Chapter 215

Lin Chujian's emotions were only happiness, joy, and unstoppable heartbeat.She also wondered if this hug would be just this once, and it would be gone when she got better.And after she came up with such a question of worrying about gains and losses, her emotions were blocked by the great sense of security that Wen Huaijin brought her.

Lin Chujian hugged Wen Huaijin, and she buried herself in Wen Huaijin's arms, and softly uttered a whimper, the voice was very small, like Shenlin Xiaolu being comforted by being wronged.

Wen Huaijin hugged her even tighter after hearing her voice.

Lin Chujian's emotions calmed down in this way, and after her emotions calmed down, Wen Huaijin finally had a chance to have a good talk with her.

He put his hand on Lin Chujian's thin back, lowered his head and rubbed his cheek against her soft hair, Wen Huaijin said, "I have to avoid suspicion with you about being a psychiatrist."

"The recovery process of a mental patient is like rowing a boat to find light in the dark. This will make you afraid, painful, exhausted, and very hard. If I avoid suspicion with you, then I will naturally not be able to sit in the same boat as you .”

"I know it makes you uncomfortable. It makes you think there's a line between us, even though we're very close."

"But when we met for the first time, I didn't leave you. I'm right behind you. No matter what happens, I will follow you closely. As long as you turn around, you can see me"

"Don't be afraid, I will be by your side to accompany you and encourage you. When you reach the end of the boat, the line between us will disappear. We can live as we want. You can get as close as you want to me. I."

Wen Huaijin hugged her, comforting and giving her a sense of security.

Lin Chujian didn't quite understand, but she didn't care.

Because Wen Huaijin gave her a bright promise.

When she recovers, he will no longer avoid suspicion with her, and the treasure in her heart will no longer be missing.As long as Wen Huaijin was around, she would have no problems.

Lin Chujian is a quick-tempered and violent person, but after she solves the problem, she can get everything about Wen Huaijin. Every time she solves such a problem, she becomes slow and patient.

Only because of cherishing, will she be like this.

The car was still parked on the side of the road with double flashes, the lights flickered on and off, accompanied by the night wind.The wind was very cool, Lin Chujian was hugged by Wen Huaijin, and the cool wind couldn't touch her at all.

"Wen Huaijin." After Wen Huaijin said so much, Lin Chujian was quiet for a while, and called his name.

When Wen Huaijin heard it, she responded in a low voice with a "hmm".

"Shall we go hiking together?" Lin Chujian asked.

When Wen Huaijin heard it, she raised her hand to stroke her hair, "Don't you like climbing mountains?"

"But mountain climbing can help me get better soon." Lin Chujian said, "I want to get better soon."

Wen Huaijin paused slightly as she stroked Lin Chujian's hair.

"Why do you want to get well soon?" Wen Huaijin asked.

Lin Chujian's little furry head was lifted from his arms after he finished asking this sentence.Her small face rested her chin on his chest, looking up at him.

Lin Chujian's eyes were beautiful and bright.

"Because I think that if I get better, I can get closer to you."

Lin Chujian didn't know anything else except that after her boat landed, she and Wen Huaijin would have a better ending.

She wants this ending, so she will work harder.

There was a firmness in her eyes, she didn't know if it was for her illness or for him.Wen Huaijin lowered his head and looked at her, the two looked at her for a while, Wen Huaijin hugged Lin Chujian again, and said.

"Yes, a little closer."

After being comforted by Wen Huaijin, Lin Chujian happily returned home with Wen Huaijin holding a box of gems.

Wen Huaijin went back to city a yesterday, and went directly to her grandparents' house, but did not come back.As soon as he opened the door today, he could see that the house was different.

The home is still the same, but it doesn't look so messy.The magazines and photos that were piled up on the ground are now sorted out and placed on the balcony in front of the sofa.

After seeing the changes in the house, Wen Huaijin looked back at Lin Chujian and said, "Did you clean it up?"

"Yeah." Lin Chujian scratched his hair nonchalantly, "It's too messy, so I'll clean it up."

After finishing speaking, Lin Chujian immediately tilted his head and said to Wen Huaijin vigilantly, "I only do this, and you have to do the rest."

At that time, Lin Chujian really couldn't stand it and tidied it up.But after organizing the magazines and photos, the tidying work of her home is not over.The magazines and photos had to be thrown away, and the floors of the house had to be swept.

After Lin Chujian explained to him, she carried the jewel box and went to the sofa. She fell back on the sofa, opened the jewel box and started counting emeralds.

Lin Chujian only participated in a little bit in the arrangement of this home, but the changes in this point were important and grand to Lin Chujian.

In fact, the living environment of a person can well reflect the psychological state of that person.

Lin Chujian's home is like her psychological state, simple and messy.These magazines and photos are some bad emotions that Lin Chu saw. She has been laying them in her heart at will, not letting others touch and clean them, so she will always have these bad emotions.

But now Lin Chujian is actively cleaning them.This also means that Lin Chujian began to clean up her heart spontaneously.

After cleaning up the bad emotions in his heart, if it goes well, Lin Chujian will start to put good emotions in this family.Those good moods are some of the things that make this house a home.

Wen Huaijin stood by the dining room and glanced at the bright floor.Then, he looked up at Lin Chujian who was lying on the sofa, and said, "The floor can't be cleaned now."

After arranging for Wen Huaijin, Lin Chujian went to lie down. After hearing Wen Huaijin's words, Lin Chujian turned over and looked at him with his head on the sofa, "Why can't I clean it? Just sweep it Then drag it?"

"There are no cleaning tools at home." Wen Huaijin said.

Lin Chujian "..."

Is her house so simple?
She didn't know what to do, said "then"

"Go to the supermarket downstairs to buy." Wen Huaijin said, "It's only nine o'clock in the evening, and the supermarket should not be closed yet."

When Wen Huaijin was talking, he had already walked to the sofa. He glanced at the magazines and photos on the floor, and confirmed with Lin Chujian, "No more?"

Lin Chujian glanced at those magazines, nodded, "No more."

"Let's go." Wen Huaijin walked to the magazine and said this to Lin Chujian.

Lin Chujian "..." Let's go?Where are you going?

(End of this chapter)

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