Chapter 10

In the quiet car, the man sitting in the back row was flipping through documents.He was wearing a black overcoat with a well-tailored suit inside. He was tall and straight, and even when he was sitting, he gave people a sense of oppression.He lowered his eyes slightly, and the profile of his profile was three-dimensional and perfect. Occasionally, he would frown slightly when he saw something.

After reading the document in his hand, the man raised his hand and squeezed the space between his eyebrows. His fingers were long and slender, with well-defined joints, connecting to his well-defined wrist.Just as he was about to put down the file, the man's phone vibrated twice.When he took it over and looked at it, his eyebrows raised slightly.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"it is good."

"Where are you? I'll go now."

After a few words, Xu Yanchen hung up the phone in his hand.After he asked the driver to change the location and continue driving, he made another call.

After answering the phone.

"I'm not going to go tonight." Xu Yanchen said lightly, "You help me deal with it."

The person on the other end of the phone asked: "Why don't you come and stop coming? Is there anything important to do?"

"Yeah." Xu Yanchen put the document aside and replied, "Watch a movie with my wife."

The person on the other end of the phone: "..."

Xu Yanchen had business banquets to attend almost every night, but he never asked her to attend them.In fact, even if he invited, Lin Mu would not go.Lin Mu's perception of herself is very accurate. To Xu Yanchen, she is his wife, but she is also Lin Zhen's daughter.The Xu and Lin families have grievances. Even if they maintain a friendly and cooperative relationship on the surface, there are still thorns there.The end of her marriage with Xu Yanchen was doomed from the very beginning.

There is no need for feelings between them, and there will not be too much intersection in life. The two maintain mutual respect as guests, which is already the best state of marriage.

Even though he called Xu Yanchen tonight, Lin Mu didn't hold out hope that he would come.But regardless of whether he came or not, Lin Mu gave Li Lihua an explanation in his heart.

But unexpectedly, after Xu Yanchen answered the phone, he agreed without saying a word.In less than half an hour, the man entered the cinema, and Lin Mu saw him as soon as he looked up from his seat.

He really stands out in the crowd, not just because he is tall and handsome.It is also because he is well-dressed and elegant, and his gestures are full of the charm of a mature man, which is a bit out of tune with the noisy atmosphere and crowd of the movie theater.

After seeing him, Lin Mu got up from his seat. The man focused his gaze on him, a smile flashed in his deep eyes, and he walked over at a leisurely pace.

When he came over, he naturally shifted his eyes to her a lot.Lin Mu was a little uncomfortable being watched. Just as the movie was about to start, she raised her ticket and smiled at Xu Yanchen, "Let's go check the tickets."

"Okay." After Xu Yanchen agreed, he glanced down at her empty hands, said "wait a moment" to her, then got up and left.

Lin Mu watched his figure blend into the crowd, and after a while, he came over with two boxes of popcorn and two glasses of Coke.

"I think they all have them." Xu Yanchen seldom watched movies in this kind of cinema. After he finished speaking, he handed Lin Mu a box of popcorn and a glass of Coke.

Lin Mu looked at the boy next to him who was also handing Coke popcorn to his girlfriend, and felt a little strange for a while.But after being subtle, I thought it was unnecessary, the two were legal couples and had a marriage certificate.

Thinking of this, Lin Mu took it over and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Lin Muding's seat was in the middle of the cinema, and shortly after the two went in and sat down, the movie started.The movie this time is a suspense movie. It was released a few days ago and has a good reputation.

Originally, Lin Mu was worried that Xu Yanchen would not like it, but soon she herself was attracted by the plot.She was watching it with enthusiasm, when the little girl sitting in front of her suddenly said something to the person next to her: "I watched this movie the day it was released, and the ending is quite sad."

The person next to him asked: "Yes, you have read it. Tell me first, who does the hero like?"

The little girl said: "The male lead liked my sister at first, but after getting along with my sister, I gradually fell in love with my sister."

"Huh? Then who is with you in the back?"

Lin Mu: "..."

It's only 10 minutes into the movie's opening, and the rest of the plot is about to be spoiled.Lin Mu was so anxious that he was about to stop him when someone reached out and knocked lightly on the seat in front of him.

The two little girls were discussing vigorously, and turned around a little unhappy when they were interrupted.When he saw the person behind him, his face was full of expressions.

"Sorry, can you stop talking?" Xu Yanchen asked softly.

The two little girls looked at each other first, blushing a little, and the spoiler girl whispered, "Okay."

Xu Yanchen smiled faintly, handed over the popcorn in his hand, and said, "Thank you, this is for you to eat, I haven't touched it."

The little girls blushed again, and after receiving the popcorn, Lin Mu heard them suppressing their screams and stomping their feet impulsively.

Lin Mu looked at the protruding popcorn, leaned towards Xu Yanchen, and said, "It's their fault, you don't need to give them popcorn."

The man was tall, and when she spoke, he lowered his head and listened quietly to her.After she finished speaking, he turned his head and smiled at her, the light from the movie screen cast a layer of broken light on his deep eyes.

"Give them something to eat, and they won't have a chance to talk." Xu Yanchen explained.

A man has his own rules for doing things, and he is good at solving problems in one step.Although she understood what he did, Lin Mu still felt a little pity, especially after she finished eating the popcorn in her hand.

She didn't touch it for a long time, but when she looked down, the popcorn box was empty.She sighed lightly, put the empty box aside, and turned to drink the coke next to her.

When she was going to get the coke, a hand grabbed her hand with a warm palm.Lin Mu's heart skipped a beat, and she turned around to see that something was stuffed in her hand.

Xu Yanchen looked at her with a faint smile, Lin Mu opened his palm and saw that it was a strawberry lollipop.

"I bought popcorn for free." The man said, "Eat it, it's sweeter than popcorn."

Lin Mu's heart was already a little sweet even before he ate the candy.

After the movie ended, the lights in the movie hall were turned on, and the two little girls in front quietly looked back at Xu Yanchen, then pushed each other out with their eyes shining.Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen went out with the flow of people. As soon as they arrived at the door, they saw the little girl in the spoiler talking on her mobile phone.

"I met a super handsome man at the movie theater today! He is tall and handsome, on par with Ouyang Yu! He even gave me a box of popcorn! Ahhh, I'm about to explode today!"

(End of this chapter)

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