Chapter 1

"You know? That woman outside, I really envy her. Her fiancé is a famous nobleman in City A. He is rich and handsome. If it were me, I would wake up laughing from a dream."

"You are still too young, how can this matter be so good?"

"Ah? Sister He, what do you mean?"

"I also heard from my client today, don't tell others."

"I understand, I understand, you hurry up and say."

"This bride is the eldest daughter of Lin Zhen, the boss of the Lin Group. Her mother died young, and her father remarried. Since she was a child, her father did not love her. In fact, at the beginning, Lin planned to let her younger daughter get engaged to Mr. Xu, but after The day before the engagement, the Xu family suddenly changed his mind, saying that the object of the engagement was the eldest daughter of the Lin family. Isn't this teasing the Lin family? I heard that the Lin's group and the Xu's group seemed to have grievances. The daughter married Mr. Xu to resolve this grievance, but it seems that Mr. Xu's grandfather, Mr. Xu, was involved in this grievance back then. If Mr. Xu was really willing to resolve it, he would not have made such a situation. Lin's youngest daughter is engaged to Mr. Xu But as everyone knows, this embarrasses Mrs. Lin."

"Ah? It's a bit miserable to say that Miss Lin is a bit miserable. Mr. Xu must have a estrangement from the Lin family, otherwise he wouldn't change his mind at the last minute. This engagement will be changed as soon as he says he wants to. Maybe after marrying home, he will call her." Into the cold palace."

Standing at the door of the bathroom, Chen Yi turned around and walked towards the lounge as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her head.

Lin Mu had already changed into her wedding dress, so she came out to ask Chen Yi to show her. When she left the dressing room, the rest room was empty.She was just about to find her mobile phone to call her when she saw Chen Yi push the door open and walk in.

"Where did you go?" Lin Mu didn't notice that his friend's face was not good-looking, and asked with a smile, "Do you look good?"

She stood on the stage where she was trying on the wedding dress, and the stage was surrounded by lights, making the wedding dress even more dazzling.And in the dazzling wedding dress, Lin Mu smiled coquettishly, her long black hair was rolled up, revealing her watery face.A pair of clear eyes, more beautiful and dazzling than the jewels on her wedding dress.

Her skin was already fair and tender, but wearing a white gauze, she was full of fairy spirit, like a little princess.

Chen Yi looked at it for a while, then nodded and said, "It looks good."

The stylist and makeup artist left first, and there were only two people in the lounge.Lin Mu sensed that she was not in the right mood, stepped off the table, took her hand and sat on the sofa, and asked, "What's wrong with you? You look weird."

The wedding dress was a bit heavy, Lin Mu dragged it and finally sat on the sofa.

The two have been friends for many years, and Chen Yi didn't hide it anymore. She took Lin Mu's hand and asked, "Mu Mu, why did you agree at that time? Your fiancé only met once, and he couldn't even say a word. Know him? Do you like him? You two are married like this, how will you live after you get married? No one cares about you, loves you, don't you think you are very pitiful? "

After hearing what those people said just now, Chen Yi was very worried, but when she said it, she was a little emotional.She is distressed and angry with Lin Mu now, her eyes are red with anxiety.

I don't know what stimulated Chen Yi, but Lin Mu was stunned when she was asked such a slap in the face.After being stunned, Lin Mu felt a little helpless.She felt that she was not that miserable, but seeing Chen Yi like this, she didn't know what to say.

"Actually, it's not as pitiful as you said. Anyway, it's just another place to live under the fence. I think it's better than when I was in the Lin family. In the Lin family, I have to see the faces of three people. After I get married, I only need to see the face of one person." That's it."

Chen Yi laughed angrily at her: "Is that good?"

"It's good." Lin Mu nodded. She leaned on Chen Yi's shoulder and comforted her in turn: "I'm used to being a person with my tail between my legs, and I know how to rely on others. I know how to observe words and expressions, eliminate my sense of existence, and don't disturb others , to give full play to his value to him when he doesn't hate it, and to help him as much as he can when he needs it."

Chen Yi's heart was chilled by what she said, so she stopped her and said, "It's alright, it's alright, stop talking, the more you talk, the more fucking pitiful you will be."

Lin Mu hugged her and laughed with a crisp sound.

Assistant Zhuang Zhou stood at the door of the lounge, raising his eyes to observe the expression of his boss.

The door of the lounge was not closed tightly, and the conversation between the two girls came out through the crack of the door, without missing a single word.

"Mr. Xu." The assistant reminded, and the latter had already opened the door and walked in.

When the girls on the sofa heard the sound of the door being pushed, they all shifted their gazes to this side.The girl in the wedding dress looked strange at first, then laughed, stood up from the sofa, and said, "Mr. Xu, are you here?"

After finishing speaking, she grabbed the hem of the skirt a little embarrassedly, and said, "I can try it myself, you don't have to make this trip."

The wedding dress is a tube top style, with a large skirt underneath, and the skirt is covered with precious stones.She has a slender figure and exquisite facial features, and she looks a bit fairy in her wedding dress.

"It's pretty, it suits you very well." Xu Yanchen commented.

Lin Mu smiled and nodded his thanks.

After Lin Mu finished trying on the wedding dress and Xu Yanchen asked his assistant to take Chen Yi home, Xu Yanchen let Lin Mu into his car.Lin Mu originally wanted to sit in the back, but Xu Yanchen had already opened the co-pilot's door, so she walked over and sat down.

Xu Yanchen got into the car, he seemed to have just come out of the company, he still had an elite air that hadn't faded, which blended with his elegance and nobility, giving him a unique flavor.As a man, his charm is beyond doubt.

"Where are you going?" Today is Sunday, and it's only four o'clock in the afternoon. After trying on the wedding dress, she's going back to work in the company.

The man looked back at her, his dark eyes were bottomless, and he said: "I have seen your parents, but you haven't seen mine. My father is away all year round, so I can only show you my mother."

In their marriage, Lin Mu followed the arrangement of the two families. She did not expect that he would considerately lead her to visit his mother.Lin Mu was stunned for a moment, seeing that Xu Yanchen was still waiting for her to respond, she opened her mouth and said something after a while.

"Too polite."

As if he didn't expect her to say that, Xu Yanchen looked at her for a while, then turned around and started the car, pursing his lips and laughing.

The profile of the man's profile is perfect, and when the thin lips are raised, it is even more charming. Lin Mu quickly retracted his gaze.

The car was driving on the road, and half an hour later, it stopped at the office building of Multimedia University in City A.Lin Mu glanced at Xu Yanchen, didn't he lead her to meet her future mother-in-law?Why did she come to school?

When they were puzzled, the two had already reached the door of the classroom office.Xu Yanchen knocked on the door, and there was a promise from inside, with a soft and pleasant voice.

"Come in."

Lin Mu recognized this voice, and she thought for a moment, thinking that it can't be such a coincidence, can it?And Xu Yanchen beside him had already pushed the door and walked in.

This is a separate office, and Li Lihua is sitting on the desk and flipping through papers.After Xu Yanchen walked in, he smiled and called out: "Mom."

(End of this chapter)

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