Chapter 220

Lin Chujian felt a little guilty after being told by Wen Huaijin.But even if she was guilty, her mouth was unforgiving. She turned to Wen Huaijin and said dissatisfied, "The mattress I bought for you was also the most expensive in the store. Why didn't you persuade me to buy you a cheap one?" , I think you are just comparing, you see, I bought such a good fish tank for Du Miao, and I bought you a vacuum cleaner as a bonus, you are not balanced."

Lin Chujian turned the blame on Wen Huaijin's comparison mentality.

Seeing this pot, Lin Chu said a lot. After he finished speaking, he still looked at him tentatively with guilty conscience, and finally held up his confidence and looked at him.The light from the fish tank reflected in her eyes, bright and bright.

Wen Huaijin didn't care about the pot, he looked at Lin Chujian with quiet and soft eyes.Looking at Lin Chujian calmly like this, Lin Chujian couldn't bear it any longer.

She frowned, turned her eyes back to the fish tank, and continued to look for Dumiao.Wen Huaijin watched her eyes go up and down with the position of the fish tank, and a smile appeared in her eyes.

Wen Huaijin straightened up from the bathtub, and pointed his finger at the coral of the fish tank.Lin Chujian's eyes followed his fingers, and then he saw the little goldfish lying on the coral.Seeing the little goldfish, Lin Chujian's eyes lit up and he laughed.

"Oh, here, here." Lin Chujian was very happy.

Seeing her happy look, Wen Huaijin lowered his eyes and looked back into the fish tank.Because he pointed his finger outside twice just now, the shadow of his finger affected the little goldfish. The little goldfish left from the coral and swam in the big fish tank with its tail flicking.

Seeing the little goldfish's carefree appearance, Wen Huaijin looked back at Lin Chujian and asked, "Are you going to have Professor Sun's consultation tomorrow?"

Lin Chujian, who was watching the only seedling dancing happily, "..."

What does she look like now? When she seemed to be having fun, her father told her, did you finish your homework tomorrow and she just didn't finish it.

Lin Chu didn't even feel like looking at Dumiao after seeing her.

She also stood up from the bathtub.After standing up, Wen Huaijin was beside her. Lin Chujian lowered his head, looked up at Wen Huaijin and said, "Yes."

Wen Huaijin looked at her expression and asked, "Do you want to go?"

Lin Chujian shook his head and denied, "No."

Wen Huaijin looked at her and asked, "What's the matter?"

Lin Chujian bulged his left cheek and picked his fingers.

It's not that she doesn't want to go, but she is indeed a little embarrassed.

She felt that the diagnosis and treatment with Sun Huanian was like attending a class.During class, she and Sun Huanian had a pleasant chat.After class, Sun Huanian gave her homework.

Lin Chujian was worried about this "homework".

She had a class, and Sun Huanian left her a question just before the end of the get out of class.Ask her if she feels her mother is controlling her mind and let her think for herself.

Lin Chujian originally wanted to be lazy and find Wen Huaijin, an extracurricular tutor, to give her tutoring, but the tutor didn't help and asked her to "row the boat" by herself.

Lin Chujian picked at his fingers, raised his eyes to Wen Huaijin, his eyes had regained firmness.


What she did just now was just to show her fragility in the diagnosis and treatment process in front of him.She worked very hard, but did not give up, and actively adjusted.

Wen Huaijin looked at her, put his hand on top of her head, rubbed it twice, and said.

"Tomorrow I will take you to climb the mountain. After you have some free time, you can go to Professor Sun again."

"it is good."

Lin Chujian is now able to go to bed early and wake up early.

She used to be slow to fall asleep, causing her to go to bed late.But now, when it's time, she said goodnight to Wen Huaijin, went back to the bedroom to take a shower, and fell asleep after touching the pillow.

High-quality deep sleep is very restful, so when Lin Chujian woke up at six o'clock in the morning, instead of feeling sleepy, he felt sober and relaxed.

Early in the morning, after breakfast with Wen Huaijin, the two went to climb the mountain.

Naturally, the climbing environment in City A couldn't be compared with Mount Putuo in the town.The mountain that Lin Chujian and Wen Huaijin climbed was in a park not far from Lin Chujian's home. The mountain was not too big or high, and it took only a quarter of an hour to climb it.Although short, the feeling of climbing up has not changed.

The cool smell of autumn is in the air, and the sun rises in the sky, shining on the whole city.The city is full of vitality in the red light of the morning glow, as if it will wake up from a deep sleep in the next second.

Lin Chujian stood on the top of the mountain, breathing in the air heavily, and all the negative emotions in her body were dissipated with her breathing.What re-entered her body was the rising sun, the flowing autumn wind, and the moist and cool morning dew.

Lin Chujian was awakened again and became full of energy

After climbing the mountain, Lin Chujian and Wen Huaijin returned home.

Although he only climbed a small hill, Lin Chujian was still covered in sweat.When she got home, she went to the bathroom to take a shower.After a simple rinse, Lin Chujian washed his hair, then ran to the fish tank in front of the sofa to look at Du Miao with wet hair.

At this time, the early rising sun has fully risen, and the gentle sunlight falls on the balcony, and shines on the fish tank through the glass of the balcony.

The single seedling is swimming in the fish tank, its small tail is twisting forward, and the sunlight is attached to its scales, emitting a golden light.

Seeing Du Miao's small appearance, Lin Chu subconsciously went to get fish food, but before he touched it, Wen Huaijin's voice came from behind.

"Can't feed."

Lin Chu saw that the hand that had been stretched out did not show a trace, and carefully retracted it.

Lin Chujian always felt that the only seedling was too small, and wanted to raise it by force-feeding, but Wen Huaijin said that the little fish didn't have much appetite, and it would easily be stuffed to death if it ate too much.Every time she wanted to feed, Wen Huaijin would stop her.

Lin Chujian "..."

The hand that wanted to feed retracted, Lin Chujian pouted, and looked back at Wen Huaijin.

When she went to take a shower, Wen Huaijin also went to wash it off.His hair was short and his movements were quick. Before she came out, he had already gone back to his room and changed into the clothes he wore to work today.

It was still a dark shirt and dark trousers. The belt tied up the shirt and also tied up his tight and powerful silhouette under the thin shirt.

There is no doubt about Wen Huaijin's appearance, and it is undeniably terrifying, because Lin Chu saw this kind of woman who is used to seeing handsome men, and every time he saw a fresh Wen Huaijin, his eyes would always stay on him. The heart also beats uncontrollably.

Afraid that she would look too stupid, Lin Chujian looked away, and she frowned and said, "There is no fish food in it."

Wen Huaijin buttoned up the last cuff, her eyes kept on her.

"But you already fed it before climbing the mountain in the morning." Wen Huaijin reminded.

"It's morning if you feed it in the morning, you don't eat lunch," Lin Chujian said.

"What time is it?" Wen Huaijin asked.

Lin Chujian "..."

(End of this chapter)

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