Chapter 203

In this way, the two will be separated for another day.

Although it's annoying to stick together every day, but if we really want to separate, even if it's a day, half a day, or an hour, I don't feel like thinking about it.

She felt that Wen Huaijin must have poisoned her, otherwise how could she be so clingy to him.

On the afternoon of the [-]th, Wen Huaijin cooked a sumptuous dinner to practice for herself.

Wen Huaijin was leaving tonight. At the dinner table, Lin Liping thanked Wen Huaijin a lot.In the past few days, Wen Huaijin has been taking care of their mother and daughter as conscientiously as a nanny.Lin Chujian seemed to have gotten used to his care, but Lin Liping was the owner and mother after all, so she still felt somewhat embarrassed.

"I'm really sorry, I've kept you busy these days." Lin Liping said to Wen Huaijin with apologetic eyes.

"Auntie, what are you talking about?" Wen Huaijin responded to Lin Liping's apology with a smile, "I have also tasted a lot of Auntie's crafts in the past few days, and in the past seven days, I have been playing with me for the first time. Let her accompany you well, I should be the one who should say sorry."

Lin Chujian, who was eating corn, "..."

This man can really speak with his mouth.

Wen Huaijin said this, if Lin Liping continued to be polite, the atmosphere would inevitably be too rusty and polite.Although they are still the relationship between host and guest, after all, they have been together for seven days, and they are more familiar than when they first came here.

"Then I won't say more." Lin Liping said with a smile. After speaking, Lin Liping looked at Lin Chujian beside her and said, "Chujian was raised by me in our family. I took care of her too much. She is too careful, always worried that if she is with others, others will not take good care of her."

After Lin Liping finished speaking, she looked at Wen Huaijin and said, "But seeing how you have taken care of her these past few days, I will feel at ease with you in the future."

Lin Chu, who was still eating corn, saw "cough cough"

Wen Huaijin listened to Lin Liping's words calmly. When Lin Chujian coughed, his hand was already on her back, and with the other hand he handed Lin Chujian a water glass.Lin Chujian took the water glass and washed down the corn that was stuck because of her mother's words.After rushing down, she glanced at her mother, and then at Wen Huaijin. She didn't know if it was just stuck or what, her face was so red.

Because Wen Huaijin described the relationship between the two of them as "cohabitants" at first, her mother has always regarded Wen Huaijin as her son-in-law during this time.He stayed at her house for seven days, and my mother also visited for seven days.Seven days later, the mother expressed her satisfaction with Wen Huaijin.

This meant that her mother agreed that she and Wen Huaijin would continue to have an in-depth relationship.

In fact, from the very beginning, my mother expressed this long-cherished wish.But Lin Chujian really couldn't respond to his mother's long-cherished wish.Because she and Wen Huaijin were really just living together.

They have nothing else to do.

But compared to her face, Wen Huaijin's face is comparable to a city wall.For her inability to respond, Wen Huaijin patted her on the back to calm her down, and greeted her mother-in-law's affirmation of him without blushing.

"Don't worry, Auntie, I will take good care of Chujian."

Lin Chujian "..."

After hearing Wen Huaijin's words, Lin Liping was pleased and satisfied, she smiled, "That's good."

In this way, Wen Huaijin's practice meal ended in the politeness between him and his mother and the praise and satisfaction of his mother.After dinner, it was time for Wen Huaijin to go on the road.

Lin Liping also followed Lin Chujian to see Wen Huaijin off.

When Wen Huaijin came, he brought a bunch of gifts, and when he went back, Lin Chujian also brought him a bunch of special products.Lin Chujian is rich and powerful, and he never owes others favors.

There was a load of special products in the car, watching Wen Huaijin put the special products down and close the door. After a "bang", Wen Huaijin looked at her.

Facing Wen Huaijin's eyes, the feeling of being separated immediately flooded into my heart.

Lin Chujian looked at Wen Huaijin and moved her lips. She wanted to say something, but she felt that it was too pretentious to make such a life and death separation. Obviously, the two would meet tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Lin Chujian glanced at the special products on the car, and said, "These are all edible, you can make them for your parents and grandparents at home. These days, you have been so busy playing by yourself that you haven't Stay with your family."

After hearing Lin Chujian's words, Wen Huaijin looked down at her with slightly soft eyes, and said, "Okay."

Wen Huaijin agreed so quickly, Lin Chujian's speed of thinking couldn't keep up with his speed of replying.After he responded, Lin Chu didn't know what to say.

The two stood like this, Lin Chujian remembered what Wen Huaijin did to her when she left home.

Thinking of this, Lin Chujian raised his eyes to look at him, and tentatively stretched his hands in his direction.Her hands were like buds just emerging, she only nodded her head, and the next second, she was completely embraced by Wen Huaijin.

Wen Huaijin's embrace is really comfortable. She felt that when she was hugged by him, she didn't have to think or do anything.In her world, Wen Huaijin was the one who gave her the greatest sense of security. Being hugged by him like this, she smelled the fragrance of fir trees on his body, and her heart was broken little by little, crushed little by little, and then completely reassembled. A healthy and beautiful heart.

Wen Huaijin hugged her tightly, and Lin Chujian's face was buried on his shoulder. From this angle, no one could see her expression, and no one could see her mood. Her hands held tightly Holding the corner of Wen Huaijin's clothes, the corners of her mouth opened wide, and she smiled happily.

Wen Huaijin held her in his arms, she was a little shorter than him, when he hugged her, he had to lean close to her, his body was already familiar with this angle of bending, before he hugged Lin Chujian into his arms Finally, his cheek was already attached to her hair.

After a while, Wen Huaijin raised her eyebrows and looked at Lin Liping who was standing not far from them and looking at them.

When the two were inseparable, Lin Liping stood aside and watched quietly.She couldn't see Lin Chujian's expression in Wen Huaijin's arms, but she could feel how happy Lin Chujian was through her fingers grasping the corner of Wen Huaijin's clothes and her tiptoes to get closer to Wen Huaijin.

Even happier than three years ago.

For a moment, Lin Liping looked at them like this, as if she felt that Lin Chujian had disappeared into her world.

This feeling reached its peak when Wen Huaijin raised his eyes to meet her gaze.

His eyes are Danfeng eyes, cold and unfeeling, with some faint friendship.For a person like him, his feelings can never be given to only one woman.

He couldn't take Lin Chujian away.

When Lin Liping met Wen Huaijin's eyes, she was slightly absent-minded at first, and then a gentle smile appeared on her face like a mask.

While she was smiling, Wen Huaijin and Lin Chujian had already finished their parting hug.He raised his hand to touch Lin Chujian's head, and smiled at her.

(End of this chapter)

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