Chapter 29
Seedlings of strawberries, cucumbers, and eggplants must be raised first.

She wants to grow the seedlings here in the space first, and then take them out to plant.

She has long been used to these things.

Doing it now is still just as proficient.

There is a strawberry field in the core area of ​​the space, and Song Ling uses his supernatural power, and these strawberries are growing and multiplying at a rapid speed.

One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight...

It only took Song Ling half an hour to cultivate the strawberry seedlings that will be planted in the several acres of land tomorrow.

After taking over, she started to cultivate eggplant seedlings, cucumber seedlings, loofah seedlings, etc., and she finished her work in less than an hour.

Song Ling packed the raised seedlings layer by layer in plastic frames.

In the evening, she will find a chance to put these seedlings and the manure piled up in the space together on the farm.

When Shen Han and the others go to work early tomorrow morning, they can directly apply compost to the ground and plant the seedlings.

Song Ling has been doing preparations in the space, going out from time to time to check, is Xiao Xixi awake?
At 02:30 in the afternoon, Song Ling saw that Xiao Xixi was still awake, so she went out and woke her up, "Xiao Xi, don't sleep, wake up quickly, and eat some fruit."

Xiao Xixi rubbed her eyes, sat up, threw herself into her arms, and said coquettishly, "Mum, I'm still sleepy, I still want to sleep~"

Song Ling coaxed her and said, "I can't sleep anymore. If you sleep too much in the afternoon, you won't be able to fall asleep at night. Be good, be obedient, get up quickly, and Mommy will wash you some fruit."

Xiao Xixi responded obediently: "Alright then, Xixi listen to Mommy~"

"So cute~"

Song Ling kissed her, tied her hair and dressed her again, then took her little hand, walked to the hall and asked her to sit down first.

Song Ling put strawberries and cherry tomatoes on a fruit plate, washed them, and brought them in front of Xiao Xixi, "Xixi, come, eat strawberries."

Although the cherries were delicious, they had pits and were eaten by a three-year-old child. Song Ling worried that she would choke, so she didn't take them out for her to eat.

Sweet and delicious strawberries and cherry tomatoes, as well as fruits such as bananas and watermelons, are more suitable for children to eat.

Xiao Xixi also likes to eat these fruits.

Thinking of watermelon, Song Ling also wanted to eat it.

Later in the evening, she drove out to send some fruit to her younger brother who was studying in the provincial capital. When she came back, she brought back a box of watermelons for everyone to eat.

After Xiao Xixi finished eating the fruit, Song Ling washed her face and hands again, and took her little hand downstairs.

The mother and daughter walked downstairs, Shen Han and the others were about to set off to work on the farm.

Song Ling said to Shen Han: "Shen Han, I'm going out for a while, you are responsible for leading the team and arranging their work."

When Song Ling was talking to Shen Han, the others were also there and heard what she said.

Everyone looked at Shen Han with envious eyes.

Like them, when he first came to the farm, he was favored by the boss and entrusted with important tasks. It was really lucky.

When Shen Han was in the army, he was an officer. He was used to being a leader, and he also possessed the military prestige and aura of a leader.

He didn't refuse Song Ling's important task to him, and nodded straightforwardly, "Okay, I will watch them."

"Then go!"

Song Ling watched them walking towards the farm, and suddenly thought that Shen Han and the others would still need to clock in and calculate attendance at work in the future, and she would also buy an attendance clock machine.

There should be a lot of these trivial things, and I will leave them to Shu Ke and the others.

Song Ling was going to send fruit to her younger brother Song Fei, and she told Song's mother before going out.

"Mom, I'm going to send some fruit to A Fei, do you have anything to send him?"

Song Ma thought for a while, then shook her head, "No, he will come back once a month, I have nothing to send."

Song Ling: "Then I'll take Xiao Xixi out."

Song Ma waved her hand, "Go, go, be careful."

"I know~"

Song Ling drove her Porsche Cayenne, carrying Xiao Xixi, towards the delivery point, and galloped away.

Song Ling found Shunfeng's courier point, stopped the car, and under the cover of the carriage, she quietly released three boxes of fruit, one box of strawberries, one box of cherries, and one box of apples.

She chose to take the cold chain transportation, and she could reach the provincial capital tomorrow.

After sending the courier, Song Ling went to buy a batch of agricultural tools, sunshades, straw hats, water shoes, plastic boxes for vegetables, etc., and asked the shop owners to deliver the goods directly to Lao Song's Seafood Restaurant.

When she was waiting to go back, she quietly put two big boxes of watermelons in the back compartment.

Thinking of eating iced watermelon in a short while, Song Ling felt refreshed.

Let's talk about Fei Yinzhou.

After he and Cheng An returned to the branch office in Huicheng, they took out their mobile phones, made a call, and told the other party about the approval of Song Ling Farm.

The other party quickly agreed that as long as they sent the materials there, if there was no problem, they would help him pass right away.

Song Ling had already given him all the information.

Fei Yinzhou called Cheng An again, asking him to send the materials over now and get back the "Planning Permit".

After arranging this matter, Fei Yinzhou said to Cheng An: "I'll go back to Pengcheng first, and I'll come back tomorrow. If there is anything wrong with Songling Farm, please call me in time."

Cheng An replied respectfully: "Okay, Mr. Fei."

About an hour and a half later.

Fei Yinzhou drove back to the seaside villa in Pengcheng.

Grandma Fei, who was drinking tea and watching TV in the living room, immediately got up when she heard the familiar sound of the car, and went to the door to look around.

Looking at it, she saw her eldest grandson came back, and Grandma Fei smiled instantly, "Zhou Zhou is back."

Fei Yinzhou smiled and shouted, "Grandma, I bought some good things, please ask Uncle Deng and Aunt Wu to come out and help get them."

"Okay, I'll call them."

Grandma Fei quickly called out Lao Deng and Mrs. Wu.

Lao Deng and Mrs. Wu also greeted Fei Yinzhou respectfully, "Master, you are back."

Fei Yinzhou nodded towards them, "I bought some fruits, seafood, vegetables and fruits, they are all very good things, please help move these things in."


Lao Deng and Mrs. Wu are both people who are used to work, and they are not weak.

Lao Deng was responsible for moving the two boxes of vegetables, and then the water tank.

Mrs. Wu is responsible for moving the fruits.

The two moved everything in quickly.

Fei Yinzhou asked Mrs. Wu to unpack the fruit box, wash each kind of fruit and serve it on a plate.

"Grandma, try these fruits, they are very delicious."

Grandma Fei looked at the cherry tomatoes that looked like rubies, as well as the bright red strawberries, the round and big cherries, and the bright red apples.

"These fruits look very fresh, as if they were just picked."

Fei Yinzhou brought her a strawberry, and said with a smile: "These fruits are not only fresh, but also delicious, you should try them soon."

 PS: I’m going to try the water push today, babies, please help me to vote more, please~
(End of this chapter)

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