Chapter 22

The Mercedes-Benz sped away, Lin Mu squinted his eyes and looked at the license plate, feeling that the license plate was somewhat familiar.But now her mind was in chaos, and she couldn't think of anything, so she simply didn't think about it.

Xu Yanchen could have arrived earlier than Lin Mu before the end, but a case came up on his hand and he was caught up.When he drove to the parking lot, he found Lin Mu leaning against a car.

He parked the car next to her, Lin Mu looked up at him, but didn't move.Xu Yanchen took a closer look, only to find that the girl's cheeks were blushing, and something was wrong.

Xu Yanchen's eyes moved slightly, after parking the car, he opened the door and got out.

Lin Mu had spotted the black car a long time ago. When the people in the car got off, her eyes sparkled, but she didn't go over right away.

Xu Yanchen came late, she was angry.

She stood there, looked up at Xu Yanchen, and snorted, "What are you doing here?"

Even on her wedding day, she only drank some juice and didn't drink alcohol.It was the first time Xu Yanchen saw her drunk after drinking.He looked at her quietly, and said patiently, "I'll take Mrs. Xu home."

Feeling dizzy, the title "Mrs. Xu" seems familiar, with some sweet memories.Lin Mu let out a hot breath, and her heart gradually softened, but she didn't forgive immediately, and muttered in a low voice, "But I'm not Mrs. Xu, I'm a little cutie."

She lowered her head slightly, like an abandoned doll, finished speaking pitifully, and looked at him pitifully.Xu Yanchen's heart moved slightly, his eyebrows and eyes were gentle, and he followed her heart and said, "Well, I'll take the little cutie home."

The man stood there, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, tall and handsome, with a low and gentle voice. After he said it, the corners of Lin Mu's lips raised uncontrollably.She was sweet in her heart, and gave him a sweet look, then, she ran over with a thud, bumped into his arms and hugged him.

Xu Yanchen had a light woody fragrance, which was particularly pleasant.She hugged him and smelled it, rubbing her small head in his arms, making the man's eyes darken gradually.

The girl's body was soft, with a sweet aroma of wine. After scraping his body with her hairy little head, she lifted it from his arms.She looked up at him, her eyes filled with hazy starlight.

"Then take me home quickly."

Her throat moved slightly, and Xu Yanchen looked down at her slightly parted lips, his eyes tumbling with emotion.

Well, he will take her home now.

She moved her body and turned over silently. After she turned over, the man noticed and asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong?"

The man's voice was hoarse, with the blurred ambiguity of the night, and a hint of imperceptible pampering.Lin Mu's heart was burning, her face was hot, she whispered, "I'm going to sleep."

The girl's slender body was wrapped in the quilt, and her long black hair hung down on her snow-white shoulders. Hearing her hoarse voice, Xu Yanchen smiled faintly, and stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms.

He regained his gentleness, enveloping her like a warm light, Lin Mu was addicted to it, unable to refuse.Consciousness gradually became drowsy, Lin Mu closed his eyes, and gradually fell asleep.

Before falling asleep, a flash of inspiration came to her mind.

She remembered that the car that Zhang Jing got into tonight in the underground garage belonged to their superior, Liao Guoqing.

It was a little late last night, and Lin Mu was a little mentally ill the next day, and he was almost late.After entering the TV station building, seeing that the elevator door was about to close, Lin Mu said "wait a moment" and trotted onto the elevator.

After running up the elevator, Lin Mu thanked him, and when he looked up, he realized that the person in the elevator was Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing was carrying a bag and leaning back on the elevator. She lowered her head slightly, her long hair covering her cheeks.She probably didn't sleep much last night, and she looked very bad, like a hangover.

It was approaching work, and there were only the two of them in the elevator.After Lin Mu spoke, Zhang Jing looked up at her, her eyes were bloodshot.

Lin Mu stood aside, her heart fluctuated, but her face didn't change, she just asked, "You don't look well, are you okay?"

The two were already in a competitive relationship, last time Zhang Jingyin teased her once, and now they are only dating as ordinary colleagues.Zhang Jing nodded and said, "I feel uncomfortable after drinking too much wine."

Her voice was hoarse, either from alcohol or something else.Lin Mu looked at her quietly, and asked casually, "Really?"

After all, there was a ghost in her heart. When Lin Mu asked this sentence, Zhang Jing's heart tightened.She looked up at Lin Mu and said, "Well, I vomited when I returned to the dormitory yesterday, and my classmates took care of me all night."

Lin Mu responded calmly. She laughed and said, "I'm sorry, when I took a taxi yesterday, I should have called you one too."

When Lin Mu said to take a taxi, Zhang Jing's eyes were obviously relieved, she lowered her head and said, "No, you are also drunk."

Lin Mu responded with a low voice, the elevator door opened, and the two got off the elevator together.After arriving at the office, each returned to its own position.

After greeting Zhang Jing, Lin Mu took the information and looked down, but couldn't calm down in his mind.Zhang Jing followed Liao Guoqing's car yesterday. She may or may not have done anything.And no matter what, Lin Mu couldn't let others know that she knew about it.

Liao Guoqing is married, this is a scandal, if she says she knows, then the internship is not over, she will be out early.

Before today, Lin Mu was full of confidence and high spirits.But the current situation made her feel a little uncertain.The workplace is always full of unknowns. Everyone will use all means to climb the ladder, and strength does not determine everything.

The competition between the two became fierce again at the meeting the day before the recording.

At the NO.30 New Year's Eve party, the host who greeted the audience outside the venue asked for a temporary leave because of family affairs, so the host position was immediately vacated.

The off-site host only needs to read the manuscript, and does not need to perform on the spot. The requirements for the host are relatively low, and generally new hosts can be competent.At the meeting, just after finishing the news, her mentor said something.

"Let's let Lin Mu take over. Among the rookie hosts, she is more stable."

After some discussions at the meeting, Liao Guoqing finally said, "We need to treat the interns fairly. Xiaolin will host the live broadcast the next day. Let Xiao Zhang be the off-site host this time. Xiao Zhang has also appeared a lot with her mentor. , I have more experience. As for strength, if there is any mistake in this recording, it is reversible. But if there is a mistake, Xiao Zhang, this opportunity is not yours."

(End of this chapter)

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