Chapter 209

During the conversation with Sun Huanian, Lin Chujian talked about some things with her mother, and Sun Huanian could naturally sum up the way she gets along with her mother.

After hearing Sun Huanian's question, Lin Chujian nodded and said, "That's right."

After receiving Lin Chujian's answer, Sun Huanian looked up at her and confirmed, "It's the relationship between you and your mother. Your mother won't let you do anything, but let you know everything."

After Sun Huanian said this, the light in Lin Chujian's eyes froze. Because of her question, she seemed to be confused. In the confusion, she recalled the past 20 years between her and her mother, and her eyes became lighter. Thinning, she was not so sure, but sure.

"Yes." Lin Chu said.

Sun Huanian looked at her, and the smile on her face remained unchanged. After getting Lin Chujian's answer, her smile even deepened a little.The smile deepened, and Sun Huanian looked at Lin Chujian and opened his mouth.

"Have you ever thought about"

After speaking halfway, Sun Huanian paused for a while, and she thought about it to make her words clear and not violent.

"Have you ever thought that your mother is using this method to mentally control you?"

Hearing Sun Huanian's words, Lin Chujian, who was originally smiling, stopped smiling on her face.

Lin Chujian left Sun Huanian's consultation room.

She pushed open the door of the consulting room, as if climbing out of a cold pool.His body was wet, with the chill of ice water.When she stood in the corridor and the light of the setting sun shone on her body, she felt the coldness on her body evaporate a little bit.

Lin Chujian stood there blankly. She felt that the current situation and what happened just now were a bit unreal.

Lin Chujian looked up at the end of the corridor, at the door of Wen Huaijin's consultation room, he had just opened the door and walked out.When he came out, he saw her, and he walked towards her.

Lin Chujian looked at Wen Huaijin, illuminated by the warm but not hot light on his body, the cold was dispelled, and she seemed to have come out of an unreal dream.

When Lin Chujian looked at him in a daze, Wen Huaijin had already walked to her side.Her gaze followed him, and after he came over, her jaw was raised to that familiar angle.

The two looked at each other, Wen Huaijin looked at the pale Lin Chujian, he put his hand on her pale face, her face was cold, Wen Huaijin said, "Are you okay?"

Wen Huaijin's palms were hot, and Lin Chujian opened her mouth after he finished asking. When she opened her mouth, her breath seemed to come out of an ice cellar.


She's just a little out of her mind.

In the diagnosis and treatment just now, Sun Huanian said something that subverted her cognition. She didn't want to believe it, and she didn't want to admit it. Fortunately, Sun Huanian didn't press and question her. After asking that sentence, the diagnosis and treatment ended.

Lin Chujian lowered her head, the emotions in her eyes were ever-changing, and finally stabilized, she raised her head and asked Wen Huaijin, "Are you off work?"

Seeing that the diagnosis and treatment lasted for more than an hour, Lin Chu saw that it was not long before getting off work, so Wen Huaijin withdrew her hand and said, "It's time to get off work."

"Then let's go home." Lin Chujian said to Wen Huaijin, she wanted to escape from this place.Because at the beginning, Sun Huanian's consultation room was like a cold pool, but now she felt that the whole hospital was like a cold pool.She stood beside Wen Huaijin's warmth nervously, afraid that the cold pool would break through the warm barrier Wen Huaijin gave her.

After she finished speaking, Wen Huaijin said, "I'm going to my grandparents' house today."

There was a slight crack in the barrier, Lin Chujian looked up at Wen Huaijin.

Wen Huaijin is warm, but his warmth does not belong to her alone.He has his family, his friends, and he has a lot of responsibilities.

During the seven days of National Day, he stayed with her at her home, not with his family.Wen Huaijin really should go back to his home, he has been with him for so long, she shouldn't be too selfish.

Lin Chujian looked up at Wen Huaijin for a while, then she lost her strength and lowered her head again.After lowering her head, she raised her hand to rub her dry eyes and responded.


Lin Chu rubbed his eyes again and again, as if he wanted to rub something out of his eyes.While she was rubbing in this way, a hand took hers and took her hand away from rubbing her eyes.

Her hand was taken away, her vision brightened again, Wen Huaijin held her hand, looked down at her, and asked her.

"Do you want to go together?"

Lin Chujian looked up at him again.

Lin Chujian followed Wen Huaijin to his grandparents' house.

Lin Chujian didn't know if she was crazy or Wen Huaijin was crazy.In short, one dares to invite and the other dares to go, both of them have some serious illnesses in their minds.

But how should I put it, Lin Chujian didn't think there was anything wrong anyway, because Wen Huaijin had also been to her house, and he had seen her mother.

So it was only natural for her to go to Wen Huaijin's house to meet his parents, you come and go.

It's just that she was a little nervous.

But these tensions came at just the right time, covering up the uncomfortable feeling of suffocation that she had brought out of the consulting room.

Now Lin Chujian was only nervous.

She followed Wen Huaijin into his car, sat in the passenger seat, and asked, "Should I go shopping?"

After she finished asking, Wen Huaijin took a look at her.Compared to her nervousness, Wen Huaijin was still as stable as an old dog, not to mention taking her to see his grandparents, he was also like this when he went to see her mother.

The psychological quality of a psychiatrist is really strong!
Wen Huaijin glanced at Lin Chujian, her complexion was better than when he first saw her, and her attention was actually easily distracted.Seeing her better face, Wen Huaijin leaned over to her side, pulled out her seat belt and put it on.

"No need. Didn't you buy a lot of special products for them and asked me to bring them back yesterday?" Wen Huaijin said.

After hearing what Wen Huaijin said, Lin Chujian said, "Oh."

Wen Huaijin just came back from her home yesterday, and before she left, she did buy him a carload of things and asked him to share a share with his relatives.

This question was over, and Lin Chujian asked the next question.

"Then what should I call them when I go?"

Wen Huaijin said, "Grandpa and grandma."

After hearing Wen Huaijin's words, Lin Chu saw, "Calling with you?"

Wen Huaijin turned to meet her gaze, "Of course."

"Why?" Lin Chu was dissatisfied, "Then when you went to my house, you didn't call mom with me."

Lin Chujian finished speaking.

Lin Chujian "..."

Wen Huaijin "..."

When Lin Chu saw this unimaginable question, the car fell into an eerie silence.Lin Chujian raised her eyelashes and looked at Wen Huaijin in the driver's seat. She withdrew her gaze, turned her face away, and said.

"Just call grandpa and grandma."

Lin Chujian decided to address Wen Huaijin's grandparents.

(End of this chapter)

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