what you say next time, do your husband and I need to make up for my physical strength?"

The dog man's voice is nice, but it is so deliberately suppressed, it is extra sexy.

Shen Zhiyi's heart fluttered when she was teased.

She hurriedly staggered away, the window was half down, letting the wind wantonly blow across her face, dispelling the heat provoked by the man.

Seeing this scene, He Jingyao couldn't help but playful low laughter from his throat.

Shen Zhiyi shook her head and stared at him fiercely.

The car arrived at He Mansion.

He Jingyao's cell phone rang.

He took a slow step to answer the phone.

"Ah Yao, Yaoyao fell off the bed..."

(End of this chapter)

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